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Posts posted by MeerkatBong

  1. 7 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    You also have to realize HR posts jobs sometimes to determine how much interest there is in the job with no intention of hiring anyone as there is no spot to be filled. They could be resume farming. It could be someone is asking for more money, and they want to see if they can be replaced. It could be some weird HR goal of determining interest in positions to see the amount of recruiting they will need to do in the future, etc. 


    This practice is called “evergreening” from the conversations I’ve had with my internal HR teams and in my experiences with getting job reqs approved and offers out. It sucks because it gives green job seekers (pardon the pun) false hope, but it’s helpful for a number of internal metrics (as mentioned above). You typically see it in the larger enterprise organizations fwiw.

  2. 2 hours ago, C-Man said:

    While I've lived in Dallas for the past 25 years, I grew up in SA so I'm a Spurs fan. I don't dislike the Mavs. I'm just indifferent. Love Dirk though. Also not a huge a fan of today's NBA either, so I'm sure that doesn't help. Cheer for all of the other DFW pro teams, though.

    Gotcha— with Luka and especially after last year, the Mavs (outside of the flagship Cowboys who can draw eyeballs and ears even at 0-17) are the most exciting and interesting teams in the area, so I expect lots of Mavs talk and enjoy it. Especially after the wandering of the desert that was 2012-2019.

    Was listening to The Freak just now— random conversations and when the bit was Rhymer listening to and review Taylor Swifts new album Midnight, I’m out.

    I wanted to like this station but I think that’s 3 strikes and I’m done and will just monitor this thread to see if public opinion changes at some point in the future.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Kanye is the Donald Trump of the music world: they both made a shitload of money by convincing stupid people that they're brilliant, and they're both complete lunatics.



    Kanye's music was genuinely brilliant.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    I flipped it over to The Freak yesterday around 4/4:15 and Sirois was doing a lengthy segment about F1 with some British F1 podcaster. It wasn't bad. I enjoyed Mike's "dumb American" questions about F1, though. So I've heard a little Mavs (blech) and F1 talk. I haven't spent a single second on The Freak's morning show smashmortion and only a few mins of Ben & Skin.

    Do you have a problem the metroplex's approach or execution of Mavs talk? I ask because you've made this sort of remark twice now. Or are you just can't stand the Mavs so no matter who well done or not,  you won't wanna hear it?

  5. 15 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I clicked on this thread to ask the same question.  I'm an infrequent listener - generally just to and from school.  I just flip to whichever station is talking sports or not on ads.  I've yet to hear a single sports statement on 97.1.

    Dropping the kids off at school I ran an experiment by toggling between The Fan and The Freak:

    The Fan had Mike McCarthy interview, which was not very enlightening but good Dak talk.

    The Freak had Julie Dobbs and Jeff C. and KT Funtweets talking about....I don't even know exactly. Kim Kardashians birthday and their weekend plans?

    The most jarring thing I noticed was The Freak is more a traditional radio station with the "DINGO AND the Ba-ba-Baby, pew pew laser noises" drops and agency produced recorded commercials that take you out of the shows where The Fan has their radio personality read the ads from a script and you stay in character and it doesn't feel like such a waste of time.


    edit to add if you didn't get the dingo and the baby reference (which is ironically also a 97.1 call station): 


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  6. I listened yesterday in the afternoon segment and it was just Jeffrey Cavanaugh talking about random crap that is boring and not funny or cool and zero sports. This morning they at least talked about the Mavs for like 3 minutes before just rambling on about random crap nobody cares about.

    Are there no programming scripts or agendas they follow? It feels like a bunch of guys just ad-libbing topics in their basement pirate ham radio. I'll give it a couple more tries but maybe I'm not their demographic-- I actually like sports.

  7. 1 hour ago, bschoolprof said:

    Going out on a limb here, but I'm assuming since I never heard of the Hightower's in GOT, unlike the Lannister's, Baratheon's, etc, that this war does not go well for them. Not only do they probably lose (obvious since we know Targareans keep the throne until the mad king), they probably lose . . . completely.  Like Reins of Castemere type shit.  

    And so they spoke, and so they spoke..

  8. 11 hours ago, Augustus said:


    Team Black all the way.

    The Hightowers are cunts.  Tywin Lannister would mop the floor with Otto.

    I’m Team Green. I like the Aemond that’s come on the last two episodes the best of all characters who have had quadruple the time to impress.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 30 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Seems like an odd scoop for The Fan in Dallas.

    Deon had his Prime Academy in Dallas, was an early investor in Prosper when it was farm land and has tons of acreage in East Texas. I think he still probably has a lot of business associates (lawyers, managers, agents, etc.) in Dallas where all the shop is talked.

  10. Wait a minute.

    What a darn minute.

    Are you gonna sit there and tell me that the largest oil refinery in Texas, and probably America, the Motiva PA refinery, is owned by the Saudi's and is mainly used to refine their oil? No way we are getting cucked by Prince Bonesaw in our own home, right? I had to have read that wrong.

  11. I'm just mad because I'm dumb and thought we were going to do the "When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs For Wings" song from Buster Scruggs, don't mind me, I'll see my resentful-self out and go pout on the HotD thread.

  12. Just googled this and watched the clip. Do people really think this is humor and entertainment the first time, let alone to re-create the experience online in an asynchronous sing-a-long? 

    That little twerpy Indian guy is humorous though and I especially liked him on that Drake song. Can't get no more free, Randy!

    • Fuck You 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  13. 42 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    I would be very interested to hear the facts behind this. 


    Simple loss-leader?  I know Costco,and others, sell a fuck ton of them.   


    Say no more:



    The economics of Costco rotisserie chicken

    Costco’s popular chickens have stayed fixed at $4.99 for more than a decade — even in the face of raging inflation. But it’s come at a cost.

    chicken consumption
    Costco chicken sales
    Chicken prices alongside inflation
    loss leader
    Costco store layout
    value signaling
    supply chain challenges
    vertical integration
    Costco and customer feedback



  14. 13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Same thing as that NYT piece.  "Democracy is important, but I had to pay over $3 for gas, so I have to vote Republican"

    We are selfish, uneducated, ignorant people who don't deserve the prosperity we've been given, worked for and lucked into by being an ocean away from Europe during 2 world wars. 

    Simpsons Kent GIF - Simpsons Kent Brockman - Discover & Share GIFs

    Preach it brother-- been saying this for years.

    • Fuck You 1
  15. 7 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    But all she got in exchange was “I’ll think about it” or something vague, right?  Maybe the ransom was a lot of money or the bigger point was to show how she was a crime boss

    I think the point was to show "hey remember Daemon's whore who has decided to claw her way up the ladder from her station?" along with uncovering the spider whisper network that exists in the Red Keep and moving the Larys plot forward where he will play both sides as a cunning player. It was all pretty clunky and I'm not talking about her accent.

  16. 36 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Having not read the book(s) I don't know Martin's thinking but my own opinion is that he gives each of his major characters opportunities for redemption or condemnation. In Alicent's case, she and Rhaenyra for all the kerfluffle over the last decade and a half do have a history of friendship. At the council meeting it seemed Otto wanted all along to essentially murder Rhaenyra and install Aegon as rightful male heir. Back when Viserys named Rhaenyra the heir apparent, Otto told his daughter Alicent that her childrens' lives were in danger. But, that is Otto saying this. Rhaenyra gave no indication that she would make that so.

    Both Otto and Alicent are smart enough to know that Aegon is reluctant, truculent, immature, etc and if Otto gets to Aegon first my inclination was that Otto would install him with an attempt to control him and slaughter Rhaenyra and her family. Otto was already going through his list of killing the opposition one by one, aided and abetted by Larys who is playing both sides. Alicent, however, wanted Aegon to be king w/o the war, the killing, and so on. As she has not been successful at getting Aegon to heed her advice before, I doubt this will go well regardless.

    Long story short--Otto and Alicent in their hubris think that they can sway/control Aegon to their desires for power (Otto) and safety (Alicent) and that is my take on the race to locate him.

    Gotcha. And the whole Aemond vs Aegon thing was just further character development and informing the resentment and stewing that will occur to drive Aemond's story forward (along with the foreshadowing of his cutting gaze during the coronation)? Thanks for the explanation and that all follows, I just still think it's stupid and not good writing or TV. Otherwise no issues with the episode.

    Wait, one more issue. I got what the show was trying to do with the reveal that the council was scheming the whole time and there was a council within a council planning for when Operation London Bridge happens, but it was a miss for me. It just didn't "pop" enough, if that makes sense. The table was set for it to do so and you say a faint resemblance of what could have been and had it been executed better, I think it would have really brought some energy to the episode that would have crescendo'd into the dragon crashing the party, rather than it be a low-energy episode hovering at a 2 or 3 and then spiking to a 10 in the last minutes.


  17. 11 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    I think the struggle was that if Otto had him, Otto had authority to order Rhanera and Daemon killed, but Alicent didn’t want to do that. I don’t know what the white worm had to do with anything 

    How would Otto would have had that authority? By proxy of telling Aegon to decree it? For two people who are at odds, but are clearly interested in a somewhat loving co-existence as father/daughter and hand/queen(-mother) and who will live in a shared space and see each other in the hallways and dining rooms, it doesn't seem like Otto and Alicent's scheming and being the first to get to Aegon was that urgent and final.

    Anyways, if that was the plot design and intent, it's a big miss and a no for me, dawg.

    That said, the Miserya thing was pretty straight-forward in that she recognized the Prince, knew he would be in demand as her informers let her know the king was dead, so she kidnapped him for leverage so she could make her silly demands in her silly accent.

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