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Posts posted by Jasper_Jester

  1. 1 minute ago, SL Xpress said:


    It's likely the oldest team in the country. I understand what you're saying, that they haven't played together previously, but there's a huge amount of game experience on this roster.

    I think the high FT percentage reflects their experience. But they still have to learn to play together and communicate in game.

  2. Sort that list by sacks and I was personally surprised who was on top of the list. DangeRus seems to escape every single sack when he plays my team.

    Looks like Jimmy G would be giving Mayfield a run for his money regarding interceptions if he wasn't always injured.

    Mayfield is out for Sunday with a shoulder injury. Last night was probably our last chance to watch him as a QB1......

  3. 3 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

    Well where’s the 12th man at in all of this? These folks wait their entire lives for just such an opportunity.

    Half the players on the field at any one time could be out there in mismatching silk screened replica #12 jerseys. It would be sweet.

  4. 4 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Confused at how many they think they need on the field at a given time? I'm going to assume they have a lot of non-scholarship players since he went out of his way to mention 'scholarship' position players.  So they do have enough, just not as many as they want.

    This would be exactly the type of adversity that they tell like to tell stories about. We barely had 80 players and only 38 were scholarship; the mighty Aggies soldiered on anyway and would have won except for the clock expiring before the comeback was completed.


    This is potential Aggie lore in modern times and they are running from it.

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Horn Dogg said:

    They didn’t mention the giant bag of dicks OU promised to give him at the game.

    Seems like a conflict of interest to be in the media covering teams on Fox and simultaneously coaching a team and recruiting. I bet he is giving up more money in lost salary from his TV gig than he is making from coaching the trailer park kids.


    There is probably some angle where he was hoping to still get his Fox Big Saturday Kickoff bucks and be the Sooner's interim bagman.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Constant said:

    No one watches Pac 12 football. 

    Mostly because of the dumb times they schedule their games. I think the Texas at Cal game ended some time between 11:30 and midnight PDT. 

    That is just illogical to agree play games that late.

  7. 2 hours ago, pops said:

    I can see that,  and obviously Disney has their own successful streaming platform, but between espn+ and Disney + they have approximately 55 million subscribers based on the numbers I could find. Prime has 150 million (these are all US only numbers) 

    Obviously espn is in every basic cable package in the country so they have access to more eyeballs at the moment but I'm not sure how long people are going to just keep paying the cable company for 200 channels they never watch. Will be interesting to see it play out. 

    150M people use Prime Video? that is crazy! there is nothing on that service ever!

  8. 2 minutes ago, pops said:

    This is the most interesting thing about all of this. Espn has no chance against Amazon if they really want to jump in to the college scene. Bezos could pay every playoff team 100m every year and it would be a blip on his radar. 

    I think in 5-10 years we will all be consuming more live sports on Amazon/ Netflix than cable. 

    It seems strange to me that Amazon's revenue (which is primarily from AWS and then retail services) is lumped together with its revenue related its entertainment arm, but ESPN, which is part of the Disney, ABC, 21st Century Fox is being viewed as a stand alone entity. I highly doubt that an entertainment empire is letting a internet website, cloud storage, and mail order company with a side hustle streaming service (with third tier content) completely take over its bread and butter without a fight....But, we will see.

  9. 6 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    Good god it's a shitty song, whoever it offends.

    I'll sing it every time, but I have to say, when I showed up on campus and we learned it my first thought was "what the fuck does all this shit mean?" We would be just fine if we let the wokes take a win on this one. We would have to work really hard to come up with a dumber replacement. 

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