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Posts posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. I’m reminded of what happened over the summer when AWS sued GCP over poaching a VP. I think it was settled out of court which will likely be the case here if I had to guess. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.geekwire.com/2020/amazon-settles-lawsuit-former-aws-marketing-vp-joined-google-cloud/amp/

    That said Nutanix seems like the glory days are over, I think their stock was really distressed and I know most of their good sales guys had already bailed after making a ton of money, so curious to see how desperate they are for this guy.

  2. What’s so bad about self-containing and quarantining with your immediate family and driving around and camping remotely away from people? Sounds just as safe as dealing with a multitude of Uber eats drivers and hanging around a populated city center. I’m reminded of the folks who tried to shame all the NY’ers for ditching the City when it got really bad for their lake houses and second homes in New England cottagecore.

    Its a weird flex, as it were sure, but it’s also weird to deride someone for it, too.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    CHEAPEST THING WE COULD HAVE DONE is pay people to stay home and have mask mandates/restrictions/etc in place coordinated from a federal level. I'm not an economist but even if you don't value human life, like your GOP representatives in state and federal government (some of the dems too!), that would have been the thrifty choice.

    1000% agree. I think the best thing we could have done was this, as well as I think we should offer the vaccine for free or maybe a pay folks a nominal amount ($100? $300? $600) to take the vaccine or have that be something you can earn in addition to the Covid relief funds 2.0.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    not booze. but generally - OK cool hook'em. The nit I was picking in your original post, which I will continue to pick here, is that in 2020 and into 2021 the poor don't need to show gratitude to the rich. It needs to go the other way. Tip everyone, be patient, and if you (the general "you") are the type of asshole who throws a fit outside of Whole Foods because there's a line to get in when it's not that crowded and some people just came out (which I saw this morning) fuck yourself with a rusty spike you are a runner up for worst person of the year. And if you're mad about your taxes and you are directing that at the poor, it is because you are a literal tool.

    Sorry, I'm diverging. I guess I'm mad at people shitting on the poor this year. Give them a fucking break, they deserve it. cool/hook'em/etc

    I agree and am simpatico with 99% of what you just laid down here; I just don’t really see how what I’m saying was twisted to showing gratitude to the rich. More like show gratitude for anything you get because nothing was guaranteed or a birth right, unless you think it was, and maybe now that I’m typing this I understand where washoarkhorn kept trying to bring up the French Revolution and heck, more power to the revolutionaries then I guess. Rock on and Hook em!

    Anyways, sounds like a payout is coming and I hope it helps and we can get folks helped out and working again and can move in from a multitude of National nightmares.

  5. 3 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    You asked a stupid shitheaded question and I put the appropriate amount of thought into the response, which was not much. I'm not convinced you were trying to do more than ask a rhetorical question about how much money we have to chuck at the poors before we can go back to telling them to pull up their bootstraps and laughing while they drown.

    I am not a poor. There but for the grace of God go I. I didn't get any checks with that shitstain's signature this year. I did cash severance checks for 3 months while I wrote resumes and cover letters and brushed up on technical skills after my group got cut in June. I got a new job with a raise and made a killing on my house and got paid to relocate to a part of the country we were trying to get to, and still this year fucking sucked. While sitting in a house where we were in no danger of being foreclosed, with two paid for cars out front, with plenty of cash for groceries and a big assed HEB down the street, with a wife and board games and xboxes and TVs and spare rooms and nobody getting sick, with a raise and my portfolio climbing (wtf?), with an exciting adventure and a very much wanted pregnancy and a new house and all sorts of cool shit like that, this year fucking sucked. Imagine being poor, or living on that edge and finding yourself falling off the cliff in the midst of all of this shit. Apologies if my reaction hurt your feelings but frankly fuck your feelings. I wasn't vilifying upper middle class people, I was vilifying upper middle class villains - if you want a better response ask better questions.

    I’m not sure what just happened here, but I’ll just chalk it up to a lot of free time and boozing and raw nerves from years of bad politics coming to a flaming end.

    Im glad that you are like everyone else on this site, an average middle class cisgendered family man with the normal ebbs and flows of life, as you so nicely outlined and detailed. Also it’s refreshing you can view your crappy year you had and compare with and show empathy and understand that as crappy as your year was there are probably 100 million Americans who are way worse off than you or whatever is below the 50th percentile. I truly am. That’s cool and empathy is cool.

    With that understanding as a baseline, I do think that there should be a comprehensive plan and I do think that a payout should be a number which will quiet the rumblings (and memes and mockery underscored with ungrateful tones) of poor people who feel like $600 or $2000 or $X dollars is an insult. I was saying let’s find that number in a bottom up type way so there is skin in the game, it’s meaningful and those who are paying in a lot of taxes relative to their income by percentage (the middle class getting squeezed which I assume you probably know something about how that feels) and yet gets no benefits will actually I argued reap two benefits: one being that this whole farce that is the American economy keeps chugging along and two that people get what they want, or at least think they want.

    Otherwise, no I’m not crispy, yes I did vote for Trump, yes I am a wholly average middle class lame guy who can’t dance and whose year could have been interchangeable with the outlined one above. Yes I do like Yang and support him, yes I do also vote R locally. I do live in a trailer with my mom and have a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob who shoots himself with his own gun. Here, tell these people some more things that y’all don’t know about me.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. Yes, both things are true. I did indeed vote for the hated villain in the movie but also am enamored and bought in with what Yang was selling and love his ideas around UBI, being pro-technology and automation, and conscious capitalism.

    Not to derail but I read today Yang was running for something in NY and I hope he gets it and those of you who live in the great state of NY support him.

    • Fuck You 3
  7. 31 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    The economy is dynamic, not static. The economic disruption from Covid to DJT has left some sectors choked off while others are drowning in liquidity.  We are attempting to jump start an economic engine while the vehicle is slowing, but still moving. The purpose of a set amount of relief to all humans is an attempt to inject liquidity into all sectors of the economy.

    So if one is a DINC, that $600 may mean nothing for you, but its not there for your feelings. It is a commonly used economic tool to re-light a stalling economy. Macro-Econ 101. 

    TLDR: Hate helping out those less fortunate? Spend your $600 like the good consumer you are. That's your job. Nothing else. 

    I’m at a loss for what is wrong with you. I’m not your enemy here, pal, and I more or less agree with you up there in a vacuum.

    • Fuck You 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    I think a comprehensive plan should actually include both of those things you mentioned: look at the aggregate data and come to, as best as possible a number that will help meet the minimum basic requirements of living for folks struggling (not unlike you see with WIC or SNAP or whatever food stamps and the such are called these days along with unemployment benefits), as well as get some input and “bottom up” input from the people on what they think will be a satisfactory number and solution instead of a pure “top down” so that you not only get to a meaningful payout (e.g. not $600) but you are also showing some accountability in giving. 

    I think the last thing we should be doing is vilifying the upper middle class for essentially being lucky. I thought your initial response was really weak and lazy and cheap, but felt good saying (and I understand catharsis as much as the next man), but there is a balance and vilifying the upper middle class and laying all that’s happened at their feet is dishonest and an over-simplification that tells me you have a juvenile opinion and should feel bad for it (to use your language) if you are a mature adult, for not being able to see the bigger picture and think like an adult. Perpetuating a victim-mentality and a culture class war, as if poor people didn’t have any impact on the virus and its spread, is the other side of the coin of billionaires hating poor people. If you are a young man early into your adulthood than I don’t think you should feel bad, to be fair. 

    At the end of the day we should all be wanting to capitalize on the luck of our collective upper middle class field position by growing wealth and net worth in a time when there are awesome opportunities, nascent industries and early entry opportunities into portfolios while at the same time helping the poor and working class because a) it’s the right thing to do and b) it’s the only way to keep this capitalism experiment going. Having a number that satisfies their wants/needs, like $2k, seems a fair way to give them what they want while also moving forward.

    I voted for Yang, by the way, as to my posting history. I am all for conscious capitalism and the advancement of technology and a UBI, which is probably also why giving less than 1% of an average upper middle class gross income is a nothing burger.

    Also please excuse the typos as this was typed up from the mobile while waiting on my BOPIS in the suburban Target parking lot, which I expound here to make fun of myself a bit with the “hate the bougie” folks on here because I can’t think of anything more solidly and damningly middle class.

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    do you think that there is a definable amount for a one time payout that will solve all of the problems and potential problems as we deal with the fallout of this disease and our disastrous response to it over the course of at least the next calendar year? are you looking for a nuanced conversation about how we can best help the people who have suffered the brunt of the economic impact, or trying to identify the payout number that will allow unreformed scrooges to continue assuaging their feelings of inadequacy by grinding down the poors? If it's the former, you haven't done a very good job at communicating.

    I don't know your posting history, what your old handle was, or anything about you - maybe I'm reading you wrong and I'm not really trying to come at you. If your view is that the whiny poors need to shut up (right now) I think your opinion is bad and you should feel bad about it.

    I think a comprehensive plan should actually include both of those things you mentioned: look at the aggregate data and come to, as best as possible a number that will help meet the minimum basic requirements of living for folks struggling (not unlike you see with WIC or SNAP or whatever food stamps and the such are called these days along with unemployment benefits), as well as get some input and “bottom up” input from the people on what they think will be a satisfactory number and solution instead of a pure “top down” so that you not only get to a meaningful payout (e.g. not $600) but you are also showing some accountability in giving. 

    I think the last thing we should be doing is vilifying the upper middle class for essentially being lucky. I thought your initial response was really weak and lazy and cheap, but felt good saying (and I understand catharsis as much as the next man), but there is a balance and vilifying the upper middle class and laying all that’s happened at their feet is dishonest and an over-simplification that tells me you have a juvenile opinion and should feel bad for it (to use your language) if you are a mature adult, for not being able to see the bigger picture and think like an adult. Perpetuating a victim-mentality and a culture class war, as if poor people didn’t have any impact on the virus and its spread, is the other side of the coin of billionaires hating poor people. If you are a young man early into your adulthood than I don’t think you should feel bad, to be fair. 

    At the end of the day we should all be wanting to capitalize on the luck of our collective upper middle class field position by growing wealth and net worth in a time when there are awesome opportunities, nascent industries and early entry opportunities into portfolios while at the same time helping the poor and working class because a) it’s the right thing to do and b) it’s the only way to keep this capitalism experiment going. Having a number that satisfies their wants/needs, like $2k, seems a fair way to give them what they want while also moving forward.

    I voted for Yang, by the way, as to my posting history. I am all for conscious capitalism and the advancement of technology and a UBI, which is probably also why giving less than 1% of an average upper middle class gross income is a nothing burger.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    No Country for tone-deaf bougies. 

    • Bourgeoisie, in todays terms, means middle-class, and is usually used as a pejorative term for the materialistic, rather affluent, conventional-minded part of society that "feels" on the upper levels.
    • This group is hierarchically narrow-minded and overly-concerned with the idea of social levels, despising everything and everyone that doesn't "measure up" socially and/or financially.
    • When making new acquaintances, they normally put an exceptionally high-priority on well-established backgrounds, traditional manners (feeling they are aristocratic, according to their clichées), and wealth and social status.
    • Utterly socially pedantic themselves, they'll always be afraid of what may seem unconventional or considered socially odd.

    You are a strange young man. Thanks for the urban dictionary treatment of an extremely popular word and idea though, as additional input.

    • Fuck You 1
  11. On 12/26/2020 at 10:49 AM, Celery Man said:


    maybe middle/upper middle class people hold off on calling the poors ungrateful in a year where we destroyed their ability to make a living because science hurts our feelings


    I get the sentiment of this post-- we are all emotional and on edge and raw nerves out here in some form or fashion-- but distilling into overly simplistic tinctures for easy consumption, like you did above, doesn't seem to be productive or helpful, or even accurate if I am understanding this correctly.

    Let's give everyone the $600 and withstand calling them ungrateful, of that I already said and agree. But I want to take it a step further and give them what they are asking for so there are no more excuses or complaints, and I understand that should be an add-on or round two, if you take Joe Biden at his word that the $600 is a down payment and think like I do that Trump is being facetious about wanting to give folks $2k, off the dribble.

    • Fuck You 2
  12. I get it and am cool with poor people making fun of getting a free $600. But the question I have is, What’s the threshold from righteously making fun of a socially unacceptable amount of money? I think I’m hearing $2k? So just give poor people $2k and if they cry about that then we can call them entitled and ungrateful.

    That would be my approach, but I also understand scope creep and slippery slopes.

    • Fuck You 2
  13. As someone more or less ambivalent to the entire Star Wars cannon, this Mandalorian series has been good, clean fun we watch as a family and enjoy. My son cares and knows more about all the nerd stuff about it with Clone Wars and Rebels and such, but for the rest of us, it's really cool because you don't have to know that much and can enjoy it-- even my wife enjoyed this season.

    That said because I'm not as emotionally invested in the whole meal, the one thing I was disappointed in was how weak the Big Boss/Final Boss was in Moff Gideon and how short (and light) the final battle was. The battle with the crouching tiger hidden beskar spear lady was way better imo. I don't know, I just thought that Moff Gideon was going to be a beast after the first season and the build up this season and it was a tepid end.

  14. I got pretty good at the tests that were the same questions, and in the same order, but in a different pattern. Not sure if I explained that well, but for example:

    Test 1: Regular Test, Question 1 = Question 1, Question 2 = Question 2

    Test 2: The alternate test for your neighbor, Question 1 = Test 1's Question 13, Question 2 = Test 1's Question 14, etc.

  15. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    One of the more silly things conservatives believe is that white privilege can be legislated away to the point of being scared.  It’s like, even if we made the laws more egalitarian, whites would still have the upper hand b/c they have the vast majority of the wealth and influence.  

    I think this is why some people are scared of the idea of economic reparations in the short term and those structural policy changes you mention in the medium to long term. Leveling the playing field and or shifting it backwards for those people to where they will not have a vast majority of wealth and influence, it will be more democratized. That's a scary thing because then there is a possibility of life being "nasty, brutish and short", as they say.

  16. Just now, Biff Tannen said:

    Ditto this.  I'm in this same situation, but I have no qualms about "losing" that privilege.  It's the right thing to fucking do.

    Same. But if we are honest, is this because we've already utilized and consumed the privilege so now it's okay if we dispense with it because we are old, fat and comfortable? 

    Would you feel the same way if you were still a work-in-progress? 

  17. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm sure the answer varies from person to person, but when it comes right down to it, a person who enjoys privilege is likely to be concerned with the potential loss of that privilege.

    For me, the classic upper middle class white American male, I know I have benefited greatly because of my race and gender, but I have also done the work to put myself in a position where losing that privilege won't really affect my ability to earn a living or live in peace and comfort.   Privilege was partially responsible for that opportunity, but I did capitalize on it.  Had I been a black female born into poverty, I probably wouldn't have even had the chance.  At least I see the dichotomy.  A lot of white Americans don't.  They have a nagging sense that their privilege MAINTAINS their station in life, and if they lose it, they could be fucked.

    And, some are just racist pigs.

    Thanks for the thoughtful response. 

    I mostly agree and relate to you in the background and in privilege. That's an interesting second-to-last sentence and maybe the driver of a lot of angst that I hadn't thought about.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the women of the democratic countries of the Middle East in the 60s whether it was reasonable they’d ever have their right to drive and wear something other than full body garments revoked?

    I don't follow you here, I'm sorry.

    The question was, based off my last post and Brisket's input, which he beat me to, is the idea that white people should have something to fear once they are in the minority that they will be levied some degree of payback by the now majority who they once treated unequally (or outright mistreated, depending on the color of the skin)? Is it a fair and reasonable fear to have? Is retaliation appropriate? Economically or otherwise?

    Genuinely curious because I think that could be some of the thinking there. It's not wholly unlike Reconstruction after the Civil War and I've heard differing opinions on it being a failure (should have came down harder and more punitive) and it being what salved and saved the union post war.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    ....followed by an undefined, amorphous, and likely unacknowledged fear that when minorities are in charge, they'll treat white people as shitty as white people have treated minorities.

    you beat me to it.

    But is it really a fair or reasonable fear, is the question?

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