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Everything posted by Valmy77

  1. This is the best "looking" team in the country Kurt?
  2. That didn't "look" like the best team in the country giving up an opening drive score.
  3. Ah yeah. That was awesome. I was more meaning the minor bowls than the NY6.
  4. On the plane to El Paso for the 1994 Sun Bowl, everybody was talking about that game and how awesome Tony Jones was that day and how much we wanted Texas to win another bowl game. Then Priest Holmes did his thing and we partied the whole way home. I think Herman, with his assembly line of pointless bowl wins that signified nothing, killed my interest in Texas Bowl games.
  5. Does that...actually help? Rodemaker was horrendous. Granted he didn't turn it over so maybe the third string guy might do that.
  6. Wasn't these dorks: Or these losers: Yeah SI...about that...
  7. They weren't shitty. I mean yes their team sucked crap at the time but they had only been really bad for one year and would only be bad for one year after they drafted him. That isn't a shitty franchise, just a team passing through a transition. That is not the same as being drafted by the Browns or the Lions or some other truly wretched franchise that will always be bad with will probably get you killed in your rookie season.
  8. Well he is vicious and sarcastic when the team sucks and downplays and minimizes what they do when they are good. He isn't fair or impartial at all.
  9. Weak is soft? Well maybe YOUR soft is weak! Anyway I just know Gundy has a picture of Bevo in his office that he laughs at every day saying things like '9-4' and '41-34'. HE IS MOCKING US!!! MOCKING! DAMN HIM AND HIS SUPERNATURAL LONGHORN DOMINATING SKILLS! It's a Gundy trick I tell ya!
  10. I was about to say. Didn't I already miss a game due to a Spectrum dispute with Disney?
  11. Valmy77


    He wasn't even one of the top 20 kickers in the country according to the Lou Groza Award people. I don't know man, we probably shouldn't get our hopes up for national recognition.
  12. If you wanted to avoid stupid shit you should stay out of the A&M thread.
  13. I thought the OSU posters said Gundy had become like Buddha and only did coach speak. Because damn. He is shitting all over us. I mean good for you Gundy, you beat our ass over and over. Hope we beat his ass.
  14. Maybe he is saying we are firing Tech for cause.
  15. Well "just as easily" is perhaps a little strong. Seems like having his baby would be a bigger payday. But if there is a warrant out for his arrest, I hope he is arrested. Then let justice be done, whatever the truth is.
  16. Should have gone for two Tom.
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