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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BoomMF

  1. Yes.

    And electronics, and neck, bridge type, headstock type, and wood type, etc., etc.

    It shares more important features with Les Pauls than any guitar shares with Telecasters.

  2. "...that's defining for sound." Cosmetic tops don't change the guitar family, but things like neck setting type into solid-body wood type does. V's and Explorers couldn't be more Les Paul if you threw binding on them.

  3. On which of these planets do V's share anything with Strats from a design perspective? Because on this planet they share almost everything that's important and defining for sound with Les Pauls.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Deej said:

    Maybe because they can't improve upon them enough to justify it?

    Or because they already have. (And doing so was such a low bar that it was done almost immediately.)


    I'll dip out now, just wanted to let Doug know he's not the only one on this lonely hill.

  5. Telecasters, yes, Telecaster design elements incorporated into other guitars, no.

    The number of Strat copies, and more importantly guitars that steal Strat design concepts, takes a chest dump on Tele numbers of the same. The reasons for this truism abound.

    Telecasters are a cold war relic of blunt design.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. The elements that typify Telecaster design are the most un-copied elements in the history of music (even within the company that created the thing). Can't argue with science.

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  7. The most un-Tele in existence.

    Side note: There is a Custom Shop Page Mirror Tele Signature (set up as a blackguard) at the Guitar Center in Spring for $2k complete with all that cool case candy. It's got me thinking that if any series of unfortuante events lead me to owning a Tele, that might be the one...

  8. "Goofy little weenie headstock..." lol Preach.

    Teles are like the Devo of guitars imo. Yeah, there's obviously something interesting going on but they are also dorky as fuck. There's a metric shit ton of cool dudes who play Teles, but none of them are cool because they play Teles - they're cool in spite of it. And looking cool is half the reason to play guitar. Coincidentally, this is also why PRS sucks.

    Leo knew he could do better, so he did.

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  9. Eric Johnson put a bunch of signed stuff on his web store recently. Among them are some double LPs like these two classics. I've never picked up Ah Via Musicom on vinyl (3 digital versions of it, obv.) so him offering autographed copies of the LE gold vinyl version was like he was speaking to my heart.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. Anyone grab the UHQR Are You Experienced?

    I did even though I have a nice OG tricolor Reprise.

    Should be great.
    #516 reporting for duty.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. NPD

    Aaron Thorpe doesn't miss with his designs, but he's gifted when it comes to fuzz imo (His Muffroom/Fallout Cloud is best triangle on the market imo). The last time he collected enough Germanium transistors to do a run of pedals I missed out and now the OG Veteran Germanium fuzz gets stupid prices on Reverb. So when he announced he had enough to do a run of Tone Bender fuzzes I did one of those sight unseen things. It arrived today and now the hard part - deciding what to kick off the board.



    Some reviews:



    Maybe just need a bigger board...

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    I don't play metal at all and I wish I had a metal guitar.


    That Fender (not the super strat- that's rad. the meteora) is cool but I see it and think of several Ernie Ball Music Man guitars that scratch that itch better for me





    An Armada will be part of the collection someday, even though I'm more of a Cheeto dude. They all dropped off the face of the Earth it seems. Shame. That black/grey number is all the sex.

  13. Played Ark Nova to see what all the hubbub is about. It was good, and I can see why people like it so much, but I don't think it does anything you can't get somewhere else - It's been said before, but it's true, it's Terraforming Mars with a zoo theme. It's a typical janky Capstone production, so it doesn't have a component quality advantage over a Stronghold game either.




    Played Hadrian's Wall and it immediately clicked with everyone. If flip and writes are all like this I might need to investigate the genre more!




    Aaaaand we played it again on a weekend getaway, too.




    It was so well received that one of the kids asked to play it again solo... That's never happened before.

    Nemesis: Lockdown was what I expected, more of the same, and that's a good thing - We love Nemesis. The light and dark mechanic is a fun, thematic twist. Finished the first Nemesis campaign and everyone's chomping at the bit to play the second one...




    And I built one of those gigantic Fancy But Functional game crates for Death May Die. It holds everything, including Rise of R'lyeh, Scarlett, and the comic investigators, in one box but it took the better part of a whole day to build! I don't know if that kind of effort is worth the convenience, but I'm glad to have everything for the game in one Kallax cube. I can think of other games I'd like to do this for, but the thought of building another one of these behemoths makes my stomach uneasy.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. Had a custom cab built to house the center speaker (upgraded the entire frontline to Atlantic Technology 8200s) which let me move the turntable up to the top, meaning I have no vertical limitations now - so the hunt begins for my endgame player. Thinking a VPI Prime or maybe stay with Pro-Ject and their RPM 10? Regardless, things are getting pretty real over here.

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