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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. They are among the dumbest people on Earth. Newsflash, white trash redneck - the CIA does not publish a compilation of which university agency employees graduated from. The average IQ of the citizens of Katy, Texas has to barely reach room temperature.
  2. The aggy school newspaper has been on life support for quite a while. It almost collapsed in 2019, but was saved by (in part) "mentorship from successful groups including Friends of the Daily Texan, which has executed an impressive turnaround at the University of Texas in the last several years. They have expressed willingness to share their strategies and insights to support student journalism in Texas." yay aggy! One solution that has been out there for a while is for the staff of The Battalion to simply identify which aggy football game in 1907 their "yell leader" tradition originated. With the $1,000,000 I will donate for them doing that, their school newspaper will be amply funded for at least the next couple of years. What say you, rednecks? Five home football games in 1907. Just pick the one that matches the story of how the tradition started in 1907 (https://yell.tamu.edu) and you will have none other than Randolph Duke paying to save a beloved aggy tradition that dates back to the Sul Ross era.
  3. Now that we can close the books in the vaunted aggy 2018 recruiting class, let's reflect and take stock of how the dreams match up with the results. It's always funny when Billy Liucci bleats about others "losing their sense of decency." Because, you know, being part of a culture that places no value whatsoever on honesty or integrity defines decency.
  4. Just for context, this snip is from 1934. Dallas Morning News. Flash forward to 2022, aggy is still reaching for national recognition. Not national prominence. That is "a bridge too far" (swidt?). turdition
  5. When the final decision to dedicate part of the university’s endowment to support of the agricultural branch college, the ags were given a ⅓ interest in the annual income of the endowment. When the final decision was made for the agricultural college to dedicate part of its resources to support its branch college, PV was given nothing. Zero. Up until Bezos’s ex just recently made a sizable donation to PV, their entire endowment was $82 million. So, $13billion (or whatever fabricated number) for the white school, not a dime for the branch college which just happens to historically Black. And the rednecks claim they can’t identify a single instance of systemic racism at Texas A&M. Sadly, the ghost of Sul Ross is still alive at Texas A&M.
  6. We already know that after the aggys killed those kids in that bonfire collapse, Homeland Security performed an investigation that declared, in part, the avoidable deaths were caused by the aggys having "a cultural bias that impedes risk identification." ""a cultural bias that impedes risk identification" is probably one of the most artful ways ever of asserting "those dumb fucks are completely ignorant to what is staring them right in the face." Had the aggys had decent leadership, they would have taken the lessons learned at the cost of those lives and used that information to the benefit of themselves, and the people of Texas. But being aggys, of course they didn't. The ags simply can't mentally process the concept of risk. That comes from being simple minded by nature, afraid of change, and poorly educated. Of all the risks inherent to their new approach to potentially winning a national championship in football, do you think there is any chance, even a slim one, that the ags completely failed to identify at least one? They are well known to be completely ignorant to what most of us see as being plain as day. This is going to be good. They have no clue how their vaunted recruiting class could completely collapse. They simply don't see that all of their bullshit dreams are about to be crushed. Enjoy the show people, we are in the midst of an epic chapter of what we know as aggy.
  7. That almost to an individual aggys insist nothing of their history needs to be repudiated and to serve as a lesson of wrongful thinking is a strong indication of just how much of the wrongful thinking still permeates that culture. Education is supposed to elevate a culture. That they cannot bring themselves to repudiate those who espoused "the abomination of African citizenship," those who promoted the Klan during football games, those who adamantly rejected the principle that segregation was wrong, or who still today hold those values shows aggy culture has neither been educated or elevated. And as everyone here knows, I could go on with many, many more examples of aggy culture that disgust decent people and should be both mocked and repudiated by all, including aggys. But the spirit of Jim Crow, Sul Ross, and cultural ignorance still defines much of who they are. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  8. A&M is first and foremost about culture, not education. We laugh about "aggy culture" because we know it well. Even better than most aggys. Until and unless the people of Texas start raising expectations on the state's trade school, the aggys will never reform. "aggy culture" will never be reformed as long as aggys continue to cherish their fake versions of school history. They need to admit how the racist forces that established their school continue to dominate its culture today. Yes, A&M was established mostly by former Confederate officers who remained virulently racist until their dying days. The racist garbage of A&M faculty and administrators at the on-campus memorial service for Jefferson Davis are eye-opening. And disgusting. Yes, Sul Ross was a virulent white supremacist. We know this from the clear words of his daughter. Yes, the Klan was so ingrained into aggy culture that well into at least the 1920s the A&M athletics department would openly promote local Klan rallies over the PA system during A&M home football games. I have posted the accounts of this from contemporary newspapers. Yes, racism remained such a problem on the A&M campus that in the immediate aftermath of Brown v Board, the A&M students held a referendum on campus that declared the school would never abide by the decision. Anyone doubting this need only to search aggy school paper archives. And it was into this culture the current generation of aggy senior leadership was indoctrinated into "aggy culture" which demanded strict adherence to the existing culture. Robert Gates attempted to speak to the problem in 2006. That current students are adhering to long-established "aggy culture" should surprise no one. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  9. The aggy lack of self awareness is not helping them out much at the moment. They simply can't comprehend how the small, subtle clues about their magical recruiting exhibition point like klieg lights to the fact they bought their recruiting class. This is one mystery that wasn't hard for anyone to solve.
  10. Remember this class had more members spend significant time in prison for felony criminal activity than on the field playing for Texas A&M.
  11. My one DM from Billy Liucci. He had me blocked (for no legitimate reason other than he deemed me a "thought threat") before sending this and kept me blocked afterward to avoid actually having to have a conversation with me. I take it as a badge of honor that he won't have a conversation with me, either private or public. But he will send me messages like this and then run away.
  12. A local Nazi SS fan group during a weekend get together in College Station last year. Right after this, I have no doubt they returned to their dorms on campus, changed back into their other fake military costumes, and resumed their school-sponsored Hitler Youth indoctrination. "Our unit is a unit that goes the extra mile. We believe that we are more than just a group of like-minded individuals who dress up on the odd weekend and reenact the past. We are Kameraden to the fullest extent. We train together, eat together, share sleeping quarters together, pray together, and we even spend our time outside of the hobby together. We take pride in knowing that we are a very tight knit group who truly embraces the spirit of the young men in the 1st SS Division."https://derjungsturm.com/about/ College Station, Texas is a seriously fucked up place. (For those who don't keep up on aggy ideology, the 1st SS Division was 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. Hitler's personal bodyguard unit. Members were later convicted of numerous war crimes, including the murder of U.S. prisoners at both Malmedy and Wereth. The kind of unit Sul Ross would have been proud of.)
  13. The punch line is that aggys are too simple minded to figure out they are constantly fed a steady diet of fairy tales wrapped up as "school history." To be an aggy is to be an ignorant rube. How do we know their "yell leader" tradition didn't start in 1907? Because they were complaining about the yell leaders and how vulgar their yells were at least as early as 1906. The snip below is from their October 31, 1906 school paper. Ordinarily, no one would reasonably care when or how their use of yell leaders started, but Texas A&M is an institution of higher education. Its supposed reason to exist is the perpetuation of knowledge. At most post-secondary institutions, concepts such "intellectual honesty" and "academic integrity" carry some importance. But not at Texas A&M. But at Texas A&M, students are literally dumbed down, starting as soon as they set foot on campus and throughout their lives. They are taught fabrications, fairy tales, and lies and those dumb rednecks aren't even close to figuring out we are all laughing at them because we can see what they can't - the truth. Those shit-for-brains have a "Traditions Council" that has been in place for almost half a century. "Traditions Council is a committee of students on the Executive Branch of the Student Government Association at Texas A&M University. Since our inception in 1975, Traditions Council has been dedicated to preserving and promoting the traditions of Texas A&M University through education and awareness. Our efforts are to preserve the traditions that make our university unique and educate Aggies and friends of Texas A&M everywhere on their rich history and practice." https://traditions.tamu.edu/ "Education and awareness." Fucking hilarious. Texas A&M is the only post-secondary educational institution I can think of whose primary goal is and entire culture depends on the perpetuation of ignorance. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  14. In all fairness to aggy, while 1907 had absolutely nothing to do with their "yell leader" turdition, their 1907 season wasn't without its aggy moments. sheep.mp4
  15. 500,000 alumni and not a single one is intellectually capable of solving the mystery of exactly which game the aggy yell leader tradition was originated. Such an esteemed research university, imbued with a such a sense of history and tradition, and not one of those redneck fuckers has a clue about the actual history or tradition of their culture. $1,000,000 cash is a lot of money for a trade school grad living in a tract home in Katy, driving a leased Ram pic-em-up truck. Yet not one of them was educated to the level necessary to understand which of the five home games their cringeworthy turdition was originated. My offer to pay any aggy who can identify which 1907 game football game their yell leader turdition originated $1,000,000 has remained unclaimed for years. My guess is that it will never be claimed. There isn't an aggy alive who could figure out the mystery of which of the five football games such an important part of aggy culture originated. That doesn't say much about the quality of the aggy edumacation. One in five chance, aggys. Come on, you dumbfuck rednecks. One out of five shot to win $1,000,000 and not a single aggy has been smart enough to identify the right game. Unlimited guesses. One out of five chance. And not a single aggy has figured it out. That says a lot about the true value of the "aggy experience." They are complete dumbfucks. The Story: When A&M was an all-male military college in 1907, students often invited guests from Texas Women’s University to take the train to College Station and attend Aggie football games. Then as now, only a certain number of guest tickets were available, and these would be handed out based on seniority, so freshmen were rarely able to bring guests to the games. According to legend, the Aggies were being out-scored so badly during one football game that the TWU students were threatening to leave the game due to boredom. To prevent this, the upperclassmen ordered the freshmen, or “fish,” to find a way to entertain their guests. The freshmen raided a janitor’s closet and changed into the white coveralls they found there and began leading the crowd in yells from the track area in front of the stands. The freshmen got so much attention from the students of TWU that it was decided that only upperclassmen would be allowed to participate in this entertainment in the future. Source: https://yell.tamu.edu/ The Clues The year was 1907 It was a home football game The Aggies were being badly outscored One in five chance of getting it right, unlimited guesses, and not a single aggy has come close. And not a single aggy ever will. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  16. No CR. Let's just suffice to say I don't believe for a minute the federal bailout of Texags was a good use of taxpayer money.
  17. Never. Gonna. Happen. Hell, even Tom Brady got 7-figures for one of his marketing companies. The anger from publishing the list of well-known political contributors whose myriad of companies received ungodly sums would topple our government.
  18. Little of the Paycheck Protection Program’s $800 Billion Protected Paychecks https://dnyuz.com/2022/02/01/little-of-the-paycheck-protection-programs-800-billion-protected-paychecks/
  19. Our dear friend Olin penned the top article at the beginning of year four, and we all know how things worked out between Texas A&M and Kevin Sumlin. He implores the faithful to go all in on "Jimbo the Great" going into year four. And they get rewarded with 8-4 and a self-awarded trophy for winning the post season Chicken Bowl. And not a single aggy asks if anyone has seen this play before. It is as if major parts of their brains were shut off during those years at A&M.
  20. Well, not anywhere. Rev evidently doesn't like peanut butter that smells of bad fish.
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