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  1. I am sure this will make some or most people in Surly very happy … but I think the above image will be my last post for a good while. Plus, I am under no delusion my posts have any impact on anyone or anything. And I know no one really cares: But, starting next week, I will be out of town for 2-3 months working on a big art project with two other artists that got some modest funding. I really need to devote my time and energy to that project. Have a good summer. Hook'em. (Italics just for you aggie08)
  2. Too bad we can’t ignore all the Christian Fascism/Theocracy that is destroying democracy and secular society.
  3. You raise a valid point. We could be too far gone. But it is worth a shot. Nothing to lose. Here’s what I have directly seen. In my younger days at UT and elsewhere in America, I debated Bible-thumping Christians — from creationist students at the Free Speech Table on the West Mall … to PHD theologians. I learned they always wilt when you: — never concede any moral high ground they claim — never accept any alleged “facts" they claim — never accept any fallacies, BS nonsense — never let them deny any history (such at the Christian-led genocide across the three continents of the “New World” post Columbus). — never accept they have any proof for Genesis 1:1. — The list goes on…. Deep down, the theologians know they are sitting on a giant edifice of BS mythology and fact-free superstition. Not so much the run-of-the-mill Bible-thumper, though. And they are the most dangerous.
  4. Agree. One key problem is the TV news anchors/hosts are TV personalities, first and foremost — not trained critical thinkers. TV anchors/hosts spend far more time on make-up, appearances, apparel, and TV speaking skills. So there is little time spent honing critical analysis skills or deep reading of any history, such as Naziism, to see the clear parallels to 2025 and Mein Kampf. And they sure as hell ain’t blaming anything on Christianity-Fascism running amok. The anchors are simply not informed enough or skilled enough, so all they can do is point out the obvious hypocrisies and little else. Plus, there are rules of softball questions, no confrontation, no serious challenges, etc. Meanwhile, for the Christian Fascists, the rules are being annihilated. The gloves are off for them, yet TV anchors still treat it like a friendly legit policy disagreements. That’s why they will never tell the Heritage Dude that he is fascist theocrat and favors the violent domination of society. Step one. You can never concede the moral high ground to Christian fascists on TV, or anywhere else. And you can never let them ignore their violent bloody history. Time’s up, time to play hardball, it is not 100% too late already. Questions that will never be posed in American mass/TV media: — I thought these up in five minutes, would make them more polished with time. Q. You stated you believe America is God’s Country and was ordained by God to be Christian nation. So that can only that mean your God approved of the mass murder of millions of Indigenous peoples by Christians after Columbus arrived. How is that not the case? Q. The first line in the First Amendment clearly stats there shall be no establishment of religion? Can you not comprehend that? Or are you just a liar and propagandist for imposing a violent theocracy? Q. How long have you been a fascist theocrat in love with guns, violence, and the brutal domination of women, immigrants, and gay people? Q. How many scientists, educators, and atheists will you throw in jail for disputing your ignorant anti-science policies? Q. History clearly suggests that mass deportations lead to mass killing. After all, the Christians murdered millions of Native Americans to steal the land that is America … and the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews in the name of the Aryan myth. When will MAGA start the violence and mass slaughter in the name of White Christian America? If an anchor asked these kinds of questions on national TV, the Christian MAGA outrage would be EPIC. The New York Times would denounce the host and network. The TV network would instantly capitulate, the host would be fired, and face death threats for years. Might be even be thrown in jail for blasphemy, because those laws are coming. Ain’t no company, CEO, or university leader in this country openly standing up to Christian Fascism and their BS propaganda. None. That’s why we are fucked big time.
  5. Sadly, it will not matter who takes the lead for the Democrats. That’s because the Dems will never ever confront — in any serious way — the most broken and malignant segment of American consciousness, which is infecting politics and every aspect of culture. And that malignancy is Christian Fascism. Because they believe “God" has their back with a divine plan for America, they are empowered with arrogance and ignorance on epic scales, which fuels the racism, hatred, and complete idiocy and anti-science nonsense. Oh, sure, billionaires and corporate corruption are significant problems, but they are in second place. And the rich are often empowered by the same Christian fanatics, such as those that worship Trump. Dems will criticize the ultra rich, but not the ultra religious. As Catholics, AOC and Newsom ain’t taking on religion in any meaningful way. Instead, they and the Dems meekly complain about the political symptoms of Christian Fascism, not the disease. It’s like treating a broken leg with an Ace bandage and Bayer aspirin. Or like treating cancer with Advil or Codeine. Sure, the pain may be reduced and you’ll feel temporarily better, but ya still got a broken leg or cancer. As a consequence of the permanent free pass, the Christian Fascists realize no one in media or culture will stand up to them on any fundamental level. Hence, they are making a play for total power in a theocracy — and are on the verge of seizing it and backing it with violence. These aren’t fake Christians, as history has repeatedly shown. When they have a chance for total power, they’ll take it and impose it with vengeance.
  6. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Your scenario is spot on. I was not aware of any of those plans for attacking cartels or Mexico. My suggestion of MAGA attacking Mexico just seemed like a logical deduction from Trump-MAGA racism and propaganda. There’s a lot of Surly posters and Americans who are in utter denial about how violent and bloody this country will be under a Trump-2025 Plan regime.
  7. This is not Fox News story. But interesting ... Yesterday, I received an email with link to survey from MSNBC asking my view of Rachel Maddow’s show and other MSNBC shows. — As part of my reply, I wrote that I thought Rachel Maddow and MSNBC journalists should use the terms fascism, theocracy, and dictatorship to describe Trump, MAGA, and their plans for America. Not mere “Republican” or “conservative." — Within two minutes, I received an email saying I had been unsubscribed from the MSNBC lists. Apparently, there are some terms that cannot be said. So much for liberal media commitment to reporting reality. Same with Beto and the Dems. This is textbook Orwell thought control for the Party Elite. And that’s why we’re screwed.
  8. Nope. Like all fascists, totalitarians, and Christian warriors, MAGA will totally celebrate a foreign conquest and military victory. After all, the Nazis were “nationalists" …. until they weren’t … and invaded Europe. For MAGA: Let’s say, for example, taking on the cartels south of the border … and, just to be sure … take all of Mexico to completely stop the flow of drugs and immigrants. What better way to secure our border. Mexico would quickly surrender/collapse in the face of Pentagon power. MAGA and the Christians-Catholics could establish a proxy government in Mexico City, but run from the US. MAGA would have parades far and wide. Church bells ringing across America. The media would largely celebrate it, too. It would be like when Reagan invaded Grenada (1980s) and the GOP went bananas with love and adoration. Only exponentially more with Trump in the White House.
  9. With all due respect, you are incorrect. Atom, you’re a good poster. But, you and many other Surly posters — I guess from mostly McCombs and the corporate/capitalist world — need to realize humans are not 100% economic minded. Far from it. What do Harlan Crow and West Texas billionaires have in common with MAGA fanatics living in trailer parks? It’s not fucking loads of money or fear of hunger. — It’s a hard-core belief in God and Christianity, racism, and fear of leftist wokeism. That’s their great fear … not finding a loaf of bread in the Great Depression. — That’s why cultural similarities are far more important, as mentioned in my original post. It does not matter that Germans had economic hardship and MAGA doesn’t much of any. What does matter are the endless cultural fears and grievances … the heavily Christian followers, the racism, the belief "my country is being taken by immigrants,” the belief "woke is grooming my kids.”…. It’s the idiot world culture (Q, conspiracy, astrology, pseudoscience, etc.), the combo of ignorance and arrogance. … It’s the belief in a Great Leader, the belief that God has their back in a Great Destiny of Christian Cultural Purity. That’s why, with no economic hardship, MAGA is still fucking seizing power across America. They are establishing a fascist theocracy, gutting schools, banning books, and targeting pregnant women, LGBTQIA, immigrants and promising deportations. … They are celebrating and posing with automatic weapons, attacking all kinds of established sciences, putting 10 Commandments in classes, openly telling everyone they will establish a CHRISTIAN DICTATORSHIP in Project 2025. None of this has to do with economic hardship. We’re not in a Great Depression and yet fascism is on the march and seizing power, in Texas and across America. Look beyond economics. It’s the cultural environments all around us, right before our eyes.
  10. Dang, I left out other NAZI-MAGA parallels: — Hitler and Trump were first elected without majority votes. — NAZI and MAGA faced weak opposition parties who failed to see the dire threat posed by Hitler/Trump, their ideologies, and fanatical followers. Until it was too late. — NAZI and MAGA implore women to have more babies for the "greatness of the nation." — There was a rapid expansion of both arts and sciences, which NAZI and MAGA both despise and denounce. — Hitler and Trump had true-believe artists depicting them as masculine, manly men, badass warriors to lead the violent cultural purge. I am sure there are more.
  11. It boggles my mind that so many Surly posters and the mainstream media cannot see the 100% obvious parallels between the Nazis and MAGA. I know few will read this, but here are the parallels. No excuses. 1. Similar culture from which emerged Nazis and MAGA. -- We know about the German economic woes after WW1. But that’s only part of it. -- But both NAZIS and MAGA emerge in culture steeped in Christian religion, conspiracy theory, pseudoscience, astrology, widespread idiotic superstitions, yearning for a past of mythic purity, etc. All amid a culture experiencing rapid technological change. 2. Great Leaders: A failed artist and failed businessman NAZI-HITLER: Trash-talking failed artist enters politics. -- Seen as fringe loser. -- Few take him seriously. — Still builds fanatical following. MAGA-TRUMP: Trash-talking failed businessman enters politics. -- Seen as conman celeb, TV star. -- Few take him seriously. — Still builds fanatical following. 3. Great Leaders: Attempt failed coup/insurrection. NAZI-HITLER: Hitler attempts a violent coup that fails. -- Hitler is tried, tossed in jail, writes Mein Kampf, released from jail. -- Hero to the Nazis. -- Seen as brainy, virile, tough guy MAGA-TRUMP: Trump cheerleads an attempted violent insurrection. -- Televised live on TV to the world. -- Mainstream media call the event a “riot.” -- Trump is not prosecuted and remains total hero to MAGA. -- Seen as clever, manly man, tough guy. 4. Great Leader: Long rambling speeches, claim to make nation great again. NAZI-HITLER: Claim they will Make Germany Great Again (MGGA). -- Hitler gives long, rambling speeches at rallies and via radio. -- Nazis will retrieve and promote the “Aryan Man,” the pure and true German destined to rule for a 1000 Year Reich. -- These myths are celebrated and worshipped by the patriots, the “good people,” the true Germans. -- Install National Socialist-Fascist regime. MAGA-TRUMP: Claim they will Make America Great Again (MAGA). -- Trump gives long, rambling, incoherent speeches are rallies and via TV-social media. -- MAGA will save and promote the “Christian Man,” the pure and true American destined to rule the nation till the Rapture. -- These myths are celebrated and worshipped by the the patriots, the “good people,” the good Americans. -- Install Christian-Fascist regime, with a puritan theocracy as a bonus horror. 5. Identify enemies to blame. NAZI-HITLER: Central enemy: Jews. Secondary enemies: Communists, leftist intellectuals, modern artists, gays, etc. MAGA-TRUMP: Central enemy: Immigrants. Secondary enemies: people of color, LGBTQIA, leftists, educators, liberated women, various sciences/scientists, medical workers, environmentalists, etc. 6. Take control of courts and media; impose regimes of censorship. NAZI-HITLER: Nazis judges give favorable rulings to make all the Nazi/fascism “legal.” -- Nazi-friendly media crank out the fascist propaganda; other media eventually become compliant and go along. -- Censorship widespread. Book burnings. MAGA-TRUMP: MAGA judges give favorable rulings to make all the MAGA/fascism “legal.” -- MAGA-friendly media crank out the fascist propaganda (Fox, OAN, social media). -- Mainstream media, which enabled the takeover, eventually become compliant and go along. Hell, they will barely use the words “fascism” or theocracy to describe reality. -- Impose regimes of censorship; ban books in libraries, will ban porn and much more speech/expression. -- No doubt, book burnings are coming. 7. Get widespread business support. NAZIS-HITLER: Give huge contracts to industrialists, tax breaks. MAGA-TRUMP: Give huge contracts to industrialists, tax breaks, subsidies. 8. Take control of police, military, national law enforcement. NAZI-HITLER: Took control of military rather quickly, then took the police, secret police, and built Gestapo. -- Did various purges as needed to insure loyalty. MAGA-TRUMP: They will take control of the police and local LEO rather quickly, especially rural areas. The military will eventually follow. -- Bureaucratic purges, LEO-Military takeovers are part of the 2025 Plan. 9. Demonize, deport enemies. NAZI-HITLER: Demonize enemies such that they are deported to camps, their businesses and property seized by the Nazis and citizens. MAGA-TRUMP: Demonize enemies such that they are deported to camps along the border and elsewhere. -- This is part of 2025 plan. 10. Begin widespread violence, mass death. NAZI-HITLER: Begin the Final Solution, administered by the good and patriotic Germans. Six million Jews are murdered. Unknown quantities of secondary enemies are executed, worked to death. MAGA-TRUMP: Mass shootings galore, guns celebrated, politicians posing with weapons of mass death. -- What violence will follow the deportations, we do not know yet. 11. Invade nations, start war. NAZIS-HITLER: Invade Europe, Russia. Start WW2. 50-60 million die. Europe lay in ruins. MAGA-TRUMP: Invade, war? -- Would we be surprised if MAGA-Trump invaded northern Mexico “to stop the the flow drugs and immigrants” ? -- Or started shipping weapons to Russia so they can invade more of liberal, secular decadent Europe? -- If war breaks out in Europe, how can a fascist America even be the “good guys”? 12: High Noon for Worldwide Destruction and Catastrophe? TLDR: The NAZI-MAGA parallels are real. If Trump-MAGA get in power, the Nazi parallels will become self-evident. As Orwell said. "He who controls history … also controls the future.”
  12. Trump needs his ass kicked, not a stroke. — If he dies, Nikki Haley replaces him, wins presidency because it is easy to vote R for many “conservatives," and project 2025 gets implemented as planned by the fascists. Let me tell you the legendary battle of "Post Toasty" v. "Hot Rod Robby.” A fist fight behind the suburban high school gym in Big D. About 6 feet tall and skinny, Steve Post was a shy, quiet unassuming kid, who tried to hang out with artsy fartsy crowd. He was kinda of a loner and flakey, this earning nick name “Post Toasty” (after the cereal with flakes). Hot Rod Robby Smith was the proto spoiled (kinda) rich suburban kid. 5’10, good looking, great hair, drove a cool Vette very fast, player with the ladies. A nonstop smart ass who teased/mocked guys below his upper-middle class status. But, we never saw him in a fist fight. Somehow, he never had a challenger. He was sort of a “Kevin" before there was such a thing. Would have been MAGA for sure. (Note: I changed the first names on Post and Smith). For some reason, Hot Rod Robby started picking on Post Toasty…. repeatedly. Us dudes suggested he lay off the quiet kid and wondered what was in the mind of Post Toasty, who took the BS without saying much. Until one day. Post Toasty had enough of Hot Rod's BS. No one was sure as to what triggered him. But he told Hot Rod to meet him behind the gym during lunch. Hot Rod gave the appearance of being happy to surely pummel Post Toasty. About 20-25 dudes formed a circle around the two fighters. A few chicks were there, too. Hot Rod was laughing at the beginning … until he landed two solid gut punches that had ZERO effect on Post Toasty. Uh oh. Suddenly, Post Toasty was delivering a flurry of punches all over Hot Rod’s torso and face. Hot Rod fell to the ground and Post Toasty jumped on and kept delivering until we pulled him off. Those long skinny arms generated a lot of force. Hot Rod was pretty much KO'’d. Blood oozed from Hot Rod’s nose and mouth. He had two black eyes. He had his fucking ass kicked, yugely! Moral of the story: Hot Rod Robby was humiliated, lost all badass cred, was widely laughed at, and was never seen picking on any dudes. Did not want to get his ass kicked again. Post Toasty was an instant legend …. earned 1000% respect from all the dudes … soon came out of shell … became a player with the creative chicks. After all, word soon spread that Post Toasty was a badass dude who happened to like art. He could have been student body prez if he wanted. 2024 Election: No one has ever punched out Trump the bully wimp. If Biden did it, his cred would skyrocket past the Voyager space craft outside the solar system … and he would win in a landslide. Of course, it won’t happen. But that does not mean it shouldn’t happen.
  13. My fave scenario for the “debate” … If they meet to shake hands, Biden decks Trump with a left to the fat belly, right hand to the fake tough guy jaw. And towering over the fallen Trump, Biden yells, “That’s for all the lies. Get up you fascist. I am gonna kick your ass." Since Trump is a just spoiled bully wimp, he would not dare challenge Biden. He would just start whining still on his knees. Biden walks off the stage. Age, fitness questions answered. Re-elected in a landslide.
  14. You're likely very correct. Could be very bad for some industries/corporations. And Trump-MAGA-Fox News will somehow blame it on Biden/Democratic/liberal policies … and on woke wimps stacking fruit at Whole Foods and slacker soyboys steaming the lattes at Starbucks and loser leftists majoring in art on college campuses … when if they were True Texas Men … they would be macho hard-working roofers, bricklayers, concrete pourers, veggie pickers, etc. They will absolutely blame it on Libruls making men soft. Might even suggest forced work camps to train True Texas Men for real jobs requiring true work. As for all the other corporations not affected, they won’t give a shit … as long as they get the 10% tax breaks, increased profits, corporate bonuses, etc.
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