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Hornius Emeritus

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Posts posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. There is one word that has not been written in this thread and it's this: traffic. 

    Every day I fight with Austin traffic. Every day I'm sitting there in my car asking "is this really what you're doing with your one, little granted life?" Every day it is worse.  It's stealing my soul. Mind you, I LIVE here not more than 15 minutes from the stadium if there is no traffic, but the only time that happens is about 5:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  And even living here 15 minutes from the stadium there have been times when I've asked myself if it's worth it to descend into the clusterfuck, look for a parking spot in the madness etc...  Particularly when the alternative is going somewhere where the beer is relatively cheap, I can watch multiple games, and I'm not worried about getting skin cancer from that high midday sun that bakes the entire stadium. I still do it but, as the traffic gets worse and worse, I question WHY I am doing it.  Then I put myself in the position of fans coming from Dallas or Waco or Houston.  Would I really want to fight that battle when staying home is cheaper, more comfortable,  has less anxiety ----- and is far safer?

    CDC has his work cut out for him, no doubt.  First thing I would do is bring back knothole tickets. Make it so a family of four can see a game for 40 bucks.

    As far as Godzillatron, I remember when it was announced and built everybody on Hornfans was so enthusiastic about it. It could still be a force for the greater good. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    Regardless of semantics, it's pretty clear that even though guns are banned over there, they still have a problem with violent people.  I see the same dynamic playing out over there as here - focusing on the tools/instruments instead of root causes, but I suppose it's the low hanging fruit.


    The root cause is that people are violent.  Some of us more than others but nearly all of us at one time or another. Good luck "focusing"  on that. All we can do, collectively, as a society, is to try to limit the calamity.

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    58 minutes ago, RPM said:

    FOX News is




    All I can says is that I hope Jamie Allman WAS drunk when he wrote that, because I would hate to think that any sober person would consider it a good idea to tweet that out, especially in the current environment.


  4. 6 hours ago, XR4ticlone said:

    I guess that's why we DON'T have a democracy.  ;)

    We have a Republic.  I'm 46 and went to public school in a very German part of Northern Iowa.   





    Good Lord, not this again. We have BOTH a democracy AND a republic. The two terms are not antithetical.  

    A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives and which has an elected or nominated president, rather than a monarch.  A democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.  Specifically, the United States is a representative democracy. 

    Apparently those public school teachers in Iowa didn't teach you very well. 

  5. Stormy Daniels gives tell-all interview, poses nude for Penthouse:



    Stormy Daniels — who is milking her alleged one-night stand with Donald Trump for maximum exposure — has given an interview to Penthouse magazine covering some areas that were untouched on “60 Minutes.”

    The top-heavy porn star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, also posed nude for the double May-June issue hitting newsstands at the end of the month with her on the cover.

    “She answers a lot of questions about Trump that Anderson Cooper didn’t ask,” my source said.

    A spokeswoman for the mag said, “It’s a great feature. She looks amazing.”


  6. 22 hours ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    The real question is what other sprorts does Card not excel in? Answer: none.

    I understand he would have  finished second in the Masters if he'd remembered to bring his clubs.

    Also, per Rivals, Kenyon Jackson is visiting April 27-29.  He is Kenyatta Watson's teammate. 

  7. Bonnie Raitt kissed me.

    I talked to Bruce Springsteen on the phone in 1975 without having a clue who he was.

    I shook hands with Arnold Palmer.

    Saw Secretariat win the Belmont by 40 lengths in person.

  8. 3 hours ago, kevwun said:

    What?  You think those threatened species are so innocent?  Lots of people are talking about how all whooping cranes do is rape the elderly.



    Oh, like we're so innocent.

  9. 3 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    He would have been perfect at one of those NFL teams that don't care if their players are too lazy to watch film and learn the plays. The Indiana Improvisers, Idaho Indigo Indolence, or the Wilmington Wing-its would have been perfect fits. 

    "Now, listen to this, now. Uh, Arnie, go down, uh, ten steps and cut left behind the black Chevy. Filbert, you run down to my house and wait in the living room. Cosby, you go down to 3rd Street, catch the "J" bus. Have him open the doors at 19th Street. I'll fake it to you...." 

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