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Da Fino

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Da Fino

  1. 8 minutes ago, Baboontyme said:

    Inner tube? Smoke intake? 

    I was thinking about this last night for some reason. I don't have any experience in building these things but I feel like I would really want to rethink that door before I take delivery. I guess if you're strictly burning logs it might work out, but even still I would think think you'd want more room to play with your fire, add fuel, some kind of a grate, etc - not to mention the cleaning. Maybe @Paco or @luke duke can weigh in. 

    I think I can visualize it now. The bottom of the door is rounded to match up with an interior rounded floor that acts as the firebox. Maybe that interior pipe has some sort of lagging or insulation around it to make it more efficient? Just guessing here. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Only thing I've seen that works consistently is regular spraying/fogging and using Thermacell lanterns and personal devices when outside.  Those things are magic.  


    Did that for our July 4 party. Sprayed the lawn on the two days we didn't get rain. Put out two thermacells. Incredible difference that made from the previous weekend. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    i've said it before and i'll say it again.  when Norm is done, give that timeslot to Bob and let him do it by himself like Norm used to do.  no shotgun rider.  just Bob and a producer.  Bob would have no problem filling up 2 hours every day on stuff he wants to talk about.  have Sirois and Donnie join Corby.  let Sirois be the old school, full-time yuk monkey that Corby was with Greggo and Rhynes.  that would also minimize Danny and mean the end of that Pig Pen segment.

    but that will never happen because nobody wants to admit that moving Bob to 3 to 7 was a failure.

    the winning move would have been to move BaD Radio to 3 to 7 and have Corby/Jake do noon to 3.  but that would have been viewed as a demotion for Corby, and the station did not want to do that.  so here we are.  

    That Bob idea is great. Dan and Jake is working well. I don't want to listen to Corby with Jake. 

  4. 57 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    I liked Three O'Clock High.  Yeah, maybe a couple characters could've been cast better, but for a low-budget quirky 80s movie, I'm rather fond of it.

    I thought Richard Tyson was great as Buddy Revell.  I hadn't seen him do shit until I saw this scene in There's Something About Mary, and said out loud in the theater, "Holy shit, that's Buddy Revell!"


    Also Cullen Crisp

    • Like 1
  5. Thoughts on the Honey Badger vs DD DDM4 PDW. Won a gunbroker auction for 500 rounds of 220gr 300blk ammo ($550) without even having the gun. Now, I have no choice but to purchase it.

    Which honey badger?
  6. Next go is my choice so I'm thinking Glacier National Park, over to Seattle & then back down to Portland / NorCal, maybe some PCH if it's not washed out.
    If I can swing it, a 4 day fly into DC with just me & the boy so I can visit Dad in Arlington National Cemetery is also a desired trip.  [ redacted political bullshit about D.C. ]

    She won’t let you use a toll road, but you think the next one is your choice? Good luck.
    • Haha 5
  7. 8 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

    My Wife is 100% adverse to tolls, whether you're tagged or not (& yes, I do recognize the $$ differences if you have a TT), so I'm not up for a solid 9 days of her bitching because I caught a toll on day 1 of the trip.  Plus the added complaints once the bill arrives in the mail.  So obv. there's no TT in the Tahoe that she uses 95% of the time vs. my Ram 2500 that DOES have a tag.

    Why? And why do you actually take that into consideration?

    • Like 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, ROFL BOX said:

    We're headed to the East Coast for the Summer trip.

    1.  Apparently we're leaving 78620 on 05 Jul because she wants to do Independence Day @ her parents (nothing fabulous; the swimming pool has been shut down for probably 1/2 a year & her Dad is making ribs & chicken).  It's the same people we see @ every holiday & she literally drives within 400 yards of her parents house every day she drives home from work.

    2.  Destination / route will be 1st stop New Orleans, then to Savannah for 1 night, up to Charleston for a minimum of 2 nights, possibly 3 (yay... I get to hear her try & reinterpret the American Civil War around "Northern Aggression / economic freedom for the Confederates" when we visit Sumpter).

    3.  For the return leg coming back a bit N (taking Interstate 20 so we can catch some of my family in South Central Arky), "I don't want to go through Atlanta.  They are literally shooting everyone there with all the BLM stuff & riots going on."  (she gets a lot of her FB news from OANN & Brietbart, etc. & nothing I can explain to her will impart even the littlest bit of knowledge).

    3a.  Her:  "We are NOT going through Atlanta.  We'll just go through Augusta on the way back from Charleston."

      ...Me:  In my best Jerry Seinfeld voice "Have you ever LOOKED at a map of Georgia?"

    Oh, for joy - especially when she complains about her back from having to sit for hours @ a time.



    Fuck all that. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. Before you send them on, be aware WSM or stick burners are both better smokers than kamados. The efficiency of the kamado hurts it as a smoker; you simply don't get the air/smoke flow that a vertical/horizontal smoker has, and it makes a difference on bark, smoke flavor, as well as smoke ring. You'll see a lot of comments in this thread and all around the internet where kamado people comment that they have trouble matching their WSM results on briskets and ribs. This is the main reason. (Also the reason for my WSM rec for Enchubben a few posts back - it's just the better tool for briskets/ribs, and cheaper than a kamado to boot.)
    Where the kamado excels is flexibility (low and slow, hot and fast, even hotter and even faster, and super-sear) and stability.

    I know more than you. Thanks.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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