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Born Burnt

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Posts posted by Born Burnt

  1. Best pickup line I ever heard was said to me in college:

    "I can give you a blowjob that will knock your socks off."

    I had a girlfriend at the time, so I didn't take her up on it. Obviously, I regret that today.

    Won't surprise some of you to know she lived in the Scottish Rite Dorm.

  2. 33 minutes ago, ulukinatme said:

    My wife used to treat a woman with Guillain-Barré syndrome that was triggered by the flu shot.  Basically the shot triggered her auto-immune disease that she didn't know she had, her nervous system shut down /w complete paralysis and she was one of the extreme cases where the paralysis never recovered.  She spent the last several years of her life confined to her bed on a ventilator with 24/7 care as a result.

    Not an anti-vaxer, but there are some diseases I'm willing to take my chances with.



  3. 55 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    Ya'll really got me re thinking on wearing my cargos to the MD game..  Since when have they gotten out of style (i'm 38)??

    Be a man and don't give a shit about style. Guys only criticize cargo shorts because they've heard women say it. I don't always wear them, but I can't count how many times I've toted cans of beer in them.

    Beer > Style

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  4. Became a big fan when "Boxer" was released. Guess that's why I'm partial to "Fake Empire."

    I also enjoy listening to the 6+ hours of "A Lot Of Sorrow" while working; after a while it puts me in almost hypnotic state and I get very productive. I'd love to have the 9 vinyl set of this. Anyone have it?


  5. 6 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    That’s one brand you couldn’t pay me enough to wear.  When I go in a store and I can’t tell where the men’s department ends and the women’s department begins, I’m out.

    I'll make it easy for you: It's all women's.

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