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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Macklemore

  1. 22 minutes ago, Bender Bending Rodriguez said:


    I’m with you. The only hope I have as a fan is UT football. I’m going to try to sell my PSLs. The Texans have broken their contract with me as a fan. Rather stay at home and watch Sunday Ticket. I enjoy watching the rest of the league and not this abortion of a franchise.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Hate said:

    Damnit...I didn’t know anything about David Culley so I was hoping he was young. Nope, he’s 65.

    He is 65 and has NEVER been a coordinator at any point in his career. Let me repeat that, he has been coaching since the 70s and no one has thought he was coordinator material yet Easterfuck and Caserio have him as a finalist for this job. Do you know how hard it is to be a coach for that long and to never have advanced far enough to be a coordinator. That means for almost 5 full decades, no head coach or organization thought he had what it takes to lead an offense. What a fucking joke.

  3. 16 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    Obviously not, as Saleh (maybe the best candidate) couldn't even sniff an interview.

    I also don't know if Deshaun meshes with the Jets, seeing that Woody Johnson is now coming back from the Trump Administration. That's just a guess, though. Deshaun might not be all of the way that way.

    It enrages me that a coach or player’s religion or lifestyle would disqualify someone from being hired by the Texans. It’s outrageous that the team representing the most diverse city in the country would have rubes running a team like that. The McNairs conception of what it means to have character is also faulty from a Christian perspective. For them it is like an exclusive club where they apply their privileged worldview. Bieniemy getting into scrapes more than 30 years ago as a college kid shouldn’t disqualify tor this job. They have no forgiveness or acknowledgment that we are all broken. Key tenets of Christianity 

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  4. 3 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    I worried specifically about the test when there in Mexico. Potential for fuckery even at a nice place? Idk. Too much risk, we’re going without kids for 5 nights. If we pop positive somehow and are stuck there for 2 weeks it would be a big problem. 

    I’m going to Playa in 2 weeks. The hotel has arranged for its guests to get tested at a hospital. Seems like they have it covered. 

  5. 56 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    The fans need another Fire Easterby protest rally on Kirby. Anything to start making it obvious that there is no way for it to end well and the best option is to end it now. If Easterby got canned and Bieniemy got hired and Watson still forces a trade, then that’s shitty on Watson in the way of any star player prima donna that demands trades to screw their franchise and fans any time it gets tough or their surrounding cast is bad. 

    I’m starting to warm up to a trade with the Jets to get Zach Wilson (plus other first and second rounders) over a trade with Miami to get Tua (with other first and second rounders). Is Mormonism compatible with Cal and Easterby’s platform?

    Evangelicals don’t like Mormons. They’re a heretical sect.

  6. 2 hours ago, Scraps said:

    After last year i would pay Correa whatever the fuck he wants for 12 years i don't give a fuck. He is the heart of the team and I am down with him 4 life. I don't even care if he leaves next season and goes to the Yankees I would still root for him.

    He is a badass and told the haters and the media to suck it. Exactly the attitude we need. They wanted the Astros to wallow and cry and give mea culpas all years. We are a damn good team and he backed it up. Hate Us

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  7. I think I still have an Official Cult of Chris Simms t-shirt that LonghornGirlie was selling at a tailgate. Simms was a good guy. I felt bad for him; I'd see him at River River Cafe a lot, alone. I don't think he enjoyed his time on the 40. The hornfans road game tailgates were the best thing about that site. Their blimp was a beacon in enemy territory.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 56 minutes ago, Mr. Drummond said:

    I know pancakes a little bit through someone in the media, he is worthless, they know he is worthless but the ratings on his segments on 610 are some of the highest ones they get all day.    He is a problem yes, but the real problem is the chronicle has no desire to have a true opinion columnist.   Ed Fowler wouldn't have put up with this, hell fucking John Lopez when he was at the Post would have been writing 3 times a week about what a cluster fuck this is.    Pancakes is official stenographer for the Texans, and that would be okay if there were columnists that would do the heavy lifting.     The chronicle has let sports talk be that opinion wing of the media, but no one really cares what the jackasses on the air think.  And everyone at 610 is scared to get too sideways with the team (outside of seth maybe.)

    The Astrodome was a shit hole in the 80s.

    Mario Williams was the correct pick, not VY.  


    i see Mack brought up Brian T Smith, he could do what needs to be done, but he has alienated so many people with his hot takes that people tend to tune him out IMO.

    I really believe VY's career trajectory would have been much different if he played at home in a Gary Kubiak offense instead of playing for 7-9 Fisher. That offense with a mobile QB is practically unstoppable in the NFL.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. 9 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    Pancakes should have been fired when the Oiler left town. His MO is to tongue tickle the nuts of the Adams (even to this day despite Houston having a new franchise for 18 years) and McNair families. He always peddled their moronic personnel and draft decisions as wise per anonymous league graybeards. He believes his access makes him a better, smarter, and more knowledgeable fan than any of us on a lazyboy. 

    That said, he is not responsible for franchises not winning Super Bowls. NYC and Philly have the harshest sports media in the country and has that helped the Knicks, Jets, 76ers, Eagles (aside from a miracle playoff run) of Giants (aside from two very improbable playoff runs)? Pancakes should be fired because he sucks. 

    Pancakes has pissed me off since I was a kid following the Oilers. The way the Texans are covered is Charmin soft compared to other cities. Pancakes sycophancy gives the Texans room to pull off bullshit like pulling media credentials from those who are too critical of the team. That directly plays an impact on the pressure an organization feels to win. It's better than it used to be back in the days of the Oilers when all we had to listen to was SportsBeat on 740 and have to hear his fatass all the time. Aaron Wilson does a pretty good job and would give the city of Houston NFL coverage that it deserves. Brian T Smith is legit and calls this team to the carpet as it deserves. Thankfully, he has high enough of a profile where the Texans can't silence him.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Snacks said:


    A writer... Deserves blame... For two football franchises not making the Superbowl.

    Sarcasm, hyperbole, cocaine.

    McClain is supposed to cover and opine about the team objectively for the benefit of Houston Chronicle readers like myself and not be an embarrassing shill for these inept teams. Do you think beat reporters in Boston, Philly and NY would act like him? Hell no. The 4th Estate's role is to inform and to demand accountability from the institutions they cover. McClain's lack of a backbone has allowed the McNairs and Bud to fuck over the fans of this city by first moving our beloved Oilers and excusing horrific moves by BOB and McNair. We are the only team in the AFC South to not make the AFC Championship game in the past 5 years. A division that includes the Jags. Pancakes never fails to mention the AFC South championships which mean squat and didn't think BOB deserved to be fired. He is an accomplice to the beating these teams have put on us. 

  11. 59 minutes ago, YChang said:

    How's McClain or what's his name spinning this? Or is he? 

    Pancakes is a disgusting fat piece of shit and is an embarrassment to sports journalism. Houston’s NFL teams have fucked over this city and failed at every level. Pancakes has been an apologist for Bud, sided with him during the move, and has supported the McNairs and BOB. What the fuck are the editors at the Chronicle thinking keeping this guy around. If he was doing his job like reporters in other cities do, he would take them to task and apply heat. If he had done his job the Oilers and Texans would have taken their job to bring a winner in Htown more seriously. We have never had a Super Bowl team, McClain deserves a big share of the blame

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  12. No Cal and Pancakes- myself and the rest of Htown will not just “deal with it” and remain fans of this team if they keep Easterby and drive Deshaun away. I cut them off the minute after the DHop trade. Didn’t even watch the draft or follow roster moves or listen to the radio or read the paper covering them. I only came back because I had hope they’d hire the right GM and coach. Never thought they’d fuck this up this badly. The Chronicle is also fucking Houston over by keeping Pancakes on the Texans beat. He is a shill and not a reporter. Houston fans are getting fucked over on every level. This article hit a new low of sycophancy for Pancakes. Lauding drunk Cal for “not taking the easy road”.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Machinator said:


    The Texans seem to be trying to set a record for the amount of horrendously stupid decisions a team can make in an offseason. Keeping Easterby and know let’s keep Tim Kelly, a guy who would be lucky to get a position coach job in the NFL. Let’s bring Mike Devlin back too!!

  14. I am a Christian and believe in prayer and Christ’s redemption and forgiveness. Nevertheless, insincere charlatans like Easterby who use religion to gain power belong in the 7th circle of hell in my book. This account of Easterbunny makes me sick:


    I am sick of what Houston teams are doing to their fans. Fuck Cal and fuck Tilman
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