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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Newy25

  1. It is still creepy as hell to see grown men tweeting at 17 and 18 year olds. I do not know what the social norm is but grown men shoukd stay away from minors on twitter in all cases. 

    I assume the offer is somewhat of an attempt to get Wilson on board? 

  2. 10 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    "What happened to Texas' momentum? Seemed like there was plenty of it but now… not so much. -- TimmyLonghorn21"

    Right after a weekend where our two biggest rivals had spring games and we didn't host anyone intentionally. Idiots.

    I think he is referring to the fact that Wilson and Leal were supposed to be Texas bound. We also had a nice fansite narrative mocking A&M’s “fauxmentum” when in reality they were building momentum. 

    We have real recruiting compeition now and it is probably not going to get any easier unless we start winning. 

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  3. 19 hours ago, TornACL said:

    This Manhattan real estate tycoon negotiation bullshit might work on condo developers, but I've yet to see any evidence that this slipshod approach gains us anything in the game of international trade. 

    This is where I am at.. The blustering and bullying people into submission tactic is not going to work against China of all people. They would literally allow a million people starve to death to not cede any ground to the USA. This was not a well thought out plan that will backfire and cause a lot of political damage. 

  4. 2020: The race to see which candidate is more populist. 

    Trump is going to have to overcome being a very unpopular President but I am not sure the strategy is to go even more populist to try to beat him in an election. What is she going to sell to the Midwest? The US economy is leaving you behind due to unfair trade policy! I know the other guy said that but I'm not as mean as him. 



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  5. 2 hours ago, AM Wood said:

    What is this I don’t even.....


    so so what is a good movie?

    That's why I am embarrassed to admit it. Everyone I know loved it and I could barely make it through it. It's overuse of foul language was distracting and the music was so over the top melodramatic at weird intervals that I could just not get into it. 

    And Jim Gaffigam is fucking hilarious. No shame in admitting that. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m sure there are more mega church international money laundering scandals to come.  There’s still hope for Joel. 

    The Russians love messing with Texas, religion, and money laundering.

    How do I put you on ignore on this new site? 

  7. Why not because it was a decent show and a lot of people just wanted to tune in to see it again? Why does everything have to be a political statement? 

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