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Starfleet Command

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Posts posted by Starfleet Command

  1. I don't think he's very smart even if he is playing a character.  I think assuming he is has more to do with who his parents are and where he attended high school than anything that's ever come out of his mouth.

    For instance, if he were smart he would go the Kanye route and become a conservative.  That's what I would do if I were in his shoes.

  2. 16 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    As I drive around hou, I’ll tune into micheal berry for the lulz and let me tell you, he’s pushing very crazy theory …..

    the entire Covid - virus, response, masks, vaccine, Fauci, was all an elaborate plan to steal the 2020 election from trump 

    Michael Berry is great listening.  I have noticed that he and the lunch hour guys (that stupid aggie blogger and some cartoon character) still harp all the time on masks which surprises me given how little salience that issue has left in real life outside of maybe a handful of the more liberal states where these guys have few if any listeners.  

  3. 20 hours ago, Dutchrudder said:

    It's not about saving American lives, it's about saving the country of Ukraine from being absorbed by Russia. Weakening their military in the process is just a happy coincidence, whether that be a loss of tanks, hardware, men or money.  We should not allow Russia to expand its influence anywhere in the world at this point, drive them into a corner of their own making, and let them slowly fade out of relevance.  

    Biden shouldn't be negotiating with an invading force, he should be pushing the UN to revoke their seat on the Security Council. He should be pushing to admit Ukraine into NATO. He should be supplying them with weapons, intel and supplies to try to preserve their independence.  It doesn't matter how many Russians die in the process, every one of those lives lost is entirely Putin's doing, and if you think he's running a "Christian Nation" and this is the output of those "Christian Values" then you're a fucking dipshit. 

    I don’t like Putin and he’s primarily responsible for what is taking place. However, the US has agency as well and the ability to affect events in Ukraine.  I find it doubtful that the war would still be ongoing without our involvement. Indeed, it’s possible that the war would not have started he we chosen a different tack years ago before the fall of the Ukrainian government in 2014. 

    With the above in mind, the US is at least possibly responsible for the ongoing loss of Russian and Ukrainian lives. That’s a real cost that will affect peoples lives there for a long time. A lot of sons, brothers, and fathers are gone. 

    The US realizes this, but views the ongoing tragedy as a feature, not a bug. Moreover, it’s a feature specific to US’ material interests, not necessarily the Ukrainians’.  You don’t find that to be a little disgusting?  I think if the tables were turned you would. 

    • Fuck You 1
  4. Not a Joe Rogan fan by any means but enjoyed the interview he did with David Fravor, the Navy F-18 pilot who witnessed the tic tac off of the USS Nimitz. I'm not familiar with many of the UFO encounter folks but Fravor came across as truthful in describing what he saw.  It seems to me very difficult to explain the array of evidence (ship radar, visual identification, plane radar, weapons pod, etc.) from Fravor's encounter.

    Here's a re-creation of his encounter:


  5. 3 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    Meh, fuck Russia and Russians.  Hope the Ukes continue killing them w/ extreme prejudice. 

    If that’s your view then that’s fine just don’t also beat your chest about being a Christian or about the degeneracy of others. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    The tweet above isn't exactly celebrating the Russians' death but maybe there is one, I don't know. Regardless I would also guess that Crenshaw's main opinion is that the Russian should retreat back to their country if they want to avoid more deaths.

    It's also a reality of modern war that if you can defeat your enemy with no loss of life on your side, you leverage that situation. 

    Even today, "destruction of your adversary's military" obviously entails a great amount of killing.  Maybe if bleeding Russia out in Ukraine somehow saved the lives of Americans then it would be cause for celebration or at least a "necessary evil."  That's not true though, and if anything it places our lives in harms way should the conflict escalate.  


    Also, I am not defending Russia.  Ultimately they are responsible for what is happening in Ukraine.  Our role should be to minimize and de-escalate the conflict through negotiation.  We aren't doing that and instead are doing the opposite of that - escalating the conflict as much as we can while keeping it within Ukraine.  With Congress being little more than an arms dealer at this point, it's not surprising to see the glee from Crenshaw, but again it's odious and points to the rot within the soul of our nation. 

  7. 1 hour ago, gsoda3 said:

    how exactly would selling tesla shares to finance a twitter takeover be turning scam money into real money?

    Tesla is a company that sells a few shoddy toys for city dwelling libs.  Tesla having a valuation higher than the rest of the industry combined is risible.  At the end of the day Tesla is a niche luxury brand and when/if EVs really take off it will be the big boys who make that happen, not Tesla.

    Twitter may also be overvalued depending on how many of its users are actually real but its unlikely to be overvalued to the same degree as Tesla.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. On 5/16/2022 at 9:59 AM, wildcat09 said:


    For all of Roberts' efforts to maintain an appearance of legitimacy for the Court, he's pretty comfortable legalizing outright bribery.

    Jettisoning even the pretension that guys like Cruz are nothing more than very expensive whores.

  9. I think there's something deeply wrong with celebrating mass loss of human life, especially for someone like Crenshaw.  If you worship Moloch then just come out and say it.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    It's fair to say that Tesla is overvalued but it's difficult to say that is Elon's fault. I believe that he's actually said those very words. 

    A scam would be raising money and not producing a viable product.

    I think Musk, like others of his ilk, uses his public persona to juice the price of his companies.  It's not that different from what Holmes was doing except the concept behind Musk's product actually makes sense at a conceptual level - electric cars work unlike microfluidic-based blood testing.  Teslas are shoddy, poorly manufactured vehicles but they at least work some of the time I guess.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Hard to say that Elon runs scam companies. The guy produced the most valuable car company in the world AND is sending rockets into space over and over again.  Not to mention several other endeavors that look promising. And he was important in the early days of Paypal which helped lead to changing our payments systems. That's a fairly strong track record that doesn't have many equals.

    The car company is obviously extremely overvalued.  That's the point.  The money isn't real and he needs a way to exchange the fake money for real money.

  12. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    have to disagree with you there. I'm not supporting many Bush policies but GQP is a bad direction for the old GOP.

    GQP is just the GOP post-great recession.  Crenshaw is a man out of time.  There is very little appetite in this country for what he wants to do (wars).  That time has passed.

  13. On 5/11/2022 at 8:31 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Crenshaw going hard in the paint.  These kinds of lucid comments....if he was like this all the time, and didn't descend into Trumpism, he'd be a solid Republican you could back in Texas.


    Crenshaw basically said in another tweet that with Ukraine we are able to kill a great many of our enemy without losing one American soldier so what's not to like?  Keep in mind the people being massacred are Christians and Crenshaw has the temerity to call himself one as well.

  14. Jameson Ellis, whatever else you might say about him, appears to be a real human being.  Crenshaw on the other hand was likely grown in a lab.  He seems to me like a throwback to Bush-era conservatism, which in some ways (a million dead in Iraq over boldfaced lies, the formation of ISIS, etc.) is worse than what we have today.

  15. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    We used to crow about how "great" America was (damn, it almost sounds like a slogan, doesn't it?).....precisely BECAUSE with a modicum of hard work, you could make a good life for yourself.  That made us BETTER than China and the like.  Yet now, we're supposed to ADMIRE working like slave labor?  WTF?

    And here's an easy way to look at it with real perspective -- again, it's not about dollars.  Dollars are just a unit that we use to acquire things that matter, and that we spend to acquire the skills and credentials to earn more dollars.  Think of it in terms of "hours of labor," both spent and earned.

    In 1970, a "middle wage" worker did not have to expend a huge sum of dollars or hours of labor to develop marketable skills.  There were plenty of good jobs available with just a high school diploma, and a college degree from a good state university was so cheap as to be almost free, in today's terms.  So, few dollars OUT to become a good worker.

    And the dollars that worker earned at his job from those hours of labor -- at GM, at IBM, at the auto mechanic, at wherever -- were largely enough to pay for housing, a car, and the other basics, with some other pleasures/luxuries (small ones maybe, but niceties just the same) thrown in.  YES, we've always had a poverty class (our formerly large agricultural class was a big chunk of that, for example; sorry, for as much as we admire our grandfathers who were farmers in E. Texas and whatnot, and how hard they worked, they were almost all f'n POOR).  But we ALSO had a much larger middle class, who could breathe somewhat easy -- they had jobs that were good enough, and they had basic security, and they didn't have to kill themselves to get it.

    Now, our middle class works harder than any of their western peers, and to a large extent has LESS security and a chance to "breathe easy."  And we're supposed to be more like.....China.....to solve that conundrum?  Dude.  Shit has gotten WAY out of whack.  Stridently denying that, and saying "the problem is, Americans -- who work harder than almost all of their western peers -- are just lazy and don't work hard enough" doesn't fix shit.  It only supports the continuing systemic failures, and makes shit worse.  But, making shit worse is what we do these days -- all gas, no brakes.

    They want America to be a third world country but on a larger scale with an unparalleled, world historical amount of money concentrated at the top. 

    • Hook 'Em 7
  16. I'm surprised they aren't blaming the illegals for buying up all the gas.  Isn't it also about time for those gargantuan migrant caravans to begin their long journey to the border with a FNC countdown clock tracking their eventual arrival on election day?

  17. 14 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    In aggregate, the Chinese work harder. Because they need to, not because they want to. 

    Relatively speaking, Americans are more entitled (work vs compensation). Because they can afford to be, not because they need to be.

    Different labor markets, so different points of equilibrium. 

    Plenty of people in America under water, because they’re down on their luck. Plenty of them also happen to be fucking lazy and degenerate — because why wouldnt there be? 350M breathing souls in 1 country and they all happen to be the world’s cherub, unfortunately, oppressively and systematically trampled by a few monster billionaires?

    It’s still very easy to make it in America. Anyone who dont believe that is free to swap passports at Texas’ southern border. 

    Another reason why it's silly to compare the two countries is that when a high level executive commits fraud or another serious crime in China he or she is executed - shot point blank in the head - for their crimes.  Is Musk willing to put his physical wellbeing at stake for a cheaper and more compliant workforce?  

  18. Just now, FartingMonk said:

    My friend group has talked about this extensively.  We used to brag about how many hours we worked like it was a badge of honor.  How we don't use sick days because sick days were for pussies.  Then I started suffering burnout.  Like bad burnout. A few of the other guys were saying the same thing we just didn't want to be bitches.  But the mindset of being a slave to your job and taking your job home needs to change.  It has as far as my friend group.  Whether it was from burnout.  Realizing that promotion being dangled was just a facade or just feeling it wasn't right that their children were after thoughts.  Your employer only treats you how you allow him to treat you.

    I just don't understand the mindset of these people.  So you are supposed to be a slave to your employer - work as many hours for as little as possible without complaining - but also remember that raising a stable and loving family is one of the most sacred accomplishments one may garner in life.  Whether or not you agree with the latter, how are there people so stupid they can't see those two things are in direct tension?  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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