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Everything posted by Sal

  1. Pete Carroll might be available after getting spanked by the Giants.
  2. Martin is awful, but Fulton might be the worst OL I've ever seen in the NFL.
  3. I’m not trying to stir a hornets’ nest, but I don’t think the program cares about winning until proven otherwise. It’s not just about Urban Meyer.
  4. I question whether winning is actually a priority here. If we mess this up, it would be another feather in the cap of being a money machine only.
  5. Garrett Gilbert, Fozzy Whittaker, Quandre Diggs, DJ Monroe
  6. Sal

    OU at ISU

    Not worried now. Rattled is not clutch
  7. You always switch. 2/3 odds when switching versus 1/2 if staying with your door.
  8. Thank Osiris that Tim Brando isn’t calling the game on Fox next Saturday
  9. Justin Wells looks like a douche, and Ian Boyd is discount Casey Affleck.
  10. It’s always fun to look at the forums and see that LTtxfan is nearly all of the most recent comments.
  11. And when it's a trap, we yell Admiral Ackbar
  12. Hermensa and the Shushman sounds like an avant-garde crime thriller
  13. The success of Yurcich, Giles, and Drayton proves that results sell. Good recruiters can overcome issues but don't help long term if they don't have the skins from developing players. Complementary point: Who misses Tim Beck now?
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