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Posts posted by Macklemore

  1. On 4/3/2021 at 8:07 PM, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Who knows.  I don’t think it’s any more fragile than posters continually shrieking for a year because someone isn’t gung ho to man their socialized daycare.  

    If I was leading the GOP, I would target my ammunition at the teachers’ unions and go full bore on them. No one is on their side - liberals are as frustrated as those of us on the right. Demonizing teachers is a path to the holy grail - federal legislation disbanding all public sector unions and true school choice for the kids suffering from the teachers’ union leeches. The fallback, which would be a major victory, would be an end to defined benefit plans for the public sector. It’s time for the golden parachutes to end and the public sector to have 401Ks like the rest of us. Watch white suburban women and culturally liberal urban professionals along with blacks and Latinos who bore the brunt of inner city school cultures vote Republican in droves. 

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, TonyTexas said:

    How about Internet radio broadcasts? Anyone know how to get them without subscribing to MLB or Tune-in?

    VPN to Houston location if you’re in another city and try OoTunes app on your birthday phone. The app hasn’t been updated in years but it still is by far and away the best radio app for the phone that has the most stations. They have 790am. I don’t live in Houston and listen to 610, 790 and 97.5 all on that app in my car 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    I haven't watched them yet, but having first become a fan of college basketball because of Phi Slama Jama, I am a little happy for Benny Anders, Alvin Franklin, Michael Young, Reid Gettys, and whomever may have played with those guys.

    In the name of Guy Lewis and his idiotic decision to slow it down against NC State, I am pulling for the Coogs.

    Reid Gettys is good people. Was involved with his summer basketball camp back in the day.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. "The first call Chris Del Conte will make is not to Texas Tech’s Chris Beard but rather to Kentucky’s John Calipari.

    CDC leaned on Cal to find coaches before, and expect him to again to determine the best person for this job.

    According to a pair of sources, the candidates are Beard, Houston’s Kelvin Sampson and Loyola Chicago’s Porter Moser.

    With openings at Indiana, Oklahoma, Cincinnati and now Texas, plenty of good jobs are available, and opportunities for agents to squeeze some more hundreds of thousands out of athletic departments for their clients.

    Do not rule out Cal’, who has been at UK since 2009. Although his program has been “around it” since he arrived in Lexington, the team has one national title in his tenure, in 2012."

  5. Last day the River Oaks theater is open. Houston is losing a treasure. Weingarten Realty are a bunch of bastards. They tried to knock it down 15 years ago and now they’ve get their wish in finally getting them to close. They’re a horrible landlord to deal with, especially with their response to the pandemic.


  6. This was a fucking terrible trade. We should have just kept LaVert but instead got Oladipo at Silas' request. We didn't get a single young player out of the Harden deal. How many terrible trades are we forced to suffer through as Houston sports fans. Not impressed at all with Stone.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Seems fair and very much in the spirit of justice and the law.  

    In several if not all of these suits, it's stated in the pleadings that Buzbee and these plaintiffs have filed them in part to "raise awareness" of this issue. I've seen it twice now, immediately following the gratuitous paragraph about how the NFL is notorious for its rape culture. 

    I've found that more bullshit is concealed by the words "raising awareness" than almost any other pairing in the English language. 

    Buzbee also claims in his petitions that the NFL is notorious for a culture fostering sexual harassment and assault despite lip service to the contrary. He puts that tidbit in the factual account laying the cause of action. It is a weird thing to add and might point that he might be setting up something bigger to go after the NFL. That would be a dumb as shit and get laughed out of court with the NFL's white shoe lawyers shredding it to bits.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. UH is going to do the city of Houston a solid after the worst 2 years in Houston sports by winning the whole damn thing. They have a pretty easy bracket until the Elite 8. I think they can beat the Illini to get to the Final Four. Cougar High fans will be annoying as fuck if it happens.

    • Fuck You 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  9. Culley has been thoroughly unimpressive in his press conferences. It’s clear he is an empty suit. Doesn’t come off smart at all and I’m sure his schemes will suck. But he is a good Christian! That’s all that matters right. The Texans are the worst run team in pro sports and an embarrassment to Houston 

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  10. I already hate the new coach after hearing him in his intro and today’s press conference. He is proficient in Jack Easterby speak. Saying nothing, dismissive, arrogant and oblivious to the outside world. This guy is going to be Hugh Campbell/Ed Biles terrible (old school Oilers fans will get it). He will be Freddie Kitchens level awful as a recent example but he will stick around more than a season unfortunately.

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  11. Piers Morgan bringing the wood in this op-ed. Great to read. Another thing that the UK has over the US - the press.


    He and Meghan bang on endlessly about their compassion yet show the complete opposite to their own families.

    If Charles or William wanted to leave, they could do exactly what Harry's done, and what Edward VIII did when he abdicated the throne.

    Any royal can 'leave'.

    But only Edward and Harry actually did it, both coincidentally after falling in love with American women.

    The only difference is that Edward and Wallis Simpson never spoke badly in public about the Royal Family or trashed the Monarchy.

    Within hours of the Oprah interview airing, the hashtag #AbolishTheMonarchy was trending on Twitter.

    That's the effect that Meghan and Harry's accusations have had with their shockingly poisonous allegations.

    Ms Markle won't care about the damage she's done to an institution she clearly reviles.

    But Harry should.

    The fact he's so willingly taken part in such a despicable public attack on the Royal Family – HIS family - and the Monarchy is utterly shameful.

    And to have caused so much extra hurt to his 94-year-old grandmother the Queen at a time when her husband lies seriously ill in hospital, is just appalling.

    When it comes to mental health and having a heart, it appears Meghan and Harry only care about themselves.

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  12. 10 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


    it's one thing that harry married an american woman, it's a whooooooooooooooooooole bigger thing that said woman is half black 



    Prior to the wedding, the media was fawning over Meghan. The arrival of Meghan was greeted by the same press—and the same masses—with joyous acclaim, that she was portrayed as somewhere between Grace Kelly and Diana Ross - from the WSJ.

    "When some future historian, or perhaps some honest parodist of our modern mores, seeks an event that captures the inversion at the core of our continuing cultural revolution, he should examine closely the television spectacle that aired on CBS Sunday evening. You’d struggle to find a better metaphor for one of the dominant narratives of our age: our elites parading their grievances and preoccupations for the masses, demanding sympathy, issuing a call for the ordinary people to do better to acknowledge their own sinfulness."

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  13. Meghan Markle is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with American society in 2021. A shallow, C-level actress who thought marrying a prince would enhance her career prospects. She had zero willingness or desire to learn about the central role the royal family has in the fabric of Britain and the duty and honor involved in carrying out those responsibilities. Prince Harry's grandmother is the living embodiment of the state, anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as God's chosen representative. The Crown an institution that has existed for over a 1,000 years, undergirded by faith, beauty and mystery. Meghan is like the typical, historically challenged American that does not have the framework or brainpower to understand an institution and form of government that is far superior to our own. Meghan is an Instagram, look at me attention whore on steroids. She is the worst type of woman a man can get involved with, one that creates friction and rupture from one's family and friends causing him to give up a career in the military that he loved. I loathe that succubus of a woman. Compare her to the Princess of Wales who is pure class and true beauty and fulfills her role to perfection.  I feel sorry for Prince Harry and their child being denied their birthright by this awful woman. A good rule of thumb for the royal family going forward, avoid marrying an American. The only nice thing that can be said about Meghan is that at least she isn't a Nazi and is automatically better than the other American shit stain wife of royalty.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  14. 10 minutes ago, David Dennison said:


    The current students because of COVID, social media and the rest of the shit stew they have been marinating in are probably the most isolated and detached set of students we have ever had because they were prevented from creating bonds that make college experience meaningful. Let’s get rid of one of the most powerful and beloved means we have to create community and positive memories. I hope with the report’s release the university puts a lot of focus on helping students forge a strong bond amongst themselves and the university as a whole after being subjected to an atomizing, isolated online school experience. Creating culture and love for the 40 is too important to give up. The Eyes is not just a song. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  15. This latest bit of sensationalist bullshit stirred by that article will blow over next week after the report is released and the positive, all inclusive PR the university will launch. The EoT is staying. If you did a Venn diagram of current students offended by the song and students that have no pride or love for the 40 and UT athletics it would cover the same small group. They’re not going to be the alums that will donate, buy tickets or fill seats watching this football team. Fuck them.

    • Hook 'Em 7
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  16. Got fully vaccinated a few weeks ago. Ready for vaccine passports to be implemented. Spare me the bullshit of "discrimination" against those who haven't gotten it yet. Let's allow concerts, performing arts, etc. and make it contingent on vaccinations. I am ready to travel internationally and want a fully functioning vaccine passport system so that I don't have to comply with quarantining and other draconian measures. I am all for incentivizing vaccination and shaming anti-vaxxers by creating goodies for those that are not stupid enough to be fooled by anti-vaxx lies.

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