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Burnt Ends
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  1. Brennan Eagles and Woodard ranked about the same as Waddle. And all behind Preston. Nice. It didn’t seem any smarter at the time, either which is the best part. Any human being with a brain who saw Waddle play in high school knew what he was about.
  2. Holy fucking shit. Sark decided enough was enough with those feathery, hippy bitches in Eugene it looks like.
  3. They put an inferior product on the field. That’s how they do it.
  4. Some of you don’t remember the fucking pain from 2010-2021 well enough that we had to endure. Fuck the Baylor’s, Iowa State’s and TCU’s of the world. When Art Briles was running over us I don’t remember thinking, “Wow this is so cool and egalitarian. College football is great!”. Fuck that noise.
  5. Are you confused about where Texas will benefit in all of this?
  6. That doesn’t sound like something I would order. Mexican beer with tequila sounds more realistic.
  7. I plan on being there early so I can try to get blackout drunk before I meet any of you.
  8. I don’t mean this to be a smart ass, but who has he developed? I honestly do not know. I see this being mentioned but who are the players he has developed?
  9. Assume it’s in Austin? Is there room for me and plus 1?
  10. I have no idea how I let this lapse but I should be back on with burnt ends.
  11. Assuming you are real people typing this, what a place we are in our country that these thoughts exist in people’s head.
  12. I didn’t say any of that. Not even close.
  13. Jesus fucking Christ. If you are a real person I hope you really did not go to Texas.
  14. You will get no disagreement from me on that statement. But his death, right now during an election after we just found out that his opponent is not fit to run? The death spiral this country would go down is just too untenable for me to think about. Wherever we are now, and it’s not a good place, we would go someone much darker I’m afraid. You have to be a complete sociopath to be think that’s a good outcome.
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