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Starfleet Command

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Posts posted by Starfleet Command

  1. How is this possible with all of the money and tech being thrown their way?  


    Not for nothing, clearance rates have dropped to all-time lows at the same time that police budgets have swollen to all-time highs, suggesting that more funding has actually resulted in police being less effective. “It is a great public mismatch in understanding, training, and expectations,” Baughman told me. “Increases in police officers or police budgets have not been shown to reduce crime or make us safer.”

    To make matters worse, clearance rates can be easily manipulated and are not synonymous with actually solving crimes, just with making arrests. That means that those rock-bottom numbers are actually skewing reality in favor of cops, who are arresting the rightful perpetrator of a crime at rates even lower than those at which they’re clearing cases. “All they tell us is whether there has been an arrest made in a case,” Baughman said, “not whether that person is actually the one that committed the crime or is eventually convicted of the crime … That’s why I think convictions are a better measure of whether the crime was actually cleared.”

    Conviction rates, which still account for wrongful convictions, are much lower than clearance rates.

    lol if you were to poll people how many do you think would get the below correct?  0?


    Since the 2020 Black Lives Matter demonstrations called for police budgets to be defunded, not a single major American city has slashed its police funding. In fact, almost all of them have ballooned spending on police forces. Repeatedly, President Biden has encouraged increased spending on police, recently calling on municipalities to direct their unspent COVID aid toward adding even more cops. The Biden administration requested $388 million in grant funding for police hiring in its 2022 budget proposal, more than double the top figure requested by the Trump administration. New York City even elected a former cop as its mayor, who just a few days ago announced a new PR campaign in support of cops and against the “defund the police” movement.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Even the pigs know not to talk to cops.

    Uvalde PD deserves plenty of blame but I doubt it stops there with how involved DPS and BPD were involved in the disaster.  Still, Abbott will probably shield DPS/BPD from blame (which could make him look bad) while throwing Uvalde PD into the fire.  

  3. Two of the 19 that sat in the hallway listening to nine and ten year olds being slowly tortured to death for nearly an hour without attempting to intervene.  Saying shit like this should end your fucking career.


    • Rage+1 7
  4. 25 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:


    I Posted a couple articles here that dealt with this affect- basically that coors makes guys a better hitter at home and a worse hitter on the road. I don’t know if I buy that or not, but posted the articles and thought they were interesting. 

    The former is obviously true.  The latter is a bit more subtle but is likely true as well.  It's just hard to project Rockies hitters when they leave.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 hours ago, kevwun said:

    I like 95mph breaking balls.

    He's struggled with maintaining his stuff throughout his appearances which has led to his BB issues.  Him pumping 99+ MPH 80+ pitches into his start is a good sign.

  6. 1 hour ago, rvm96 said:

    It's not really a big deal with Pena being a baller, but Trevor Story has started to wake up in a big way. If he continues it will once again prove the Coors theory wrong. 

    It might help support the theory that playing for the Rockies makes you a worse hitter outside of Coors than you would be otherwise if you played for a differen team.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Quote

    Go back roughly 15 years: In 2005, California had almost the same rate of deaths from guns as Florida or Texas. California had 9.5 firearms deaths per 100,000 people that year, Florida had 10 and Texas 11, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

    Since then, California repeatedly has tightened its gun laws, while Florida and Texas have moved in the opposite direction.

    California’s rate of gun deaths has declined by 10% since 2005, even as the national rate has climbed in recent years. And Texas and Florida? Their rates of gun deaths have climbed 28% and 37% respectively. California now has one of the 10 lowest rates of gun deaths in the nation. Texas and Florida are headed in the wrong direction.



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  8. The US has a lot of natural advantages that aren't going away anytime soon, so i'm not sure if I subscribe to this doom-and-gloom terminal decline narrative.  However, if that does come to pass, I think our last opportunity to effect meaningful change was with Obama's administration, which was ultimately a failure.

  9. 36 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    I don’t trust anything any LEO has said or will ever say about what happened. We’ll most likely never know the entire story.

    They are in complete CYA mode now.  Wouldn't be surprised if the police chief has lawyered up.  

    Has it been addressed why the town was forced to rely on the Border Patrol's tactical unit and not the city's own SWAT team?  Were they also tasked with pepper spraying parents?  I haven't seen that answered anywhere but where else could they have been?

  10. 52 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    That may be the case if you’re retired but not for someone working age. You can also get an expat insurance policy from any major carrier that will cover you completely for about 10% of the cost of a US policy.

    You can start paying in when you start working there as part of your standard taxes. You just need to get a company to sponsor you. It’s actually not too difficult since there’s professional worker shortage there too.

    If you go to college there, you get an automatic 3 year visa and expedited permanent resident status if you apply. If it’s your kid, they can sponsor their parents for residence.

    Yeah, I have a friend who began working in Toronto after graduating law school and he certainly didn't fork over $400,000.  He's now a dual citizen.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Agreed but my issue with this is it's another distraction along the lines of "hardening the schools" and "Robert Francis O'Rourke!!1!1!1 derp derp derp!.... 

    Law enforcement's response isn't the primary concern for me because whether or not these specific cowards had been brave enough to stop the massacre sooner, the existential threat of mass gun violence still remains as long as the Death Cult Religion of The Gun Seditionist Party of Ghoulish Assholes controls law-making in Texas and beyond



    Not to mention that having a single entrance would have meant fuck all in this instance.  The killer waltzed right by multiple armed cops to enter the school.

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