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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hammerin Hank

  1. I did not start him. To make matters worse my opponent in another league did start him😐
  2. AJ Brown is playing tonight. I’d start him over those 4. Would you start him over any of Jamar Chase Deiontae Johnson James Robinson I have that decision to make
  3. I don’t know if either player needed to be ejected there. Call the penalties and get back to the game
  4. I’m benching Zeke, but I also have a ridiculously good group of RBs. Zeke Chubb Patterson Henderson
  5. I can’t blame him. Getting out of College Station is pretty much always the right choice
  6. We may not be able to end the worldwide pandemic, but we could probably end it in the USA. Then we might be able to share our vaccine supply with the rest of the world. Which might end the worldwide pandemic.
  7. The unvaccinated in our country are unvaccinated by choice. Is the rest of the world’s unvaccinated population choosing not to vaccinate, or are limited by availability?
  8. Thinking about doing this too. For those who are more experienced than me, how difficult is it to write off the losses when you file taxes? Will TurboTax pull the info and do it for me or do I need to know what I’m doing? This will be the first year that I have any short term gains/losses realized
  9. Got my Pfizer booster Sunday afternoon. Then went home to drink beer and watch football. Haven’t had any adverse reactions
  10. That’s from Tenaha, Texas. Civil asset forfeiture capital of the world. Don’t overlook the cell phone with the completely shattered screen. It might fetch you $20 at a pawnshop
  11. I realize the chief can’t make comments as strong as some of us would like, but Shadow Operative has a point and I think Captain Ant makes the point well. Also, the DA’s office is still reviewing the incident 🙄. Anyone else shoots someone like that and they’ll at least be arrested before the full investigation has been completed https://www.kold.com/2021/12/10/pima-county-attorneys-office-reviewing-incident-which-off-duty-police-officer-fatally-shot-man-mobility-scooter/
  12. My first guess when I got home from the show was 200,000. I’m not good at these kinds estimates so that’s probably wrong, but I’d be shocked if it was less than 150,000. The thing about that photo is that there’s a ton of people not even shown in it. I’m not sure if you can even see the bronze lawn in that photo. Here’s the map. And the traffic was worse than any other event that I’ve been to there including an F1 race
  13. Does that sack of shit look like he rides a fucking bike?
  14. It’s taken them 11 months to subpoena the phone records. What makes you think they’ll get anything done in the next 13 months? hope I’m wrong
  15. I thought the same. He’s all “suspect is moving northbound toward the Lowe’s” as if he’s in hot pursuit
  16. I thought what he did would be considered brandishing a firearm which can be considered assault, but I’m not a lawyer so not sure
  17. No one. Considering the level he was compared to other RBs, and that it’s been 2 years in a row, no one has. Disclaimer: I happen to be one of the owners he screwed this year
  18. I don’t disagree, but I’ve seen worse go uncalled this year Also this though
  19. Fuck Dish Network and CBS for not getting their shit together to air the Cowboys game on Thanksgiving Day
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