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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. It's like a Tim Burton music video for Timmy T's "One More Try"
  2. How well does it pay to write for Sommelier Weekly?
  3. The Sharks got on the board last night, against a not so good Flyers team. I still think them getting to 10 wins might be a stretch.
  4. I will say this, it warms my heart to see black people voting in Mississippi and (rightfully) believing that their voice matters. While the party came up a bit short tonight, I think this bodes well for the future.
  5. That looks to be pretty much right on the money numbers wise. Very close.
  6. If the remainder of the Koch family went on a 3 hour tour I wouldn't complain either.
  7. Actually, it looks like Central East Mississippi, and just general better performance in red counties.
  8. Yeah, the Madison County thing reeks of tabulation, which ever way they are counting is a mirage of sorts, we are going to pick up more there.
  9. Well, if we can get two straight onside kicks we fucking got this! It's possible, I wouldn't say probable.
  10. The math is narrow, I mean extremely narrow, but Mississippi is still in play, it's down to 50k, with about 65k that should go Dem in Hind. Lots of outstanding elsewhere, but a runoff might be possible.
  11. Well that and you almost need to watch it on mute because of the both sides bullshit. Hell, have of their panel are Trump staffers.
  12. Hold the phone on Mississippi, it's tightening up and only one small dump from Hind.
  13. I think it's going to wind up being with 50k to 70k. Still is a good effort for Mississippi Democrats, not what we wanted, but hopefully it energizes people for the future and makes headway in local elections.
  14. Christie about to be on CNN, because who needs to interview any Democrats on a night full of Democratic victories.
  15. What a glorious time we live in, we are getting election info on Beaver, PA, from a guy going by Pittsburgh Schmuck
  16. I've noticed the poll CNN kept touting earlier this evening is suddenly not really being mentioned. And now Van Jones is shit talking it for the bullshit it was.
  17. Haven't seen this anywhere, but anyone know which is tallied first in Mississippi, in person or mail?
  18. It's gonna be damn close from the looks of it. If he's within 50k without Hinds reporting this is gonna be razor thin either way.
  19. Can't do socialism, so Muni course freebies are out. But a rally to fight Mexico or some shit at a private club, well that might do the trick.
  20. Hell, I may try to set up a 36 hole tournament for republicans next year.
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