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Everything posted by Balcones

  1. Welp. Just announced. 11am. Fuck you, Fox and Big 12.
  2. If OSU wins today, I’d bet bedlam gets the big show and 11am game. The storyline makes it attractive, last game, etc…
  3. 50 Former US Intelligence officials have claimed the laptop and its contents are all Russian interference.
  4. You mean like 2-3 weeks ago?
  5. So, Witt turned down $2mm from the White Sox so he could get $1mm in the 11th? I could see that.
  6. You have to create leverage.
  7. That wasn’t his point. He was asking for elite freshmen pitching. Hanson was a Freshman All American in 2021. I guess COVID.
  8. 2021? Nixon, Witt and Hanson? Almost all of our post-season wins and saves that season were from these guys. Pretty sure they were all Freshmen All-Americans that season too.
  9. Where is he? He isn’t even in the top 6 on the team?
  10. Texas goes 3-0 v WVU and they win Big 12 and host? Seems pretty clear.
  11. Anything new this year for season ticket renewal? I feel like there is always some wrinkle or window or special time slot they add and I never see it.
  12. Is it me or does Duplantier do this every year?
  13. Does Pierce actually do anything as 3d base coach?
  14. Critical thinking, huh? Maybe the Chinese were testing capabilities? You know, if that sophisticated stuff stops working. Why does the US military still issue a map compass and train with them? Certainly we have much more sophisticated technology than that? https://warroom.armywarcollege.edu/articles/lost/amp/ If this weren’t enough, Russia, China, and other adversaries manufacture and proliferate GPS jammers to deny the U.S. military access to its GPS. Jammers transmit signals at higher power than GPS satellites, which prevents GPS signals from reaching a receiver. Russia and China view electromagnetic warfare as an integral aspect of modern conflict and have dedicated units that are manned, trained, and equipped just to attack GPS signals. Chinese electromagnetic warfare units routinely jam GPS signals, in force-on-force exercises. Jammers aren’t the only threat. Russia leads in the development and fielding of GPS ‘spoofers.’ Spoofing is more complex than jamming: the spoofer broadcasts a signal that tricks a GPS receiver into thinking the spoofer is a valid emitter, thereby hijacking the receiver. Russia spoofed the GPS signal 10,000 times in just two years. It’s time to respond.
  15. Maybe you didn’t see the other poster comment. He said it’s been 6 months and no lawsuits yet. My opinion of Kyle aside, as it relates to legal strategy, especially in Federal court, when to file, in what district/with what judges, etc… matters. If you go back to the origins of this thread, someone made a comment about him profiting off of killing people. I made the comment that he was going to profit off of defamation. Then, as a shaggy thread goes, tangents and mischaracterizations bloom everywhere.
  16. Intel is collected many ways. Open source, human, signals, imagery, etc… it’s collected in parts (compartments) and pieced together. Access is what is always the constant. It’s not all about how sophisticated a satellite is or who has the best camera lens. A 35mm camera with the right access is way more dangerous. An Office Depot USB memory stick could collect way more sensitive info given the right access. A simple tape recorder in an interview room with the right access is way more dangerous than a $1 billon satellite. A known (tested capability) is better than a hypothesis or something unproven. You can only prove with access. I have no idea what they are doing with the balloon, but giving them access, doesn’t seem like a good idea.
  17. 22 years a signal officer in the military. Retired though, so maybe things have changed. What do I know? If we don’t use radio frequency to communicate anymore, what do we use, son? If not HF, VHF, UHF, L band, etc… what is the new medium? These radio waves can’t go past 60,000 ft? When did that change? In my day, we used radio frequency for communicating to satellites. VHF, UHF, L-band, etc.. kinda depended. We even used radio frequency to communicate with GPS satellites. No idea what they use today. Moving horizontally? No comment, son. I wasn’t aware you couldn’t jam a frequency anymore. Or interfere at all.. You couldn’t collect information traveling through the air. Would be interesting to see what a balloon at 60,000 ft could do to a plane at 35,000 ft. But all planes have super secret “secure communications” Right, son? I’m not sure if planes use radio frequency anymore for their systems. They did in my day. Obviously the Chinese would only want to collect information on just military networks. That would be their only reason to be over the US. The only target to collect on. Probably have no interest in testing/collecting/messing with civilian networks, aviation, commerce, media, etc… So, tell me about the new non-radio frequency we have these days.
  18. Imagery. That’s what they were doing? Oh, ok. I wasn’t aware of that. I guess that is all that it could be, now that you point it out. No way they could be testing their radio communication, learning about what they can collect on our telecommunications, what they could potentially interfere/jam with at that elevation, etc… they could be doing countless things. Why make it easy for them?
  19. Probably not. They already know everything.
  20. Great point. It’s is a good trade to allow China to have 5-6 days to collect intelligence on us so we can better protect the integrity of the collection device once we do shoot it down.
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