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Posts posted by BevoAbyss

  1. 1 hour ago, Born to Run said:

    These fake Christians clearly don't read the Bible

    Nope. They are not fake. 

    What is fact is that Christianity (and almost all world religions) has never been about "peace and love" for everyone.

    Christianity and its non-existent Sky Daddy have brainwashed 250-300 million Americans (and so many otherwise smart posters on this site). Christians are about peace only after they have colonized, conquered, and converted. Then some temporary "peace."  It's always the three C's. Colonize, conquer, convert.

    Just ask the native and indigenous peoples across North, Central and South America about how peaceful the Christians were. It was a freaking genocide committed by the God worshipping Euro Christians across three continents, with the support of the US government and many farmers, miners, and businesses ready to size the land. And their Sky Daddy did nothing to stop it.

    What we are seeing with MAGA-Christians in America is the historical norm, not the exception. Christian violence is coming to America again. What else is the Dobbs opinion about other than imposing medical violence against women? What else was January 6 about? What else are all those AR-15s for? 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Dnaguy said:

    Most of the members of congress are grifters and cynical politicians.

    You left out the fascists, racists, theocrats, Q-believers, climate deniers, anti-science lunatics, and insurrectionist apologists.

    And leaving those groups out is the existential problem facing America: the inability or unwillingness to identify and call out the all-too-real threat those groups pose to democracy, human rights, the planetary ecology, and a generally sane world. 

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  3. All those AK-47 killing machines are not to protect liberty and personal security ... but to enforce the fascist-theocratic tyranny of MAGA-GQP when they start overthrowing elections. And it's coming, sooner or later.

    • Haha 1
  4. Gaetz depicted as an "anarchist" and the GOP going off a cliff -- perfect examples of how the media are ignorant or willfully blind about the MAGA ruled GQP.

    As of today, MAGA-GQP has their man as the speaker of the house, for Johnson is an election-denying, Bible-thumping, Fascist Theocrat. 

    Same with the New York Times today calling Johnson a "hard-right conservative," a term that fits Reagan circa 1980s. Near complete denialism among 98% of the media. Centuries of Christianity has brainwashed the majority of Americans.

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  5. As long as MAGA is labeled as "far right crazies," then they will be misunderstood and continue to gain power. 

    The long-term goal since the Reagan-Falwell merger has always been a Fascist Theocracy. Always!

    And implementing that requires controlling levers of power, which enables passing regressive laws, overturning elections, and backing it with violence. There is no "disarray." The long-term plan is moving forward. 

    This country is in deep trouble and 40 years of conservatives, Christians, naive Democrats, and willfully blind media have enabled it.


  6. When I was in grad school at UT in early 1990s, Alex Jones was fringe lunatic on a "community access" channel on local Austin TV, an ultra low-budget set-up with a handful of cult viewers. The local Marxists also had a show. I used to see him around UT and the Drag on occasion, looking for anyone to listen to his BS. Then something called the "internet" arrived and Jones was able to find a national and global audience for his unhinged conspiracy theories, InfoWars, etc. Eventually having Trump as a guest on his radio program, streamed online, if I recall.

    That, 25-30 years later, Alex F*cking Jones is advising Trump and leading a violent insurrection to overthrow democracy just shows how utterly deranged are a huge portion of Americans, 35-45%. A collapse of epic proportion as our basic education systems are being overwhelmed by the insanity of online conspiracy theories, anti-science BS, religious fanaticism, and cult worshipping. 

    We're in big trouble! 

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  7. These believers are the core of MAGA, the red hat idiots that worship the Orange Idiot and got him elected in 2016 (year of the survey). 

    Paranoia and conspiracy beliefs are at the heart of fascism and all authoritarian ideologies, including theocratic believers, as history has shown.

    This is no longer fringe dudes at the library and in Dealey Plaza with flyers about JFK assassination. This is unhinged, mass madness. 


  8. The NASA/Deep State Fake Solar Eclipse Hoax will be on QAnon by the end of the day, if not already there. 

    Q: Why does the total eclipse only last 4 minutes?

    A: Because NASA was afraid it would get caught if the fakery lasted longer. After all, the satellites blocking the sun with circular canopies can only do it so long...

    KV6 4minutes.jpg

    • Haha 1
  9. Abbott's border policies (and others) are exactly what 21st century fascism looks like. Thus, Abbott is a fascist.

    And Abbott rolls around on the UT football sidelines, hanging with Longhorn celebs. What a moral disgrace. 


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  10. Sark, the football artiste, will be here 5-7 years from now. That's because he will recruit well and win enough (with plenty of cool well-designed plays, risky plays, and beautiful bombs to overcome the ugly WTF calls) to keep UT fans happy. 

    After all, UT fans are desperate to get out of the wilderness, especially after the buffoonery of Strong and Herman. Wasn't that idiotic sledgehammer video in year 1 about all we needed to see from Tom? Talk about WTF bad aesthetic warnings!

    I hope Sark wins titles, but it is unlikely as CTJ's original post made clear. 

    The best hope for UT fans is that Sark becomes Mack ... not Mackovic.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. Attn: thatguy. So you are a "Philosophy major." Good for you. Really, that's good. Sign up for a logic course and aesthetic course when you get the chance.  

    Your hyper-empiricist (movement by movement of each play and player) analysis refuted absolutely nothing I said about the aesthetics inherent in Sark and his play-calling. In fact, it reinforces it, because your analyses revealed the ugliness/ridiculousness/absurdity of the player execution. Sark's design backfired. A tragedy of errors. You called it. Spot on. 

    Also, what random UT fans would have said about various Sark play calls refutes zero of anything I actually said about the inherent aesthetics in Sark's play calling, beautiful and ugly, sublime and ridiculous. Zero! 

    But it is pointless for this dialogue to continue. You do your football. I know aesthetics/design in the cultural world (including football), been around it all my life, and part of my career involves aesthetics/design.

    So, adios. 

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  12. Hey thatguy:  When you take a break from from the stupor of Adam Sandler's Top 10 films, spend a few minutes in Amazon. There are numerous books on topics like "Sports and Philosophy" and "Aesthetics and Sports." Nah, never mind, that might make you smarter.

    Aesthetics and philosophy have long been topics in sports analysis and appreciation. Even came up in a philosophy course I took at UT. If there is no analogy between architecture/aesthetics/design and football, then why are so many long bombs and great plays called "beautiful"? 

    The anti-intellectualism and closed minds among some in the football threads is truly amazing. And depressing. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Levi said:

    There was nothing over complicated, flashy or being described as “aesthetic” with the play designs on the goal line. First 3 runs were pure power. Our bigs vs their bigs, get 1 yard. Same with the throw to Worthy. Our best outside blocker and quickest wr. Get 1 yard. We failed on both. 

    Thanks. I screwed up and left out this very example. Tried to insert, but was too late! My bad. 

    Aesthetic designs/decisions can be very subtle, not always flashy. Such was the goal-line calling at OU 1.

    After Whittington got to the 1, Sark trotted out the specially designed goal-line offense rather just lining up and scoring with the players on the field, while OU was on the rebound from the big play. Instead, OU had a chance to regroup, which they did. 

    The aesthetic impulse was to have a specially designed "smash mouth" team try to score, rather than the team that got to the 1-yard line. That's an aesthetic design decision, in essence. The play calling on the next three plays reflected that aesthetic/design commitment, a commitment only abandoned with the 4th down pass to Worthy. Too late. The form superseded the function. No TD. No win.

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  14. CTJ's post, for amusement or not, remains accurate. The very winnable OU game was lost twice, with 4 shots from the 1, lost again when playing for FG at the end. Classic choke, one of the biggest/saddest in UT history.

    Cause of choke: over coaching via over design. Here me out.

    Sark (whether he is consciousness of it or not) thinks of himself as a football artist or flashy play-calling architect, enamored of the aesthetics of play design and play calling. His personal fashion taste even suggests as much. (Not a judgment, I like fashion, coolness, avant-garde designs, and know it is part of human culture.)

    Architects, unchecked with no budget constraints or timid clients, will often over-design buildings such that the form can overtake or supersede the function. The seduction of the aesthetics (in appearance or structural design) can be utterly irresistible. This does not mean the entire building sucks, but it can venture into ridiculous and distract from the function/appearance of the structure.

    Such aesthetic over-design is why @Nicole44 and others are correct, Sark is either HC or OC, but likely not both. As it is, there is no one to reign in his aesthetic impulses. That's what can make ridiculous buildings, that's what can make ruined seasons. 

    Just concepts to think about. 



    • Hook 'Em 5
  15. image.thumb.jpeg.af2e91578bd569e737e71428dc5ac55a.jpeg

    "We have all stared into the abyss after this Saturday. I weep for the remainder of our cursed existence." -- LonghornMatt

    "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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  16. For what's worth, here are the records of Texas coaches vs OU since Royal era (during which I was born).

    Sark 1-2

    Herman 1-4

    Strong 1-2

    Mack 7-9 

    Mackovic 3-2-1

    McWilliams 3-2 (including winning 3 straight)

    Akers 5-4-1 (including winning 3 straight)

    Royal 12-7-1 (including winning 9 straight and losing 5 straight)

    -- Hell, 3 coaches that UT fired had winning records vs. OU (Akers, McWilliams, Mackovic) 


    BROWN to SARK: 10-18

    -- Clear disadvantage for UT in Dallas

    ROYAL to MACKOVIC: 23-15-3

    -- Clear advantage for UT in Dallas.


    Since 2000? Bottom line, I guess:

    -- At the State Fair, Stoops (12-8 vs Texas) and Riley (4-1) were the better coaches. With Venables, it remains to be seen...


  17. 1 hour ago, Skipper said:

    This is beyond fucking stupid.   Which is about par for the course for the football board.  Post less.

    Another solid, fact-filled ad hominem.

    You're right. Post less is a sound option, as there's zero point in analyzing anything for the true believers in Sark World. 

    But, keep on hoping, keep on guzzling that Fireball Kool-Aid. A world of football wonders awaits.



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  18. i said this a year ago. Sark is Mackovic #2.

    -- Great recruiter, flashy risk-taking offense, big highs/wins and looks like the GUY. But also provides deep lows/inexplicable and horrifying losses.

    -- Of course, Sark is a nicer, more likable coach than arrogant Mackovic. 


    -- HIGH: "Roll Left" v Nebraska for Big 12 title, stopping Huskers chance for repeat MNC. 

    -- LOWS: "Rout 66" a mere three games after "Roll Left." (Rout 66 is the infamous 66-3 home loss to UCLA for those too young to have lived through it.)

    -- Big wins over OU and blowing 21-point lead versus OU. Losing to freaking Rice on national TV at night after beating ranked OU a week earlier. Mind-numbing, inexplicable losses.

    -- Had at least 4 losses in five of his six season as coach. Won more than 8 games only once at UT (10-2-1 in 1995).

    -- Mackovic managed to win Big 12 title in 1995 and 1996, yet collapsed in 1997 with Rout 66 and was fired.


    -- HIGHS: 49-0 and win over Bama.

    -- LOWS: massive chokes vs OU in 2021 and 2023, TCU beatdown from Sonny Dykes.

    -- Yes, the 4 shots from the 1 is one of the biggest chokes in Longhorn history.

    -- Never had less than 4 losses, never more than 9 wins in career.


    MACKOVIC record in year 3 (1994) after OU game: 15-11-1 (55%).

    SARK record in year 3 after OU game: 18-13 (58%).


    We'll see what SARK does.... I hope he wins huge. But, I also see a clear likely fate.

    So far he looks almost exactly like MACKOVIC ... the GUY ... who isn't the GUY.


  19. 54 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Not sure why some here can’t lay an ounce of blame on this staff that didn’t have the team prepared.

    Here's why. This is the underlying pattern supporting all the analyses here, pro-Sark or anti-Sark. In essence, there are two types of well-meaning and long-suffering UT fans here. 

    1. HOPE. Those who have hope that Sark (or Herman, Strong) is the GUY, no matter the counter-evidence right before everyone's eyes. The extreme example of hope is believing 2023 team compares well to 2005. 

    -- They will always have a comeback or counter to justify their hope. After 15 years of suckitude, it is totally understandable to want to have hope. I get it. 

    2. FATE. Those who accept fate that Sark (or Herman, Strong) is NOT the guy, given the key evidence: wins, losses, inexplicable losses, epic losses, massive choke losses, etc. 

    -- We can see Sark is NOT the guy after massive blown leads in year 1, five losses in year 2, including a beatdown from TCU with Sonny F*cking Dykes on national TV. Washington shut Sark down, too.

    The HOPE faction calls the FATE faction a bunch of pussies for not being true believers in Sark. Before that it was Strong and Herman. No matter the epic or inexplicable losses and screwups from these dudes, it took years for many to give up hope. 

    -- The FATE faction knows we're screwed (winning no big titles) until we roll the dice on the next coach. And still may be screwed then, given our recent track record.

    I accept this fate. 

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