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Posts posted by UTPhil2006

  1. On 5/28/2018 at 11:46 PM, RowdyVic said:

    Looking to do an equity cash out refi in a couple of years. Wanting to take the money and add on to the house. Trying to get my debt down right now though. What are some of the things I should expect about the process..Phil?

    Also something of note, depends when your purchase was, you're looking at a (probably) higher rate.  Depends when you bought and when you refinance but just something to weigh vs how much you need/get out.

  2. 6 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Closing day this morning!


    What a relief... this is the first house i lived in after leaving my parents place. Built it as a bachelor in 2010 and now it's paid for the down payment of our dream house which is set to be done nov 15. A Little emotional last few days(no tears) when doing final vacuuming, stainless etc. A wife and 2 kids 3 and under later.. time to get bigger and better.



    But wow am i happy the packing, cleaning, showings, moving, cleaning, lifting , cleaning, inspection and cleaning are done. Excited to have a life(whatever little there is) again.



    That's awesome!  Closing day and signing is always a huge sigh of relief.

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  3. 13 hours ago, Your Mom said:

    What’s the cap?  

    $453,100 in Texas.  Also here's the response from our rep in regards to Gil Bangs post:


    Hi Phil, 

    You can have multiple VA loans as long as the subject property is a primary residence of course. 

    The only thing is he may have to put money down if you don’t have enough entitlement. 

    You have to have either 25% of the purchase price to be covered by entitlement or a down payment.


  4. 31 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    And there's a chance this is his last start at Dodger Stadium.  I doubt it, but possible.  Really is must-see.  And I will be seeing it, bitches.  Just got the call.  Same behind home plate field level seats as the other night.  Fuck yeah!

    Next time I visit LA i'm calling you to take me

  5. So we have 7 teams in the game and 2 in the redemption house? (Also lol at TJ's "Paulie and Natalie have parking spots at the redemption house" comment)

    Bananas-Tony, Paulie-Natalie, Ashley-Hunter, Sylvia-Joss, Cara-Marie, Cory-Devin, and Nelson-Shane in the game

    Kyle-Brad and Kam-Kayleigh in redemption

    I'm surprised how long they keep sending teams back to redemption.

  6. 13 hours ago, Stunns38 said:


    Any opinions on the rising interest rates? Is it wise to try to rate lock soon for a December closing or ride it out and hope the markets, midterm elections, and other factors keep it from rising too quickly? I know it’s a question no one can predict. I think we will see 5% avg pretty soon which is still historically good but will panic some buyers.



    The market at least corrected itself about 10 points from its most recent run the last few days after Trump made comments about the Fed.  60 day rates are gonna be a tick higher that say your standard 30-45 day locks.  The election is going to be the biggest thing to follow IMO.  I think as it currently stands it will slowly keep correcting for a few more days, but if I truly knew what was going to happen I'd be a rich man, these are just my thoughts.

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  7. 15 hours ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    I’m looking to sell my rental condo. I’ve had the same set of renters for almost 9 years. Doubtful they go anywhere. Is it better to sell this on the regular market or to the landlord market?
    If through the landlord market would it be worth more than market value since it comes with long time renters ?

    Regular market.  

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