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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by cactusflinthead

  1. On 2/23/2024 at 1:47 PM, tokamak said:

    I vote in R primaries all the time. The average Democratic candidate tends to be acceptable to me. On the other hand, the R primary will usually be like 3 total lunatics and 1 functioning adult. Given that breakdown, the logical decision feels like voting in the R primary.

    I do get a ton of very right-wing mail, but that's useful in its own way. I take the most unhinged stuff and use it as an (anti-)voting guide. If your mailer is touting an endorsement from Ken Paxton, then I know you ain't my guy. I'm sure my mail man thinks I'm a real piece of work, though.

    I said it in another thread, but it's a real possibility that instead of a somewhat reasonable human being I have a totally batshit insane fucker in the pocket of Dunn and Wilks. So I am going to be voting for Stucky over Hopper.

    Then there's this.

    Walker vs this guy.

    Earlier this month, the Tribune reported that Devine did not recuse himself in a high-profile sex abuse lawsuit against Southern Baptist leader Paul Pressler and his former law partner Jared Woodfill. The plaintiff in the case, a former employee of Woodfill and Pressler’s firm, said he was sexually abused by Pressler at the same time that Devine also worked for the firm.


    Stucky might get down to less than a hundred votes. I'm not fucking around. Dems know that I am going to give money, but I know that it's a long shot for whoever is opposing the R in my local house race. There's also Holland v. Pierson, yes that Pierson, over in Rockwall. 100% chance of me doing the same over there. Another similar race in Sherman. Dunn and Wilks are targeting these people, that's good enough for me.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. I'm really thinking about voting in the R primary.


    One of the people Dunn and Wilks are targeting is my local rep, Lynn Stucky.

    Y'all remember Katrina Pierson? She got 50k to run against Holland.


    And a little more recent

    There was seemingly a flirtation with TX 06

    And here we are today

    Lynn Stucky. I have to vote for Lynn Fucking Stucky 

  3. Doublethink huh? 

    How about this? What if I told you that it's a self defense mechanism?

    Surprisingly, IPC has been found to intensify, not abate, as the members of the public become more proficient in the forms of critical reasoning essential to science comprehension (Giner-Sorolla, & Chaiken 1997; Kahan 2016).  Numeracy is an aptitude to reason well with quantitative information and to draw appropriate inferences from data (Peters et al. 2006). Thus, the individuals who are highest in numeracy are the best able to recognize whether evidence from a controlled experiment displays the pattern of covariance that supports or negates a hypothesis—unless that evidence relates to a politically charged issue (e.g., gun control).  In that case (Figure 2), the most numerate people are even more likely than the least numerate ones to construe such evidence as supporting the factual beliefs that prevail among people who share their political identity no matter what its true import (Kahan, Peters, Dawson & Slovic 2017). 


    IPC= Identity-Protective Cognition

    Note that the ones that dig in the hardest are the more Numerate ones. 

    At all costs defend the con, because they can't bear to be outside of the group.



  4. Added

    The reason I left out buffalograss is because Houston. It is very very tolerant of low water conditions but it will suffer from too much. Again it's a change from germination to turf maintenance level watering. Once it gets established it's really tough. A pound of N per year is the standard rec. That's next to nothing. 


    For the record I water once a week. Maybe twice if I am feeling generous. Bermuda doesn't give a shit. It did fine with the drought last summer.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. On 2/22/2024 at 5:56 PM, Chapo said:

    My St. Augustine yard (in Houston) has been a disaster since the drought and water restriction last summer.  There are many patches where all I see are grassroots.  Is this salvageable or should I just go ahead rip everything out and put down new turf? 




    Oof. Yeah it might be a good idea to reboot. Bermuda is a lot more forgiving than St A.

    1 minute ago, UTGrad98 said:

    We are in the process of redoing our grass. Our St Augustine just cant handle year after year of the drought and 60+ days of 100+ temps without constant watering which I refuse to do for both conservation and monetary reasons.

    I live in the DFW area. I want to use a seeded grass and want to water once a week. Which seeded grass can we use? What is the best way to plant it?

    Growing from seed is tricky in the first stage of germination. It has very little root system. Frequent, short duration watering is best, morning, noon and night. Once it gets some roots going you can do the longer less frequent watering, but it's touch and go for the first month or so. As far as kind of turf, it's bermudagrass, buffalo, or zoysia. St. A has a very low germination rate which is why you don't see it anywhere. Zoysia or bermudagrass would be my recommendation and of those two I'd call bermudagrass the more forgiving of cutting back on water in drought conditions. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    what say you on using it now (on a friend's yard) which will soon be sodded. Is it too late? 

    Unless they are going to till it first I would pass on the pre before laying sod. The label should have a note on the Interval between applications and seeding or laying sod.

    A post emergent application on sod from last year should be fine but again check the label. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. This time, instead of being treated like the enemy, I was briefly embraced as part of the tribe, and it became clear how seductive this could be for some people. I saw up close how people felt liberated to be their worst deplorable selves in what they believed was a safe space, surrounded by supportive, like-minded enablers.


    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams
    All lily white and squeaky clean
    They've never known want, they'll never know need
    Their shit don't stink and their kids won't bleed
    Their kids won't bleed in their damn little war
    And we can't make it here anymore

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, CowtownHorn said:

    how I feel

    Facts. How about something tangible? Those that agree with your general dislike of Biden may not share your feelings towards him. A portion of them that dislike him is because he isn't more liberal. 

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