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Everything posted by lilMAC25

  1. Texas was fucking ROLLING with Bijan, so Sark calls 2 straight passes resulting in a 1 yd gain and a fumble for a Baylor defensive TD. OFFENSIVE GENIUS AT WORK. Refusing to ride a heisman quality back is a mother fucking fireable offense.
  2. Bijan is taking us down the field, better throw it with Ewers.
  3. Ref is trying to find a reason to flag Sark.
  4. There were metric fucktons of people blaming the players during the Strong years.
  5. Someone pissed off the OL and DAMN did that drive look good.
  6. I have a bad feeling that our offense will struggle to score again in this game. 😬
  7. Low throw. Hit him in the chest. Amazing catch by the TE.
  8. Yes, the wide open 6’5” TE with a massive wingspan managed to leap up and get his hands on the ball. That doesn’t make it good throw.
  9. It’s only holding if they throw our guys to the ground… uh…
  10. That’s fair, but the ball should have hit him in the face or chest, not a ball that makes him leap and extend to try to get his hand on it.
  11. What? there was no defender with it 10 yards and it wasn’t a deep throw. That ball should hit Sanders directly in the chest or face.
  12. No way it was 1 second between RB getting set and the snap. No way.
  13. Holy shit what a run. That was Ricky Williams vs Rice style. Damn.
  14. Fuck that. He needs to have the mic shoved down his throat and the cord wrapped around his neck until he quits with the “cute” play on words BS.
  15. True. damn good drive called by Sark there.
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