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Everything posted by Hornsbay22

  1. Brett phillips most annoying player in the MLB?
  2. at least one hitter in our line up knows to try and go opposite field when they can't get a hit
  3. We go from having two bad ass Abs to win a game to shit after shit again.
  4. Brantley is back!! and Fuck Joe Kelly
  5. Professional Abs!!! My apologies to Chas.
  6. Hey McCormick you dumbass they are throwing you outside.
  7. Do we have any reliever that wont walk batter?
  8. all Alvarez does these days is strike out
  9. Brantley activated in a few days? Hope he gets at least 4 games under his belt before playoffs.
  10. Fuck Siri, fuck kemp, Fuck baker, fuck altuve, fuck Diaz
  11. Fuck Toro, Mayfield, and Kemp. We would be a 100 win team if it wasn't for them 3.
  12. Ya idk last year felt like we had more mojo even with all the losses. I think we are a little soft this year.
  13. That we would make it at least to ALCS if we just made the playoffs, not sure about this year.
  14. I just don't get the same feeling with this team as I did with 17,18, and 19
  15. What happened to our offense? Our bullpen? Yordan looked like a turd all day.
  16. Someone sit Valdez and Graveman down and tell them their shit is filthy and stop fucking walking people.
  17. Emotionally immature, frustrating to watch at times.
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