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Posts posted by Superhero

  1. First contribution in the Surly stupid wives thread...

    Superheroine will drive halfway across town to return a $2 item that she bought then decided she didn’t need.

    But a check for $1200? She tossed it out because she wanted to clean the house before the cleaning lady came.

    And of course it’s all my fault for leaving it by the stack of mail - where we keep checks to be deposited.


    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  2. A Tesla (SolarCity) consultant came by yesterday to give me an estimate for a 9-panel system. The cost would be $11,600, with $3,500 (~30%) paid up front, and $80/mo for the next 10 years.

    Right now, our electricity bill is about $55/mo for 8 months, and $125/mo during the summer. It averages out to ~$80/mo, but may go up with new billing methodology, and ~ 3%/year rate hikes.

    My rough calculation comes out to ~13 years for the system to pay off. By then, we should have enough credit with the utility company that electricity after 13 years would be essentially be "free" until the system needs replacement in 25 years.


    Are my calculations somewhat on point? Is it worth getting solar with my relatively low electrical utility costs? FWIW, I live in CA where the weather is mild most of the year, and it's sunny 80% of the year.

  3. 9 hours ago, abuelo gringo said:

    Going to see The Book of Mormon tomorrow night.  Christmas present from our kids to me and Abuela Gringa.


    7 hours ago, Jerry Callo said:

    The wife and I are going on Sunday evening.  My anniversary present to us. 

    Which reminds me - the anniversary it tomorrow!  Better go get a card.

    Hope you two don't have sensitive ears. There's plenty of cussing. Hasa Diga Eebowai!

  4. On 4/12/2018 at 10:17 AM, Equinox said:

    I'd bet a dollar that it's the tube.

    Yup, it was the tubes.


    On 4/12/2018 at 11:44 AM, AnotherUTFan said:

    Ya, those power tube are matched, if one's glowing and not the other it mat well be a tube. If you swap them and the glowing follows the tube, order a new matched pair. The bias really should be adjusted after new power tube are installed, so I would take it in.

    The bright glow followed the tube, so I put in new power tubes, and voila, good as new.

    Overall, I'm surprised that the preamp tubes, fuse and power tubes all crapped out within a 6 month period. I suppose I'm lucky that they lasted almost 20 years, but a coincidence? Hmmm.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Any luthier should be able to make a pickguard for you. You may be able to find one precut if you poked around a bit. Maybe on eBay or Reverb.



    1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    If you order a Strat pickguard from Warmoth the order form allows you to select material, handed-ness, pickup configuration (including "none" in any of the 3 locations), bridge cut, mounting holes (11 or two different 8 hole configurations), countersink and controls (allowing you to eliminate any/all of volume, tone, tone 2, and 5-way switch).  You could probably install a switched knob to split the humbucker without having to figure out a lever switch.

    Thanks. Yes, saw that Warmoth makes custom Strat pickguards without breaking a sweat. Will see if they have a G&L template since they have different tremolos.

  6. Looking for a Strat or G&L Legacy...

    Only want 1 volume and 1 tone knob. Does anyone know of a shop that will make a custom pick guard? Or how could I fill the hole without it looking like crap?

    Debating whether to go SSS, or (more likely) HSS and split the humbucker. Where can I get a wiring diagram because I don't know diddly squat when it comes to wiring.

  7. Is there a way to watch season 1 again? I especially want to watch the last few episodes to see if there is any continuity with the first few episodes of season 2. 

    So far season 2 has made as much sense as my 3 YO son talking about Ninjago..

  8. On 4/4/2018 at 9:30 PM, Superhero said:

    My Fender Blues Jr finally blew a fuse. For the life of me, I cannot find any EXACT info on the type of fuse I'm supposed to use. Still missing a bit of information... I figured it's:

    1. 2A
    2. 250V
    3. 6mm x 30mm
    4. ...

    Thought I read somewhere it's a MDL-2. Should I get a slow-blow or quick-blow.

    Fuses (slo-blow) came in yesterday and I installed it. I turned on the amp and heard a LOUD HUM. Looking at the back of the amp, the left power tube was glowing REALLY BRIGHT like a light bulb, so I quickly shut it down.

    I read online that it might be 1) the power tubes may have gone bad  (it HAS been almost 20 years); 2) the amp is out of bias; 3) the socket is bad and something may be burned out inside the amp.

    I will switch the tubes (left to right, right to left) to see if the same tube glows bright. In that case, it's supposed to be a simple EL84 tube replacement. If I get a matched set, do I need to get my amp re-biased?

    If it's a socket issue, how much should I plan on spending to get it fixed?

  9. 1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

    Sorry to hear that Superhero. 

    I, unfortunately, lived that last year. Except it wasn’t his widow, she was prepared thru the sickness. It was his little boys crying uncontrollably that broke me. 

    He wasn't a close friend. We had only hung out a few times, but we always had great conversation, and he was the first to offer up his truck (and sons) to help us move.

    He was only 57 years old. Died from an aortic aneurysm with no prior symptoms. I was texting his wife to thank her for inviting us over to an Easter Egg Hunt, when she told me he had passed. I was confused at first, thinking he had passed an exam for a certification. I didn't think someone who was in okay shape would die so young.

    During the funeral, his wife broke down several times, and spent much of her time, stroking face, arranging flowers in his casket and holding his hand. It was heartbreaking to see her that way. His 3 sons seemed to take it better, but I'm sure they were devastated inside as well.

  10. 1 hour ago, BoomMF said:

    How's that Edwards working out for you?

    Still getting used to the flat fretboard, but sounds just like a LP should. Guys on the worship team say it sounds great for rhythm, but doesn't cut through during the solos like the Tele.

    1 hour ago, Celery Man said:

    there's only 1 edwards lp in that photo.  i assume there are another.... 30-40 of those sumbitches? or am i missing something


    Actually, paying for a new fence, kitchen and bathroom remodels, new graphics card, upcoming vacation... It ain't all about guitars.

    But next year I will build a partscaster to round out my collection.

    • Like 2
  11. My 3 kids:

    '83 Telecaster adopted from a pawn shop in the late 90s.


    Eastman AC-312CE. Christmas present to myself in 2010.


    Edwards E-LP SD125. Wanted something after a $30K bonus earlier this year.


    • Like 2
  12. Has anyone taken out one of the tone knobs on a Strat and moved the volume knob down?

    Because I would totally do that.

    I don’t have a Strat now, but thinking ahead of how I would build my perfect partscaster. 

  13. My Fender Blues Jr finally blew a fuse. For the life of me, I cannot find any EXACT info on the type of fuse I'm supposed to use. Still missing a bit of information... I figured it's:

    1. 2A
    2. 250V
    3. 6mm x 30mm
    4. ...

    Thought I read somewhere it's a MDL-2. Should I get a slow-blow or quick-blow.

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