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Randolph Duke

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Posts posted by Randolph Duke

  1. 2 hours ago, RoyalBevo21 said:

    Weren't Army and Navy both football powers in the 40's due to the influx of enrollment during the war? If aggy was a "military" college during WW2 why did they still suck? 

    Arky was the last university in the nation to end compulsory ROTC, that happening in 1969, six years after A&M. 

    Furthermore, A&M had more male students in 1960 than OU has today. 

    The only reason aggys continue to use the “small military school” excuse is that the aggy education leaves them long on fairy tales and short on thinking skills. 

    They’re poorly educated dumbfucks who have no knowledge whatsoever about the actual history of their university. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. One of the identifying characteristics of an aggy is their inability to understand how concepts can be applied across various sets of facts.

    Today's lesson in the "aggy education" concerns the definition of a racist. The context is that aggys believe white middle class males are the most aggrieved class of victims of racism.

    aggys can look up a definition in a dictionary, but remain utterly clueless as to the meaning of the definition. Especially when defending their on-campus shrine to white supremacy.


    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

    aggy define racist texags.jpeg

    ross daughter foreward grab.jpeg

  3. Garbage like this is what small minds accept as truth. If they knew anything about military history, the ags would realize the U.S. Army never quartered officers in the homes of locals. That the ags completely fabricate these stories and none of them are capable of discerning truth from fantasy says a lot about aggy culture.

    aggy texags ring cry.jpeg

    weeping frenchman.jpeg

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  4. 40 minutes ago, Horn80 said:

    Pack of losers

    The ags have always thought everyone else thinks just like aggys and therefore, however aggys rationalize anything must be accurate.

    They have no clue they are not "just like tu."

    They can't process that Arch Manning is extremely well advised by his family and has the luxury of not having to build his career with quick money in mind. Hell, aggys can't even process why Arch Manning wants anything in life other than a tract home in Katy and a leased Ford pickup truck.

    They also have no clue how the Mannings could have a relationship with Steve Sarkesian. Because they have no knowledge of or sense of history, they have no understanding how Sarkesian could be a reasonable choice for a QB recruit.

    They just don't get that they are not factoring something in that others have carefully considered.

    The closest comparison to Arch Manning's coming to Austin would be Kyle Shanahan. Neither was really worried about winning a national championship. Manning doesn't have to care about NIL. The mission is to develop the necessary skills in preparation of a pro career. Shanahan's as a coach, Manning's as a future franchise QB. The ags have no clue Arch Manning follows zero others on his Twitter feed and has sent a grand total of one tweet from the account, that being yesterday's commitment. He's not playing the career game in a way any aggy could understand.

    Sark's weakness is defense, not offense. That the ags don't get any of this isn't surprising.

    sark wreck aggy bowl.jpeg

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  5. The "aggy education" teaches young rednecks that aggy successes should always be extrapolated into infinity, aggy setbacks are because of a vast conspiracy against them, and when UT athletics are performing below historical norms the probability of mean reversion should be completely discounted.

    Oh, and that only white people make the world go round while Blacks act like children.

    The non-aggy students of Texas A&M deserve better than Texas A&M.

    aggy_ralph copy.jpg

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Gidnik said:

    and they deleted my post but kept the thread 😂

    I don't think there is any room for debate at this point about what type of people Gabe Bock and Billy Liucci are. That they provide a platform for this type of disgusting filth to be broadcast and perpetuated, without any moderation of this clearly racist and white supremacist content shows they have no problem with these beliefs.

    The level of ignorance and racism that defines the aggy culture is a major embarrassment to the state of Texas and the nation as a whole. "aggy values" have nothing to do with American values.

    The people of Texas and of the nation deserve better than Texas A&M.

    (And for when the subject comes up about racist aggy culture and whether texags is truly a white supremacist racial hate site, I have archived the texags Juneteenth thread.)

    cash finger 3 by 5.jpeg

    Dumb Juneteenth tweets | TexAgs 1.pdf Dumb Juneteenth tweets - Page 2 | TexAgs.pdf Dumb Juneteenth tweets - Page 3 | TexAgs.pdf Dumb Juneteenth tweets - Page 4 | TexAgs.pdf

  7. 1 hour ago, DaysOff said:

    Jesus. That whole fucking thread. I guess recruits don't care. Take their money; get to the league and get out.

    Would you consider someone who thinks white people make the world go around and Blacks only “act like children” qualifies as a white supremacist?”

    Any student athlete who chooses A&M without realizing they are stepping into one of the most virulently racist cultures they will ever experience has only their self to blame, because aggys don’t hide who they are. 

    The white supremacist shrine at the center of campus should be any recruit’s first clue. 

  8. The top clip is from today, discussing Juneteenth, which has been a Texas state holiday since 1980. Source: https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3297126/2

    The Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863. Word of it didn’t get to Galveston, Texas until  1865. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that knowledge of it didn’t make to College Station and to most aggys until “a year or two ago.” 

    The bottom clip is from the Texas Monthly article on the bonfire debacle.

    Racism defined aggy culture 20 years ago and aggy culture is just as deeply racist today.

    Enjoy your fried chicken, you aggy racist pieces of shit. I hope you choke on the bone.


    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

    aggy texags racism comp.jpeg

    • Rage+1 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Big Frog II said:

    This is going to be a big deal.

    It already is a big deal, just not in open circles.

    The one thing every aggy demands of the lavishly paid A&M administrators is that the school do everything possible to be "just like tu." No focus on being the best they can be. No consideration given to forging a new path and a new identity. That would require effort and change.  Reasonably, that would require terminating A&M's sacred status as a branch of The University of Texas. Most of all, that would take effort.

    aggys are culturally lazy. They don't have the intellectual firepower to innovate or to do anything other than follow paths forged by others. This is why they fall back on the intellectual laziness of "turdition."

    In this instance, they have been caught. This is the same type of scandal that took down Ross Margraves and Robert Smith (how many aggys admit to knowing who they were or the school's admission of "institutional arrogance" associated with them?)

    As I posed a few days ago, A&M doesn't have the financial resources to be "just like tu." This latest scandal has been generated by the A&M administrators insatiable lust for the advantages of being funded "just like tu." The litigation around this scandal has been brewing for years. Judicial Watch has been on this for a while. The Qatar Foundation has been fighting disclosure. https://casetext.com/case/qatar-found-for-educ-v-zachor-legal-inst

    UT Austin was offered the first opportunity to operate the branch institution in Qatar. The Regents declined, asserting offering a degree from The University of Texas at Austin to people who had never been within 12,000 miles of the campus stated on their diploma would diminish the value of the campus educational experience. A&M jumped on the opportunity because of the money. Now that decision, and the corruption is has spawned, is about to bite them in the ass. And rightfully so.

    Long story short....

    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. And the people of Texas are about to see some of the sordid details of why I hold that belief.

    This is a big deal. It's about to get bigger. The facts are disgusting. And the response of the ignorant fucks from Whitemenistan will predictably be, "Don't matter, got Jimbo."

    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

    • Like 4
  10. 10 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:


    Cross post from the baseball board.

    The ags have played so few CWS games, they are still getting use out of their original 1951 CWS uniforms.

    At least they bought new socks.

    At this rate, A&M won't wear out their CWS baseball uniforms until 2064.

    aggy cws baseball unused uniforms.jpeg

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  11. 36 minutes ago, kangsta said:

    Doing something stupid for a really long time doesn't make it any less stupid. 

    The good thing for A&M is they can still get a number of decades of use out of those original 1951 CWS jerseys.

    They've hardly been worn.

    Nice to see they sprung for new socks this year though. Quite stylish.

    aggy cws baseball unused uniforms.jpeg

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 34 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    I'd say hitting a baseball 900 feet might be considered a play

    aggy mentality is how bookies stay in business. aggys are just more infected with the sickness than most others.

    "Never wrong," always "next time." But "next time" never happens.

    And they are too clueless to realize they need to change. So they just keep throwing money at the problem.

    Recently about $450 million in borrowed money and $100 million of "tomorrow's money" for Jimbo.

    The only thing that has materially changed about A&M football (and athletics in general) since switching conferences is their winning overall winning percentage has bumped up because they've dumbed worn their schedule with a "must have" FCS game.

    About the same time they dumbed down their OOC football scheduling they also dumbed down their academics.

    College Station is a perpetual land of lowered expectation. But the dream of some day living in a tract home in Katy is still every aggy's "burning desire."

    A truly fucked up culture.

    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

    aggy blinn transfer 2.5.jpeg

    • Haha 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, Rickylovesweed said:

    1 conference championship in 2 years with an athletic budget as big as aggy is pathetic. 

    That's hilarious if true. 

    The concept of personal accountability means nothing in aggy culture. Which is why aggys consistently make such stupid assertions as "wait till next year." "Next year" never happens and people keep listening to their "betters" who keep making such baseless predictions of the success aggys so badly need to validate their self-images.

    John Sharp, Tony Buzbee, Perry, etc, etc have drive aggy athletics debt to never before seen levels to fund shiny new facilities with the promise "if we build it, we will win." Once they maxed out facilities debt they went all-in on coaching salaries. For what? 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, wash, rinse, repeat. 

    The wrong people are leading A&M as an institution, aggy athletics, and aggy academics.

    Until and unless A&M gets new leadership that is not infected with the classic aggy cultural sicknesses, including giving no thought to holding leadership accountable for wrong decisions, A&M as an institution, aggy athletics, and aggy academics will continue to be second-rate in the eyes of all but those infected with the aggy cultural sicknesses.

    And this will never happen.

    Wash, rinse, repeat. It's turdition.

  14. 9 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Yeah I could be down with a burnt orange hat and the word "ROYAL" in white lettering.  That'd be worthy.

    But Jimbo?  Lulz.

    Its enough for me to know the school logo that is so ubiquitous is known officially as the "Royal logo."

    Rooster Andrews actually drew it, but Royal was the one who chose it as the official team logo.

    Texas Longhorns Primary Logo - NCAA Division I (s-t) (NCAA s-t) - Chris  Creamer's Sports Logos Page - SportsLogos.Net

    • Hook 'Em 8
  15. The ags love to wrap themselves in the American flag and bleat about how their being "conservative" makes them better Americans.

    We all know it was a liberal-minded federal welfare program (The Morrill Act of 1862) that lead to the establishment of the school. The liberal-minded Reconstructionist legislature of 1871 forced the school upon the people of Texas who believed they neither had the money to support the school or the need for the school. This in opposition to The University of Texas, an institution whose ideals have been cherished by Texans since the days of the Texas Republic and has long been revered for being the one institution that is truly "of, by, and for the people of Texas."

    Curiously, for being such "highly educated" people, it seems the aggys have no clue what the purpose of the Morrill Act actually was. As set forth in Sec. 4 of the document the institution's stated mission is, was, and always has been "to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life." Liberal education. Clearly stated in the formational documents of the institution.

    Today's Texas A&M is nothing like what Congress envisioned. The school has completely failed its own students, the people of Texas, and the American people to whom they are forever indebted for the liberal-minded financial welfare gift that established their institution.

    The people of Texas and of our nation deserve better than Texas A&M.


    Morrill liberal education.jpeg

  16. 42 minutes ago, Viper said:

    You all will be surprised to learn that the Aggies think this was a big bad tu conspiracy to hold down another fine upstanding young aggy that did nothing wrong and it shows how we're not ready for the SECSECSEC!



    At Texas A&M, it's always someone else's fault. Personal responsibility is not one of the vaunted "aggy values."

    aggy comp bad sports.jpeg

  17. Who said it, and what school was he talking about?

    When you really look, what exactly I said, I was talking about if you don't go to class at these big schools that have 60,000, 40,000 students, OK, you can take online classes. We can't. The majority of our kids cannot take online classes here because it's a smaller school and you're forced to have in-class attendance. That's what I wanted to get cleared up."

    The answer: https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/34096537/marcus-freeman-walks-back-comments-comparing-academics-notre-dame-ohio-state-says-never-disrespect-ohio-state

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