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Everything posted by RaysBoomBoomRoom

  1. Could this be what they are referring to? ACC defensive freshman OTY
  2. He must've unliked it because it's not there anymore. Probably doesn't wanna tip his hand.
  3. To be fair, it seems like thats what they were trying to do with A&M, but that got shut down quickly. Why would A&M be the second school listed if they had no interest whatsoever? Difference between A&M and Tech is Tech actually wants him. The leverage thing could be in play but like @texifornia said, the immediate reaction of the players and the deleted B Harris tweet were not ominous. Edit: And if there was truly this much smoke around Tech and none for Texas, then where the crystal balls at? Seems like the decision would be crystal clear
  4. ok this tells me that tech smoke is just propaganda. That kid has been liking Tech stuff since McGuire was hired AND he hasn't liked any ewers stuff, nor is he followed by Ewers. Totally unrelated
  5. We will kick his ass at tech so that will be a nice consolation for losing him there. If he doesn't wanna be here then he needs to not come, thats part of our culture problem right now
  6. Didn't IT mention earlier this week that Neto and McKenzie were on commit watch this weekend?
  7. not just based on the tweet, but someone in the coaching thread claiming a Level 2 source said it was a done deal around the same time
  8. Not Related. Whew im glad because I was ready to risk it all. We are all so emotionally scarred.
  9. This program would never recover from such a national embarrassment that would be.
  10. Patterson may be unlikely now. IT said yesterday that if it was gonna happen it would be announced before the games
  11. OR Demarvion missed all of last offseason, failed to get stronger, came into camp out of shape, and missed crucial reps in the spring which caused him to be behind the curve in learning a new defensive scheme.
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