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Starfleet Command

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Posts posted by Starfleet Command

  1. lol these blood thirsty psychopaths execute a journalist and then attack mourners carrying her body.  Rabid pit bulls have more decency than this filth.


    • Rage+1 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Yes. Absolutely, unironically correct.


    No it wouldn't. To them, black people were less than fully human and women were to be seen, not heard. This country was founded as a codified oligarchy of wealthy, property-owning, white, Christian men, and the GOP's "originalism" is about getting as close to that ideal as possible.

    It's so comical that some conservatives are so deluded as to actually believe that "originalism" does not provide judges with the same cover to do whatever the fuck they want as any other heuristic for interpreting the US constitution.  At this point it would only be mildly surprising to see one of  Dinesh D'Souza's "history" books being cited in a majority opinion.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




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    It's going to be fascinating to see how far they are willing to go, particularly on the state level.  They are used to pushing so hard on this issue knowing their options were somewhat limited with Roe.  Now that the handcuffs are off, do state elected leaders still battle to out crazy each other to avoid being out-flanked on the right?  If that does, at what point in some of these states do their actions become so shocking and offensive to the public of that state that things start to shift where the other party begins to make gains?  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Not really a fan of stuff like this.  It's ugly and the family doesn't deserve it.  But at the same time, it shouldn't come as a shock when a few flies are attracted to the open sewer that has become our elite public institutions.



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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    + korey lee.

    I want to see him hit better but the potential is there.  Same with Leon.  Both those guys have a ceiling that is in the above average or better range.  Then you have Brown with elite stuff and almost ready to be promoted.  The IF Valdez who has been destroying AA (nearly 20% BB% and .300 ISO) at 23.  This is why, no matter how many publications disagree, the Astros' system is not at the bottom.  It may not be the best anymore, but there are still diamonds to be uncovered.

  6. 10 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    the cubs won their World Series with a great core, and then wasted that core away. The Astros are still at it and going to make a serious WS run again this year. With a new core of young players in place. 

    crane has far exceeded my expectations as an owner 

    I was thinking about that - could have essentially a second core formed from Yordan, Tucker, Pena, and potentially Meyers when he returns.  Matijevic could also be a solid replacement at 1B for Yuli if he takes another step at the plate.  That's five potential above average players to build around.

  7. 3 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Yordan is one of the smartest baseball guys on this team, and this team is full of smart players. it was a bonehead mistake, I read nothing into it. I fully expect the locker room to be making fun of him today. 


    also, how the hell doesn't that ball get out of here. these baseballs are duds 

    The balls are really bad.  Though it should help us since we have so many flyball pitchers like JV and Javier.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Confirmations are mostly just theater now.  Everyone knows how they will vote before and it does not change.

    You can say this about mostly everything the government does in public view.

  9. 7 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    Unless of course my private business wishes to require masks or vaccines, right? Or sell booze on Sundays. Or perform abortions. Or have a poker room. 

    The central contradiction of American conservatism must be the contradiction of their worship of markers and their worship of their evangelical/conservative Catholic God.

    Whatever you think about the latter, the former produces Big Tech, TikTok, OnlyFans, drugs - an amoral culture of mindless and endless consumption. A totally atomized existence in which nearly all social bonds are only hinderances to further penetration of the market.

    This fundamental principle of our reality somehow totally eludes them. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 15 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    I’ll say it for you: I fucking hate malicious lying.  I’m not talking about the run of the mill white lies that are as essential to social grease as small talk and pleasantries.  I mean to your face, knowing lies about serious issues because you either weak or evil.  

    I’m terrible at lying, so I have to live my life in the cold light of truth, and I’m none the worse for wear for it.  I believe knowing lying is a character flaw of the highest order. 

    We are talking about elite political actors here - the lowest of the low. Dumpster lice. Malicious lying doesn’t even register among the dizzying heights of their sin. 

  11. 53 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Shit is going to get very ugly, very quickly.

    Yeah, the fugitive slave law angle combined with constant surveillance from your smart phone/apps is going to be a nightmare.  The end result is going to be even worse than the pre-Roe regime imo.

  12. 1 minute ago, The Original Greaser Bob said:

    Liberty should trump democracy.  When it comes to protecting liberty, I think the Founders knew well what absolutism, either in the guise of a king or a French rabble, could do to liberty.

    The founding fathers were primarily concerned with keeping theirs.  It was a rare battle between the compradors and the imperial core in which the compradors won.

  13. Here is a proposal for new federal legislation in view of the upcoming abrogation of Roe - all abortions after the first-trimester are illegal.  However, given how expensive it is to carry a child to term and to give birth in this country, it's only fair that we move to a publicly funded healthcare system similar to the NHS so that women who are forced to carry their pregnancies to term are not also forced to pay out of pocket for the associated expenses.  This new system will be funded by taxing all income over $500K at 90%.



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  14. Who cares if they lied or didn't lie during their confirmation hearings?  Even if they said flat out under oath - I would never in a million years vote to overturn Roe - would anything happen to these people.  You have to literally fuck children like Hastert to get in any kind of trouble when you are at that level.

  15. 4 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    Lulz at this.  Remember folks: this is a reasoned approach to the legal analysis of the right at issue.  Also, this approach is completely wrong for any other right.

    It's odd and definitely fitting to these stupid times.  This is the way that non-lawyers think of the law - that you can just say some magic words to undo whatever Gordian knot that has been formed in the substance of the opinion/document/whatever.  

  16. 8 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:



    I don't know how this will all play out but prosecuting rape victims as felons may end up being the proverbial poisoned chalice. 


    From a practical standpoint, the Republicans were much better off simply abrogating Roe on the ground by killing off providers.  Overturning Roe is either setting up for something else (like allowing red states to ignore Obergefell) or this is simply a power move showing how little they care about the ever feeble, meek, mild, and ultimately worthless dems.


    21 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:


    And that's fair.  Because @Johnny Sack doesn't care about "life"--he's not a vegetarian.  He only purportedly cares about human life.

    But as to "going inside the womb to kill," I suppose that depends a lot on what method we're talking about.  If it is a pharmaceutical abortion, then nobody is going inside anywhere.  It's just that the nonviable fetus is expelled.  And being expelled from its shelter, the nonviable fetus cannot survive (which kind of makes it materially distinguishable from a human).

    And Johnny should love that.  After all, we all know how much he hates the homeless.

    I believe Sack's preferred nomenclature for the poor and homeless is "dumpster lice."  Please be considerate.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  18. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Correct.  It is the only sane and logical outcome.  If a fetus = a baby after birth, then a woman hiring out an abortion is no different than a woman engaging a hitman to smother her baby in the crib.  She should face the death penalty for such a heinous crime.  Logical consistency dictates no lesser result.

    It would be a monstrous crime.  No different than a mother throwing her newborn into the dumpster.  Deep down though, I don't think many people really buy that shit.  Not even the Sacks of the world.  If they did there would be much more violence directed against providers.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  19. Why would you not throw in jail (if not execute) a woman who has procured an abortion if you believe abortion is murder?  I've never understood that position.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    It's almost as if it's not about "life" at all...

    I think for most Americans it's not necessarily something criminal but should be limited in some ways.  The crazies believe it should be totally unrestricted or punishable by death even in the case of rape and incest.  Unfortunately that third group is in power.

  21. I probably fall into the middle of opinion on abortion, but one thing that is tricky to me about the pro-life position is that if you believe the point at which someone becomes a human being at conception, then how can there be any exceptions to prosecuting the mother-to-be as a murderer except when the woman's life is directly threatened by the pregnancy?  Rape could be a mitigating circumstance at sentencing but it could not be an excuse or justification for the act.  The only sound position is to jail/execute rape victims who seek abortions.

    Thus, if you are pro-life but believe in a rape exception, what is it that you actually believe?  Some criminal conduct other than murder has been perpetuated by the mother?  Exactly what kind?

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