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Born Burnt

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Posts posted by Born Burnt

  1. 12 minutes ago, NoName said:

    Johntay Cook II (#29 overall) is the best WR Texas has signed since Devin Duvernay (#37 in 2016) or Jake Smith (was #49 in 2019)


    Worthy was #62 overall. Eagles was #61. Ryan Niblett was #64

    Cook is the #32 all time highest Texas prospect. Baxter was #28. Arch Manning was #2 behind VY. Anthony Hill was #18. Devon Campbell was tied for #10.

    Texas brought in a ton of high end talent in the last 2 classes.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    So this ran in the Battalion last week.    And while this guy heaps the current problems on Jimbo, they still can't seem to grasp the bulk of their problem is their insistence on their traditions being respected and envied.  They can't see the problem because they are too close to it, and people think they are just off a bit, try to hard.  And that fucks with their recruiting and then the athletes once they hit campus.   There has always been a choke mentality to that school.

    So yeah, while Jimbo sucks, he's just the latest in a long line of coaches that couldn't bring success to that school.  They have no tradition of actually winning much beyond moral victories and the occasional upset.  They do have a tradition of overvaluing themselves.  Self awareness is not ever a feature.  

    I thought maybe this article would address that, but it didn't.  They cite BOMC often, but it's really battered aggie syndrome. 



  3. 15 minutes ago, Reese Bennett said:

    I think it's obvious there is coaching going on and players aren't just doing it on their own. There were great strides made last year in just about every position room and, I dare say, all of them on the defensive side. With another year of scheme and terminology comfort, I expect them to be better this year. I'm no longer concerned about LB. I think Choate's doing a great job and the talent is improving rapidly. I'm always concerned about finding elite talent on the DL, but not about the coaching. The secondary coaching is my one nagging worry, but the play improved last year and I expect it to improve again this year. Special teams needs to be more consistent with fewer kill shot calls that lead to roughing the punter. On Offense, I couldn't be more happy with the OL. I think Flood is building what will soon be one of the dominant units in college football. TE seems solid and the fact that they didn't just throw Sanders out there as a freshman allowed him to turn into a monster last year--that's good coaching. QB room looks better than just about any other program. I hope the WR room is getting better with the new coach and talent infusion. Hard to find fault at RB with two guys expected to be high draft picks and more studs in the pipeline. The notion that there's no coaching and development is a hard one to shake after the last decade+ of misery and even tougher when we look through rose-colored glasses at the perfection of 2005, but it is happening and I think the trajectory will be obvious this year (barring critical injuries).


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  4. ChatGPT on Jimbo's time at A&M:


    In recent years, Jimbo Fisher's tenure as head coach of the University of Texas A&M has been marked by a series of failures and controversies. Accusations of paying players, his angry demeanor at press conferences, the team's poor record, and his feud with Nick Saban have all contributed to Fisher's troubled time at the helm of the Aggies.

    One of the most significant controversies surrounding Fisher has been the accusation of paying players to join his team. While Fisher has consistently denied these allegations, they have persisted and raised concerns about the integrity of the Aggies' football program.

    In addition to these accusations, Fisher's behavior at press conferences has also come under scrutiny. He has been known to be aggressive and confrontational with reporters, often refusing to answer questions or dismissing them outright. This behavior has not endeared him to the media or the public, and has contributed to an overall negative perception of Fisher.

    Perhaps most damaging to Fisher's tenure at Texas A&M, however, has been the team's poor record under his leadership. Despite high expectations and a large budget for recruiting and facilities, the Aggies have failed to achieve the success that many had hoped for. In his four seasons as head coach, Fisher has only managed to lead the team to one winning season, and has failed to win a conference championship.

    Finally, Fisher's feud with Nick Saban has added another layer of drama to his time at Texas A&M. Saban, the head coach of the University of Alabama, has been one of Fisher's longtime rivals, and the two have engaged in a public war of words over the years. This feud has only added to the pressure on Fisher to deliver results on the field, and has further contributed to the negative perception of his leadership.

    In the end, it is clear that Jimbo Fisher's time as head coach of the University of Texas A&M has been marked by a series of failures and controversies. From accusations of paying players to his aggressive behavior at press conferences, Fisher's leadership has been mired in controversy and disappointment.

    (I might have given it a little help.)

    • Haha 3
  5. 4 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I was in Scotland in January of this year. I have a Texas hat on and one of little boys had a UT sweatshirt on. A guy comes up to my family at a pub and, without introduction, leans down to our table and does the horns down. We just kind of looked at him. I didn’t know what school he claimed and then he says, as we stared silently, “I went to ATM.” I said,  “good for you” and we went back to our meal and drinks. He stood there awkwardly for another 5 seconds expecting some sort of additional interaction.  

    To your point, I’ve run into a bunch of people in UT gear overseas that just liked the color, the logo and that, in their minds, it means Texas/USA. The only American gear I usually see in Europe is Yankees/Cowboys/Texas/Dodgers that are more frequently won than one-offs. Been that way since I started going 15 years ago with any frequency. 

    Yep, my experience is that folks in other countries know The University of Texas, but have never heard of Texas A&M.

    • Hook 'Em 7
  6. 4 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    I commented a few years ago about watching a major cricket match/game at an Indian restaurant and concluding that none of them could play NAIA baseball. That did not go over well on this site. 


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