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Kyrie Eleison

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Posts posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. 1 minute ago, Chooky said:

    Alex Jones sells a product called Superblue Silver Immune Gargle.  You gargle it and it does stuff.  

    like drains the balls of the dude next to Alex?

  2. On 4/14/2018 at 3:04 PM, George Morgan said:

    Really,  the great questions that all people have about life are, "Where did I come from?', "Why am I here", and "Where am I  going after I die?"  The Bible is the only book that can answer those questions because it is the Word of God, our creator.  To know where you are going after you die is of immense importance to most people.  We can trust God's word to tell us the truth without having to rely on our opinions.  There has never been a book written like the Bible.  Over 300 predictions have come true, and no other book in history has been able to predict future events like the Bible has for many centuries.  Hundreds of thousands of scholars have studied the Bible and have not been able to discredit it.  It is the most amazing book ever written.



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  3. Many of you have displayed some interest in knowing if hell exists, and whether you or others may go there when you die.  Bear in mind, that Satan works overtime to convince people that He and hell doesn't exist.  That is the furthest thing from the truth.
    Perhaps the following information from the Bible will help answer your questions:
    1.  Hell was not originally created for man.  It was created for Satan and his angels or demons who rebelled against God in heaven and were cast out and sent to Earth.  Hell will be their eternal place of torment in the future.
    2.  Because God made the world perfect in every way, He created man and woman in His image to enjoy His creation in perfect harmony with Himself.  Unfortunately, Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God,  and as a result, sin entered the world.  Our human nature was then altered so we became aware of what sin was, and apart from God, we could not live a life free of sin.
    3.  Knowing this, God demanded that man to be forgiven by keeping the law.  God kept His end of the agreement, but we did not keep our end. We disobeyed God, committed sins, and the sacrifices we offered were not enough as they had to be done on a continual basis.  
    4.  Thankfully, God's love for us sinners was greater than we could ever imagine.  He knew from the beginning that man could not live up to the laws that would provide salvation, so His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, was sent to pay for our sins on the cross.  This sacrifice was done once and for all people, so God's wrath and justice were satisfied forever.  And, this gift was offered to anyone willing to call on Him for salvation, to confess their sins, and to accept His gift of forgiveness.  It couldn't be earned any other way.  Good works without faith is not enough.  And, Christ died while we were sinners.  He didn't require us to get right with Him before we are saved.  Once we are forgiven by our trust in Him, His Holy Spirit enters our lives to help us resist the power of sin so that we are no longer slaves to sin.  We may fail at times, but He still forgives us and helps us to lead better lives in His power, and not our own.
    5.  Many of the greatest people who ever lived understood the gospel or good news of God, and became believers in the finished work of Christ on the cross.  Most of the greatest scientists were Christians.  Countless others from the richest to the poorest were believers.  Every founder of the Ivy League colleges, except one, was a Christian.  Bach, Beethoven and Mozart were Christians, as was Pascal, Newton, Babbage, Carver, Von Braun, and thousands of others you have read about.  
    I leave you with a couple questions and thoughts.  Why would God allow His only son to die a cruel death if there was another way for man to be forgiven of their sins?  He tried every other way, and they didn't work.  Christianity would collapse in a day if Christ had not risen from the dead.  His resurrection proves that He was the Messiah, sent to die in our place for the forgiveness of our sins.  Why is His grave the only vacant tomb of all the other so called founders of other religions?  By the way, Christ did not come to establish another religion.  He came to establish a relationship between sinful men and the one and only true God.  Christ's death was God's judgement against sin so that whosoever believed in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.  All past, present, and future sins were forgiven once and for all who place their trust in Christ.
    I'm not going to hell when I die, not because I don't deserve to be there, but because my faith in His son's death and resurrection paid the ransom for my sins.  I have a received a pardon from God that He paid for.  Why would I reject that?  Why would you?  God does not send anyone to hell.  They send themselves because they have rejected his gift of salvation.
    Amos 4:12 says "Prepare to meet God. "  Are you ready to face Him, and to give an account of your life?  You can be ready by turning to Him for salvation, and not trusting in your works.
    I suggest you read the Book of John.  You may also read the testimony of Napoleon Bonaparte who was saved shortly before his death on the island of Saint Helena.  I would also recommend seeing the movie, "Paul, the Apostle of Christ."  You may find that these will be helpful in your search for a new life in Christ.

    most of you know my background. and over the past few years, i’ve been hesitant and refrained from from theological issues and discussions despite my education and training. i’m a different man over the past 7 years, 3 months and 17 days.

    but this shit here is making me rethink that position.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  4. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, sure.  And an innocent person also can say "I plead guilty" to a crime in a criminal proceeding

    But they usually don't.  Because, you know, innocent people don't typically do that.

    If we are in a civil case, and I ask a witness a question, and the witness then responds with "I refuse to answer the question on the grounds that it may incriminate me" -- then every person in the room knows that you are hiding what you BELIEVE to be criminal conduct (and to be clear, you are within your rights to refuse to answer on that basis).  But every reasonable person concludes that "yup, this guy did something illegal."  I've had that exact scenario happen.  As a civil litigator, it's solid gold.

    Cohen pleading the 5th in a civil case is either the dumbest tactical move ever made (so, you have a point -- let's not put that past him) or an admission that he's engaged in what he (and his lawyers who are advising him) believes to be criminal conduct.

    And, of course, what Mojo Hand said.  In fact, an attorney witness pleading the 5th in a civil case would be strong evidence to support such a warrant (remember, while the testimony invoking the 5th cannot be used in a criminal trial, it CAN be the basis for procuring a warrant).

    it's more determinative than that for a civil litigant that pleads the 5th.  you actually get a jury instruction that the jury can infer that the party who pleads the 5th is in fact a party admission that the underlying guilt is true.

    ..."the Fifth Amendment does not forbid adverse inferences against parties to civil actions when they refuse to testify in response to probative evidence offered against them.” Baxter v. Palmigiano, 425 U.S. 308, 318 (1976).

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