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SL Xpress

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Everything posted by SL Xpress

  1. It's more like you want to know which lawyer to dread working with on a deal.
  2. Well, to be fair I've known plenty of lawyers who practically thought the same thing. Law is law, right? Even if they know nothing about it, they'll start in like they do, because that's basically what law school trains you to do, even if you spit out the caveat, "this isn't my specialty" every once in a while as a CYA. I'm not saying that's every attorney, but it's a bunch of them. And if you happen to get two attorneys in the same room, neither of whom have the specialty being discussed, well...you'll be there all day.
  3. I’d tell you to ask Mike Leach about Texas Tech’s sovereign immunity and how well fighting that worked out for him, but he’s dead.
  4. No problem. Sometimes it's difficult to remember exact handles unless I scroll back. Just trying to be inviting any case we get some interlopers. Which, frankly, we should. A lot of bad news all over the place in other sports.
  5. Texas is a super power in volleyball. They've made 10 of the last 15 Final Fours. 17 straight Sweet 16s. 16 of 17 of the last Elite Eights. They have a ridiculous amount of talent on the roster and incoming. And Texas is the best recruiting program in the country out of the portal. One of the top 3 among freshmen, with Nebraska and Stanford. They're kind of like Bobby Bowden at Florida State in the 90s, though. Lots of top 5 finishes. Not many national championships. They have the best team this year, but the other 3 teams are really good as well. Including Thursday's opponent, which also has a bunch of transfers making a difference. It's a really fun sport to watch, IMO, in person or on television. 6pm on Thursday on ESPN. They won't be the prohibitive favorite going into the season next year. Stanford almost certainly will be the favorite for 2023. But Texas will probably be in the top 5, just like they are about every year, and they'll have a shot at it. In any case, this year absolutely doesn't have to be the year, but it will be a disappointment for sure if they don't win it.
  6. A random person just posted on volleytalk that the Carissa Barnes thing is a done deal. According to volleymetrics she passes a 2.44 on the year, and a 2.52 against tournament teams. That's...unreal. Mind you, I don't KNOW it's a done deal. It's a random anonymous poster. But I want to BELIEVE!
  7. Oh, you mean, SLX's world? I mean, I understand it has to happen. I do not want a head coach at Texas who put his hands on a woman in a violent manner, I don't care what the reason is. Get the fuck out of the house. Full stop. That said, acceptance is a long long long ways off. I always say you're never over your last relationship until you're in your next one. Well, I'm here to tell you, Rodney Terry ain't it. So I've got a while.
  8. Rodney Terry would be a terrible head coach. No doubt about it. We're signing up for another 5 years of misery before he's gone if he gets named.
  9. I feel like Abe Lemons did after Mike Wacker blew out his knee in the Heart of Texas abyss of an arena.
  10. Yes. And Rodney Terry being the permanent head coach is its continuation for half a decade.
  11. I wasn’t being serious. I was just thinking about how incredibly pissed off UH fans would be. Even billionaire ones.
  12. I know Gabriel was listed at 5'8 but she's admitted in interviews she's 5'6. Which makes sense, because that's what she looks like. Which changes nothing about anything else you posted there.
  13. I was referring to the Mark Adams posts. Not a fan of Nate Oates, either. I'm also concerned Rodney Terry ends up with a decent record at the end of the season and he ends up being the choice. Actually, more than a little concerned.
  14. Ah. It was an accident he was arrested, then. I guess the phone call to the police was an accident as well. Nothing to see here, folks. I understand the impulse to wait until all the facts are in. I also understand that sometimes what comes out aren't exactly the facts. Especially with a $5.2m salary at stake.
  15. Volleyball is playing in the Final Four on Thursday 6pm, ESPN. It's a fun sport. Check it out.
  16. If we're REALLY looking to piss off a fan base, hire Kelvin Sampson.
  17. I thought I saw that Holly McPeak and Courtney Lyle are also doing the semifinals and finals? I'd much prefer Sunderland. Not trying to trigger you here.
  18. There is way too much volleyball in this video. Who watches a Shelby Coppedge video for volleyball highlights? No one, that's who.
  19. Shelby Coppedge. We were commenting on her earlier in the thread. She's from the state of Texas. Played volleyball at Texas A&M-CC. Definitely not calling the regionals because of her resume, because she doesn't have one to speak of. I'm here for it. She called a Texas match on LHN earlier this year.
  20. They had her and 6-7 Dana Rettke last year in the front row together. This is going to shock you, but they won the national championship.
  21. Wisconsin is bigger and tends to serve better. But I'm not sure either team gets past Louisville, so I'm not sure it matters. Wisconsin would give the biggest ratings. I want a national championship more than I want viewers, but the fact is Texas/Nebraska/Wisconsin are the big troika in terms of television ratings. It's not completely unimportant to me. I want volleyball to continue to get more coverage and attention.
  22. My favorite part of volleyball is the rallies. There are no rallies to speak of in men's volleyball. People don't like service errors in women's volleyball? They're all over the place in men's, because it's so freakin' hard to score in a service rotation. I just don't find it very much fun to watch. I really enjoy women's volleyball. It's obviously in a huge growth pattern right now at all levels. I have no idea when it plateaus, but I feel like it has a much bigger shot at being truly mainstream than other women's sports. Even basketball. It already has the highest ratings on BTN among women's sports, only being surpassed by football and men's basketball. The participation levels for girls is skyrocketing. And a lot of that is coming from women's basketball.
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