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Posts posted by Incredulity

  1. 10 hours ago, MrBig said:

    My mother (59F) doesn’t drink or smoke or eat unhealthy and we are pro-vax, but following the administration of the 2nd Pfizer COVID Vaccination Mom started showing unusual symptoms. 

    Mom became tired and forgetful after getting the vaccine and it was very obvious she was struggling to get back to normal because she would sleep in the middle of the day when normally she is always the most peppy person in the group waking up super early in the morning.

    Mom’s arms and legs are now covered in red crusty itchy blotches running up and down the lengths of her extremities and also appearing on her back. Her hands are extremely dry and crusty and I’m worried if this could somehow be affecting Mom’s ability to retain memories because she is extremely forgetful about basic things from childhood or when we get together presently.

    Does anyone have experience with treating a patient with something like this? Please DM ME if so. I just want my mom to get better, we have been to dozens of doctors and specialists and we still have no idea what is going on.


    Her hands are super greasy from the Vaseline and creams she uses to keep the skin moist so it doesn’t dry out. Her feet look even way worse and she has the red blotches seen on the back of her hand all along the middle of her back.

    The following pics are the only abnormal findings seen in her complete bloodwork panel. 


    Above and below are the only abnormal medical findings they see in her blood work. 


    The doctors have no idea what is going on and we have gone from specialist to specialist with no definitive answer and have gotten just a bunch of creams that don’t really help heal the cuts on her hands and feet, they just make it more comfortable to live with it. 

    I don’t know what else to do when the dermatologist, urologist, and internal medicine specialist all say they aren’t sure what’s going on. Any advice would help if any of y’all know some doctors who have seen cases like this before.

    I’m just extremely worried. My mom is 5’5” and has always weighed about 135 her whole life, and now she’s down to 115 looking like a twig and nobody can figure out what is going on. They did an abdominal CT scan and saw a tiny cyst on her kidney but they said it wasn’t big enough to explain the rapid continual weight loss nor the extremely crusty and painful dry skin on her hands and feet. 

    Please help me with this. I feel terrible not knowing what exactly is making her sick and not being able to take care of my mother the way she used to care for me when I was a sick child. I truly feel like I am running out of time to find an answer to all of this. 



    total shot in the dark.  My mother(70's) is recovering from Valley Fever, which is a fungal infection in the lungs.  Its symptoms include red rashes, fatigue, cough, mental fog.  She was misdiagnosed for a couple months, and only got diagnosed because a neighbor of hers dealt with it a few years ago and didn't get diagnosed correctly for over a year.

  2. I agree with TRL above.  I think Sark truncates the playbook and CSU is spicy in the first half.  Texas pulls away late but not before typical game thread shenanigans. 21-17 at half.


    42-20 final

    185 from receiving corp as mid3rd - 4th quarter is focused on running the ball.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 16 minutes ago, gurt said:

    you'd be punishing way more "normal" people than you think.  My wife has had a ranch in the family for nearly 100 years, without a trust that land would have to be sold by my wife and her sister due to the tax bill.  Guess who would buy it up?  Real estate developers.

    Interesting.  Was told on the markets thread I was making situations like this up.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Mother mopar said:
    18 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:
    Definitely a bad pump issue. Draining this thing is impossible without total chaos or ingenuity. Good thing I am an agent of chaos and ingenuity.
    Solution, pinch the drain pipe between two 1x's and a clamp, then stick it into a shop vac. Have plenty of towels. There will still be leaks.  Worked like a champ. Waiting for the pump delivery from Amazon. 
    I really can't spend more money this month after paying for 2 kids select baseball, yearly home and auto insurance and a 20x20 concrete pad and metal cover at the ranch. I am not 1%. Thank God I can fix this for 50 bucks. 

    If it's an Amazon part, you will be doing it again in a matter of months. Got burned so many times by fake parts from them on cars, dishwasher and even stove late last year.


    I've given up on Amazon for parts.  So much bad information on parts fit/cross reference.  There was a golden period of like 15-19 that was so awesome.  In hindsight its not surprising that sending $15 parts cross the country in 2 days wasn't sustainable.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, hornmpa96 said:

    Just a couple of notes:

    1. There is a 116 page legislative proposal which was released by Sen. Wyden and other co-sponsors which actually does provide the details behind this idea.

    Are you refering to the "billionaire" tax proposal he made a couple years ago?  Or is there a more targeted proposal to the 100M threshold?

  6. 6 minutes ago, immamac said:

    So you think that families illegally cashing out their fortunes from a family business is bad or good?

    No idea what you are driving at here.  People and businesses should pay the taxes they owe.

    To the original point.  Taxing unrealized gains is an absurd.  Even at a 100M threshold it will have significant negative impact on family businesses.  Somehow you think they will be exempt or that there isn’t an entire industry around valuation of privately held businesses.

  7. 4 minutes ago, immamac said:

    They look at if people actually sold the business for what they said they sold it for. 

    You think they are understating value so they can sell it for less? I mean maybe the idiots you hang out with that think selling things for less nets you more money after taxes (it doesnt in literally any case) or are you saying they go after fraud for misreporting valuation to get a tax benefit by accepting full valuation in exchange but only reporting a smaller portion?

    Or are you saying they inflate the valuation and accept less money and pay more taxes? Maybe those are the morons you speak of? 

    The IRS is absolutely concerned if a family business is sold below fair value.    Anything that isn't arms length is going to get scrutiny.

  8. 7 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Oh right so the government randomly assigns valuations to privately held businesses and assets now? News to me.

    yup, I'm the one with no business accumen.  LOL.


    What do you thing the IRS does when they audit a return that includes a sale or transfer of a privately held business?

  9. 2 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Oh right so the government randomly assigns valuations to privately held businesses and assets now? News to me. 

    This is meant for liquid assets which change in value on an open market. This isn't a oh you have a 100M house so we tax you on it hurr durr no one would fucking pass that. 

    You are 100% wrong.  There has been no discussion of excluding private businesses and assets. 

  10. Just now, immamac said:

    Medium sized 100M+ corporations that are publicly traded

    family held means private.  as in NOT publicly traded.  


    1 minute ago, immamac said:

    Seriously all your boogie men are comical and defy any real business acumen or logic. 

    LOL.  ok.  

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