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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. John Adams is touted by aggys as a historian, but he is a complete clown. He knows Gill wasn't the only substitute available at the Dixie Classic game, but being the shill he is he openly lies to gullible aggys. It shows the lack of academic integrity that defines Texas A&M. I've got one question for Adams that he will never acknowledge, let alone answer - In her biography of her father, Sul Ross' daughter gave us his motivation for killing people of color. My question is, "How is someone who kills to establish the supremacy of the white man not a white supremacist?" The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. They also deserve better than John Adams. sul ross biography.pdf
  2. Isn't their pick obvious? Here are a few clues for those who don't understand much about college football: 1) Definitely "elite." (this alone should make the choice obvious) 2) An unquestioned "game changer." (you have to have guessed it by now) 3) LOVES everything about College Station, Texas and won't ever leave because he know he can "win a natty" at A&M. 4) AMAZING track record of putting players into the NFL. 5) Sought after by every other team in college football but chose to come to A&M because he was in awe of the facilities and overwhelmed by "what makes A&M special." If those hints don't make it clear, then you just don't know anything about "big boy" college football.
  3. Their best and brightest thinkers have identified their core problem to date is their chief rival has been gifting 3/4-ton farm trucks to young, urban athletes and for over a century their rivals have been paying game day officials to wait till the final moments of games to make errant game-deciding calls. When you have that caliber of intellectual firepower driving your organization, how could anything go wrong?
  4. An excellent aggy story: ”When I was admitted to A&M, I had no idea how I was going to pay for things. I went to the Pavillion(1992), because that is where they handled scholarships at the time. I spoke to the lady there and told him that I needed to find a way to pay for everything. She had two large binders of scholarships that people offered for students that were going to A&M and that I just needed to give them a good reason to help me pay for my education. I wrote something like 25 essays about why I was deserving. I was awarded money for more than half of them and I didn't require a student loan to make ends meet. Well, I did work two jobs and the scholarship money coupled with the scholarships kept me out of student loan debt.” https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3261875/last#last
  5. TCU started their “Howdy Week” in the late 1940s. I would not be surprised in the least if this predates and aggy tradition of annoying the fuck out of people minding their business and walking across campus.
  6. “This is a tremendous responsibility,” said W. Jay Treat, PhD, Texas A&M’s chief manufacturing officer for the CIADM. “It’s gratifying for us to make a positive contribution in fighting the pandemic.” https://vitalrecord.tamhsc.edu/texas-am-system-subcontractor-begins-production-of-two-covid-19-vaccine-candidates/
  7. Just for fun, let’s evaluate how well the aggys are doing eight years into the development of this facility.... ”COLLEGE STATION, Texas (AP) — Gov. Rick Perry and top officials from Texas A&M University dedicated a new 100,000-square-foot manufacturing plant Thursday that's intended to have the capacity to produce bulk flu vaccine that can be delivered to as many as 50 million people within four months of a declared pandemic. The Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Facility is a cornerstone of the College Station school's growing center to battle contagious diseases and bioterrorism. Officials say the center — dubbed the Texas A&M Center for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing — could generate $41 billion in expenditures in Texas over the next 25 years and represents the largest federal investment in Texas since NASA in the 1960s.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/perry-a-m-dedicate-key-element-of-vaccine-center
  8. Gabe and Liucci already deleted the thread celebrating the death of Desmond Tutu which expounded at length on how black South Africans have been oppressed by the end of apartheid and how much better off black South Africans were “in the good old days.” The people of South Africa deserve better than Texas A&M. People who believe in freedom deserve better than Texas A&M.
  9. Redneck math: ”We is just keepin’ up wit da popalation growth.” With a population of 29,527,941 in 2021, Texas had the largest annual and cumulative numeric gain, increasing by 310,288 (1.1%) and 382,436 (1.3%), respectively. While gaining population through net international migration (27,185), the growth in Texas in the last year was primarily due to gains from net domestic migration (170,307) and natural increase (113,845). https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/2021-population-estimates.html
  10. Texas A&M continues upward enrollment trend while Blinn sees decline https://theeagle.com/news/a_m/texas-a-m-continues-upward-enrollment-trend-while-blinn-sees-decline/article_73afcd52-62d5-11ec-acda-db8ed0e94413.html#tracking-source=article-related-bottom “Texas A&M reported 73,283 total students across the university’s campuses in College Station, Galveston, Qatar and the Health Science Center. In College Station specifically, there were 67,133 students with undergraduates accounting for 53,876 of that total.” ”This is an increase of 10.2% and 6.4%, respectively, over fall 2020’s freshman class enrollment.” ““We’re not trying to grow enrollment dramatically or anything like that,” Joseph Pettibon, vice president for enrollment and academic services told The Eagle in September. “But the intent is targeted and planned growth in some areas.””
  11. Not being a literary institution, TAMU doesn’t teach history as part of its trade school level curriculum. Thus, it is left to us to be the caretakers of Texas history. On Christmas Eve, my friends, let us not forget Texian egg nog. “In 1843 -- two years before Texas became a U.S. state -- General Thomas Green of the Army of the Texas Republic and 160 of his soldiers "were being held prisoner by the Mexican general Santa Ana of Alamo fame after a failed border raid. To celebrate San Jacinto Day, Green related, the captives bribed their guard to smuggle in 30 dozen eggs, a large loaf of sugar, and seven gallons each of "ass's milk" and mezcal, which the guards "brought in in animal-gut tubes curled up under their shakos." From those unlikely provisions, the Texans whipped up "such an egg-nog as never before was seen or drank under the 19th degree of northlatitude," Green bragged.” Texian Egg Nogg 25 oz Mezcal 4 c Milk (whole, raw if available) 10 Whole egg 1 c Sugar Instructions Separate eggs. Beat sugar and yolks. Stir in mezcal. Whip the egg whites and fold in. Stir in the milk slowly. 2-3 hrs in fridge before serving. Notes You can add one cake of mexican chocolate. Grate it into 1 cup of milk and stir over low heat until dissolved, then allow the mixture to cool before adding. Can substitute reposado tequila for the mezcal.
  12. The game isn’t until New Year’s Eve and the school’s expenses are being paid by the Bowl committee. Only aggys would consider a week and a half of vacation in Honolulu over the Holidays a burden. Those white trash, backwater rednecks have no concept of what exists outside the corridor College Station and Katy.
  13. Don’t forget this is the 100th anniversary of their fabled “12th Man” game. I can’t think of a more aggy way to commemorate the event.
  14. "About halfway through, the girl from the 6666 said she went to vet school at A&M." The ags crowing about a television character being a hired hand on the 6666 is comical. It shows how little ags know about Texas history. Anne Burnett had significant ties to UT Austin, Tech, and TCU. Wendi and David Grimes are both Longhorns. I don't think there is an aggy in the entire family that owned the 6666 before it was recently sold off to an investor group.
  15. Time to pull out that pimp stick again. While Anne Burnett was alive, she attended UT Austin, served on the Board of Regents at Tech, and donated munificently to TCU. Windi and David are both....wait for it..... But the ags were mentioned in the script of an episode of a show on a streaming service. Um...I'll take real life, thank you.
  16. Personally, I don't even recognize the concept of "t-shirt fan" as being meaningful. The aggys and their fucked up virtue signalling over who is a "better American" is cringeworthy. I'm both a Longhorn and a UT grad. Anyone who wants to call themselves a Longhorn is free to do so and I encourage them to do so. The University has always been "of, by, and for the people of Texas." As long as you aren't acting like an asshole (sorry, aggys, that eliminates most of you), wear whatever shirt you want to. Cheer for whoever you want to. Just as long as you aren't cheering for OU. Because OU sucks.
  17. A great quote from an article I am reading: "There are also a lot of people with whom you can share all the empirical evidence, all the primary source documents, all the historical fact and it won't matter. Because the reason they believe what they believe is not because they don't have information, it is because that information threatens the position that they have taken on for themselves within their family and within society. It is a truly existential threat to how someone understands who they are in the world. That is the thing that’s difficult for a lot of people to accept, and so they push back against it. We see a 21st-century iteration of that today. We saw it after the Civil War. People attempt to distort history, distort information, distort fact, because it allows them to continue to tell a story about themselves and their community that they're deeply invested in."
  18. There are outliers. Which is why I said "usually." However, at the end of the day, is your former roommate a graduate, or not? I know of at least one instance where a civilian was awarded the Medal of Honor. I know of one instance where the President of the United States was appointed and not elected by the people. I know one instance where a member of the aggy corps actually served in the U.S. military. Strange things happen.
  19. There is a reason the aggys don't have an "alumni association." They used to have both an alumni association and an association of former students. Notice the difference. Because A&M was established essentially as a reform school for miscreant farm children whose parents wanted to be done with them, from 19876 through WWI, the aggy graduation rate was about 7%. A historical 93% drop-out rate over their first half-century of existence. Yay education! Their alumni association lacked sufficient eligible individuals, so they disbanded the alumni association and their association of former students survives to this day. Newsflash, rednecks - either one is or is not a graduate of and has received a degree from a given institution. Most academic institutions don't usually recognize those who never graduated from the institution. Being more of a cultural indoctrination institution than an academic institution, Texas A&M desperately clings to every drop-out. Failure defines Texas A&M, both on the sports fields and in the classrooms. Never expect an aggy to be intellectually honest regarding what does and does not constitute an aggy. Or even a t-shirt fan. They aren't even intellectually honest about what constitutes a civilian fraternity member and what constitutes a member of the U.S. military.
  20. Lone Star College is producing even more alumni than Texas A&M (for the time being). Are you worried about Lone Star College alumni? If sheer numbers of population were the determinate of anything meaningful, Bangladesh would today be an intellectual and economic powerhouse. Instead, Bangladesh is the Brazos Valley of South Asia. aggys may be many in number, but they have collectively never contributed any meaningful amount of intellectual capital to society. That will not change due to the adoption of a philosophy of "quantity over quality."
  21. Ahem. Everyone wanted Urban? That’s not quite accurate.
  22. I'm not talking rankings. I'm talking educational objectives of each school. aggys are largely clueless with respect to where they fit in the greater scheme of what the THECB has developed. They honestly believe UT and A&M have been set up to serve essentially the same purpose and that A&M and UT Austin are "just the same" as each other. Not even close. A&M focuses on rote learning. UT Austin focuses on meaningful learning. Two entirely different objectives. Note UT Austin is funded to the tune of roughly $57,000 per FTSE, A&M at about $33,000. As both schools charge the same tuition, UT receives about $47,000 in public resources per student, A&M about $23,000. If "just the same" caliber of graduate could be delivered at less than half the cost to taxpayers, wouldn't a fiscally conservative state such as Texas insist they were both funded at the lower rate? If the educational experiences at UT and A&M were indistinguishable, wouldn't it make sense UT was operated under the same model as A&M, thus saving taxpayers well in excess of $1.3 billion each year? Do A&M administrators really believe an extra $1.3 billion each and every year wouldn't make any difference in the quality of education they could offer? And, once you wrap your mind about that, what about if A&M had $1.3 billion more each year, and 15,000 fewer students. Let's look back at the aggy list of weaknesses: Limited financial resources to recruit and retain talented faculty and staff. Lack of investment in and inclusion of other TAMU branches and locations. The campus faces a deferred maintenance challenge regarding its infrastructure. (need I go on?) How do legislators defend funding Texas at more than twice the rate of A&M? Because the two educational experiences are materially different from each other. It is simply not possible to deliver the UT Austin experience on an aggy budget. Are there schools that deliver a higher quality educational experience than UT Austin? Hell yes. But for $10k/yr in tuition, UT Austin delivers an educational opportunity that is far above that of many, many schools. Including Texas A&M. But aggys don't care, "they got Jimbo."
  23. I worry about people who think an institution with 63,000 total students and that awards 16,000 degrees each calendar year contributes "3/4's of a million ags over a 10 year period."
  24. The objective of higher education isn't popularity. It's education. As pointed out yesterday, the weaknesses of TAMU College Station, as self-identified include: Faculty losing sight of need to continue educating, advancing knowledge, and granting degrees. Limited financial resources to recruit and retain talented faculty and staff. Not competitive enough with the marketplace. Continuation of inefficient processes, process loopholes, and resource allocation. The campus faces a deferred maintenance challenge regarding its infrastructure. University communication is generally disjointed, unclear, inefficient, and a struggle. The notion of an all-male, military component of the school impinges upon the culture of higher education. The question isn't whether kids are attending A&M in ever growing numbers. The question is whether the kids doing so are being well served. I have no concern that poorly educated white trash dumbfucks will "take over." They have had the Brazos Valley for almost 150 years and it is a complete economic shithole. Katy is certainly no prize community to live in. The University of Phoenix is far more "popular" that Harvard, Yale, and Princeton combined. Two separate models of education. Which model produces more leaders, which model produces large numbers of people who make you wonder if they ever graduated high school? Quantity vs quality has long been debated. Are you equally worried about Univ of Phoenix "graduates" "taking over?" Texas A&M is essentially a trade school tasked with rote learning. It screens applicants to make sure they can memorize information, spit it out on tests, and refer back later when that particular formula is necessary. This is opposed to "meaningful learning," where individuals are taught to take disparate facts and to craft them into a unique understanding of unique concepts. Two completely different educational objectives. One perpetuates current knowledge, the other advances current knowledge. Parents are free to guide their children to either model of learning. Both are available at a reasonable cost at state universities in Texas. One concept requires a more refined intellect. Not everyone has such an intellect. The vast majority of high school graduates are directed to rote learning for a reason. It requires less of an intellect. Be not afraid of their numbers. As long as we continue to foist fairy tale history upon them and convince them it is historical fact, we will keep them dumbed down such their numbers will never truly matter. As long as well continue to keep them so stupid that they don't understand the difference between a college fraternity and military service, nothing will ever change, they will continue to be subservient white trash. As long as they tell themselves a life preserver isn't a 100% guarantee you won't get wet if you are in a boating accident, therefore promoting wearing one is simply the act of government oppression, aggys will always remain aggys. The key is to keep them dumbed down. As as long as we continue to send them to the state institution that is responsible for keeping them dumbed down, regardless of their numbers, they will continue to walk out of that school dumb as aggys.
  25. Rick Perry is not only an aggy, he is a consummate aggy. He openly admits his intellectual struggles are what lead him to politics. Thanks for your service, Rick.
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