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Posts posted by DanRydell

  1. Y'all are so very predictable. This is America, allow the citizens to make their own decisions. If you decide the risk is worth it, that should be and is your decision. The silly civil mandates are not going to solve anything. Just like remote learning will not solve anything. This is not a republican/democrat issue as I am neither. Tell me how you trust the science that is selling us 4 total FLU cases in our state two weeks ago, laughably crooked crooks and you blindly follow.

    Damn right. If you’re not free to recklessly kill others, you might as well live in Mao’s China.
    • Haha 1
  2. Bear is done at MTV after secretly filming himself banging Georgia and then uploading it to the internet. He, Tony, Dee, and a few other of MTVs more scummy houseguests have been permanently uninvited from competing on The Challenge in this year of wokeness. 

    Do you have to be woke to think that secretly filming someone having sex and then publishing the video is fucked up?
  3. Yes, and it will be beyond difficult to come out of that development in the SW corner, those two driveways that are near the Nowlin rehearsal space at Toomey and Jessie.  there's two egress drives there.  People will want to come out of those, take a quick left on Toomey going EB and then wait at the light to get on Lamar NB.  My point is the people leaving there between 2-8pm will never get to turn left on Toomey.  The volume timing on the light will change but mostly it'll just be a constant flow of cars turning right onto Toomey from Lamar to avoid Barton Springs and it won't stop onto Toomey no matter the light cycle.  The people there will have to wait a half dozen cycles to get out of their development onto Toomey and onto Lamar.  It's just timed for that volume, particularly with what's coming.  And the real shitshow will be the two years of construction there.  Basically, envison it like this:  You leave that Schlotsky Mixed-Use Tower and want to go into the CBD.  You pull out of the parking complex to Toomey going south towards Barton Springs, with the plan to turn left onto Toomey to get to Lamar.  The cars coming from your left never stop.  How do you get NB on Lamar that now has less lanes a fucked up timer? 

    I agree turning left onto Toomey out of that development will be a pain the ass. That’s just totally unrelated to losing the third lane on Lamar for that stretch.
  4. yeah But say, you're wanting to get Northbound on Lamar, to the CBD.  The lane compression will render that even more difficult than it is already.  You can turn right on Lamar and head down to try to U-Turn it at Barton Springs, but I would contend the lane diet is going to make that at least 3-5x more difficult because that gone lane would have been your option to head across lanes of traffic to get queued up for the U-Turn.  Now you'll just  be backing up traffic near there with your left-turn signal on hoping somebody lets you in.  That's the easy part.  The hard part is how does someone try to do that from the parking exit of that new development.  Previous plans were to bring them out at the SW driveway on Toomey proper.  They could (relatively) easily turn left onto Toomey and queue up at that light and turn left on Lamar NB to enter the CBD.  My point is from 3-7pm, you're going to have a non-stop flow of cars turning right onto Toomey to get to Barton Springs/MoPac.  with no turn protection and constant right turns even on red from Lamar, it'll be a constant flow of cars coming onto Toomey.  They lied to that developer and to the citizens.  I mean, it's the same shitshow for most of us, but tenants of that thing aren't going to be able to get NB out of their complex, period.  Full stop.  Literally.  And the 2 year construction shitshow there is only a preview of things to come.  
    Between 7-10am and 3-7pm, illustrate to me how someone leaves that incredibly dense new development and gets NB on Lamar.  The flow of westbound traffic on Toomey, according to Mike Trimble---NOT ME---but the guy in charge of corridor programs, from Lamar would increase 3-5fold if we didn't improve Lamar.  I'm just using his stats.  He may very well have meant cut lanes when he used the word "improvement", but that kinda seems like something a person in charge of lanes would mention specifically to their funding commission.  I dunno, that's just me.  I don't testify before the FAA and say shit like, "By improving runways, we could land more airplanes more efficiently" and the whole time, I secretly meant shutting down 2 runways at a major airport.  

    I feel like we’re talking about different blocks here. If you want to go NB on Lamar from the development that ends up replacing Schlotzky’s, you’ll turn left onto Toomey and then turn left onto Lamar. Removing the third lane does make it more difficult to go SB on Lamar since you can’t just turn right directly onto Lamar but going NB from Schlotzky’s already required exiting onto Toomey or turning right onto Lamar and then u-turning.
  5. The Toomey Road access drive at the old Schlotzsky's site (meaning the E-W egress)...you're saying that's controlled by a light?  There is a light at Toomey and Lamar, but that's not going to help people going/coming from the SW corner of that new development where there is absolutely not a light nor could there be one. The people trying to leave out of that exit of the new development will be constantly barraged by people turning right onto Toomey to avoid the Barton Springs lane diet.  As such, them turning left out of their development to get into the light queue to turn left onto Lamar so they can get into the CBD will be next to impossible.  They'll turn right and pour onto Josephine and Jessie Street, where they can then do Barton Springs U-turns and take a left onto Lamar using those two northbound turn lanes (which is one of the few things that intersection does well). 
      I may be misunderstanding what/where you're saying.??? 
    It's beyond curious that the City of Austin is dropping this change considering not just the pandemic so it looks like it's all much less traveled, but where that developer is in the redevelopment process with that Schlotzky's site.  They're gonna fuck over a lot of future tenants who were told something wildly different.  Nevermind, this road diet could wait until construction is done at that site ~2years from now.  Instead you're have the lane diet plus lane closures for construction there.  It's impossible Ann Kitchen convinced everyone this was a good idea.  Think about an active and dense construction project taking place at Lamar & Toomey/Barton Springs.  They'll effectively become one-lane roads during the two year construction period.  Maybe the setback won't cause them to have to block off lanes for too long, but there'll be significant shutdowns for at least the initial 6 months of earth moving and getting out of the ground.  If I owned one of those Barton Place condos, I'd sell right now at peak height.  Closing Riverside Drive, always and forever, between Lamar and South First still remains a serious option for the corridors overhaul in near South Austin, which would grossly complicate what we're already talking about here.  And if your kid plays little league at those fields, enjoy next season there...because it'll among the last.  City Council is gonna fuck that up too when this is all said and done for that great little pocket of South Austin that I live pretty damn close to.  So yeah, it's a little bit NIMBY but it's also just I was lied to on the record by multiple people involved in all this shit at an official commission hearing.  

    I’m saying you won’t be able to turn right onto Lamar out of that development (the scenario Blacklab posited). That you’ll have to turn onto Toomey and then turn onto Lamar.
  6. 3 hours ago, blacklab said:

    So someone that pulls out of schlotsky's and wants to turn right at barton springs (that doesn't know about Toomey Road), now has to get into what is now the center lane, go for about 50 yards and then go into the right turn lane instead of just turning into the right turn lane.

    Can you please explain to me how that speeds up the flow of traffic?

    The new development at the Schlotzky's site will only be accessible from Toomey, which is controlled by a light.

  7. The thousands of drivers that will have even worse traffic due to the lane reduction/switching. Maybe it’ll work I just have zero faith in the CC. “It’s pretty” isn’t a traffic strategy. 

    Traffic is created by chokepoints. This eliminates one. I’m sorry you apparently enjoy sitting in traffic and this will thus be a difficult change for you, but I‘d prefer to keep moving.
  8. Enjoy your road diet, fuckers.   
    Like many Austinites, following New Year's Day, Lamar Boulevard is set to go on a diet.
    But unlike many Austinites, the road will follow through on its slimming effort. Its so-called "road diet" will manifest itself in the first phase of safety improvements that will in some stretches permanently remove lanes from South Lamar Boulevard.
    The jargon for what is planned for Lamar Boulevard — an effort to place greater emphasis on alternative modes of transportation through more robust sidewalks and bike lanes — is often referred as a "road diet."
    With a $6.9 million contract recently approved by the Austin City Council, the first phase of South Lamar Boulevard's diet is expected to begin in January or February. The renovation will focus on the stretch of road between Riverside Drive and Barton Springs Road, just south of Lady Bird Lake.
    There, the city will build more robust sidewalks and bike lanes. The bike lanes in particular will be separated from the road by a raised curb. The city will also make improvements to medians and cut off some access to parking lot driveways that are deemed unsafe.
    That stretch of Lamar Boulevard sees about 46,800 vehicles a day, according to 2019 traffic counts from Texas Department of Transportation. That makes it among the busiest non-highway roadways in the city, with daily traffic nearing one quarter the number of vehicles that travel on Interstate 35 at downtown.
    Mike Trimble, the city of Austin's Corridor Program Office director, said Lamar Boulevard will be able to handle a decrease in lanes and that the road's facelift should improve traffic with intersection improvements at Riverside Drive, Toomey Road and Barton Springs Road.
    "We don’t think this is going to cause any substantial reduction in capacity or ability to efficiently move through that roadway," Trimble said.
    Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen, whose district encompasses much of South Lamar Boulevard, said she is not worried about the road not being able to accommodate traffic and that she expects the roadway's facelift to improve traffic flow.
    "It is prettier," Kitchen said. "I'm excited about it."

    The city is selling this badly by focusing on the bike lanes but going from 2 lanes to 3 for a few hundred yards and then back down to 2 just creates a pointless choke point. Keeping it 2 lanes will improve traffic.
    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, notre dame joe said:


    The implication being that ESPN will move something like Ole Miss @ UTenn to ESPN+ to boost subscriptions?

    They can only move OOC games but it does mean they could put something like Florida-Florida State or South Carolina-Clemson on ESPN+ next season (or maybe they'll just toss the FCS games on there).

  10. 14 hours ago, notre dame joe said:

    So ESPN nearly sextupled the price of those 15 broadcast games and bought nothing else?

    They also bought the right to move up to 14 OOC football games and 28 OOC men's basketball games to ESPN+

  11. On 12/2/2020 at 11:27 AM, immamac said:

    thats what I was pointing out. 

    The difference is 99.9% of individual posters on any sort of message board or social media site are judgment proof and nobody cares to go after them.

  12. On 12/2/2020 at 9:35 AM, immamac said:

    230 would hold me liable for refusing to remove the content not for letting it be posted in the first place. 

    Repealing 230 would absolutely eliminate the protections you presently have for letting it be posted in the first place, not matter how quickly you removed it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. It was very good but definitely not the best film Netflix has released. I’d put it behind Trial of the Chicago 7 and Marriage Story for sure.

    The performances were very good and it was beautifully shot and scored but it dragged at times and got a bit bogged down on some scenes/storylines. I think Fincher probably struggled to edit/adapt his dad’s screenplay objectively.

  14. On 11/16/2020 at 1:43 PM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I could understand not being able to find a place nearby in a large city that might not have easy streets to navigate due to how the city was developed. While I've been, I've never driven in Paris. But how could you spend that much time driving in circles. 

    Someone on Reddit did a nice summary of their journey:


    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Agree.  And it's really fucking annoying.  Wasn't there a rule (may still be in effect) where one team member couldn't help another if they were stuck on something?  I seem to recall a couple of instances where the one not attempting the challenge, knew an answer, but couldn't help out.  If that's the case, why the hell can an entire other team blurt out clues and answers?

    Yeah, it makes for bad TV for teams to be helping each other to this degree (the unscrambling the letters in Paris being the most egregious) so I would think they'll address it somehow moving forward.

  16. You could argue some of the more vague implications of liberty found under the Ninth and Fourteenth amendments, where some find the right to an abortion and contraception, or even the peaceful assembly clause of the First Amendment, would protect the right to gather in one's home but there's sure as shit nothing in the Fourth Amendment that does.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Who in Texas would motivate RGV's voters or Hispanic voters overall?  Genuinely asking?  I like Allred from what little I know of him but can't think of many Dems with a national brand from Texas.  Maybe we should just nominate McConaughey.  


    Eddie Lucio III maybe?

  18. Doesn’t the ACA  SC case start soon?  When will the decision be announced?  The SC overturning ACA maybe just the kick in the pants the dems need to get people to understand the stakes.

    Oral arguments are tomorrow but there won’t be a decision until spring.
  19. 3 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    It definitely started as against Trump, but as the campaign has gone on I've become more and more pro-Biden.  But my additional pro-Biden feeling doesn't come at the expense of my anti-Trump animus.  It's not a zero-sum game.

    This is where I am. I definitely hate Trump more than I like Biden but I'm not having to hold my nose to vote for Biden.

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