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Posts posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. Trump had his predecessors. Here's Mark Twain on Gilded Age robber baron Jay Gould:



    “Jay Gould was the mightiest disaster which has ever befallen this country. The people had desired money before his day, but he taught them to fall down and worship it. They had respected men of means before his day, but along with this respect was joined the respect due to the character and industry which had accumulated it. But Jay Gould taught the entire nation to make a god of the money and the man, no matter how the money might have been acquired.


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  2. 1 minute ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    Yeah, but you defended the guy who said Herman should be fired after year two if he only wins 6 games.

    You realize your scenario of the offense making up for the defense's regressions, without even mentioning the regression we'll see in the punting game, basically just gets us back to 6 wins in the regular season again, right? 

    Punting: we are in tune with the Aussie Punter Borg Prodcution Line. It won't be otherwordly this year, but it will be better than adequate. As for the offense I think the line will be better, as will Ehlinger and / or Buechele. Line improvement enhances everything. Suddenly or RBs and WRs won't seem so pedestrian, and Beck's play-calling, yes, even Beck's play-calling, will seem to be decent. Maybe even masterful if the line we've patched together miraculously turns into a bunch of maulers...But I don't think that will happen. In a typo upthread I called them "bad aids," and that's what they were last year. Which is incurable....While this situation is not quite that bad, I think we are a year away from sniffing nine or ten wins, and seven seems right. 

  3. I predict the defense will regress a little bit this year in that we are losing our best players at every level in Poona, Malik, Elliott and Hill, just as we regressed in year two of Charlie after losing Hicks, Brown, Diggs and Thompson. 

    The key will be if the offense can get off the mat and throw enough effective punches to make up the difference. And that will be determined by the OL. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, markstanco said:


    Fire a coach after two seasons....brilliant.  Should make it super easy to hire a new coach! 

    Which is why I said his seat should be warm, not that he should be fired. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Hate said:


    It’s either post his diarrhea here or he gets sent to Siberia by his dear leader. So he’s off to sow his seeds of discontent.


    So Hugo is now a Russian double agent? 12-D chess, Vlady. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    You're a fucking idiot. 

    Yeah, Herman should be given ten years to rebuild the program. We are well known for our patience here. 

    Why is that an idiotic statement? Strong had to try rebuild from the smoking turd on a dunghill of a program he inherited, and he failed in three years, but at least he started getting guys who would get drafted back into the program.

    If Herman regresses in year two, even marginally (as Strong did in his second year, with zero talent left over from Mack), the seat should start to warm.

    I hope it doesn't, but fair is fair. And I think 7 is about what we will get this year, and if we do, then I won't be calling for Herman's head...OL is the key. Maybe Herman and Hand have rigged up enough baling wire, bad aids and prayers to patch together something more than the dog's vomit we've trotted out since 2010 or before. Anderson could be a huge pick up. I really liked what I saw out of Hudson during the 12 plays or whatever he got to show before he went down for the season. But there are just so many ifs there, and in 35 years or so of making sports prediction, I've learned that the more ifs there are, the more you should temper your optimism. Seven seems about right. 

  7. 2 hours ago, LongestHorn said:

    Refilled Cholula bottle with Valentina and snotty teen daughter was none the wiser.  

    That stunt works really well with vodka too. McCormick's is a perfectly fine Tito's substitute. I mean, if your snotty teen daughter is into vodka, you should try it. Save you a lot of $$$. 

    Side note: some kids in my snotty teen daughter's world stole some of their parents' vodka out of the freezer, and then refilled the bottle with water. Which of course lowered the alcohol level to the point where it would freeze. BUSTED. 


  8. 8 hours ago, Homesickhorn said:


    Damn, that’s not far from me. Those dudes in that video were some healthy looking mother fuckers.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    They run all the bayous and easements all over town, and they seem smart enough not to yip and howl while they are in town. I've never heard them or seen them in Houston but they are out there every night. 


    Versatile coyotes. 

  9. 33 minutes ago, Ldogg53 said:

    Lol.  That was some funny shit.  There was a house on the corner of Lindyann/Ella where some goth-type kids lived with their old parents.  The type of people who never came out of their house and never took care of their yard.  People were outwardly asking if maybe they had something to do with it.  I told someone "shit, those kids are too fat and lazy to bother trying.  All they want to do is wear baggy black clothes, eyeliner, and play video games all day."

    Yeah her suspect was some 25 year old dweeb who lived with his parents and was seen aimlessly hanging around the old Pizza Hut near what's now Hughie's. Black clothes, bad posture, just looked up to no good, ever. And he was really an asshole -- she'd done her homework on him, and he'd done shit like throw shit at his parents during his little Goth tantrums and had the cops called on him a couple of times. But he was no Night Rambler. I can remember a shit-ton of people saying "he was about to graduate to people," because everyone who's every watched CSI knows that shit. 

  10. 31 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    A couple of vets will nod their heads when I tell this, even if they don't want to step forward and possibly be singled out by The Powers That Be:

    Since at least the 80s, there has been a shadow force, an Army-within-an-Army, operating freely on our military bases. This mysterious organization calls itself OPFOR. OPFOR openly practices attacking our loyal troops with simulated (for now) weaponry. Who knows what will happen if word comes down to strike for real.

    I know, because I was groomed and recruited by OPFOR.

    We rode in US Government vehicles and wore Government-issued uniforms, sometimes altered in superficial ways. We passed unchallenged through all areas, and slept in normal barracks, though kept apart. We were paid in US "Dollars", though of course, unbacked by gold, those are a convenient fiction.

    OPFOR. You have been warned. Now either Wake Up, or slip back into sleep.

    No you fool. Everyone knows the E4 Mafia runs the US Army, and thus the Free World. Their Creed has been leaked. 


  11. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    The Liberal Cabal used to meet in the closet until that space became too small. Trump's presidency has forced us to have our meetings in stadiums where we have to sacrifice more human babies so everybody gets to see at least one. The ceremony for soul and partial brain removal must be done en masse to keep the meetings on schedule. The expense for flags for everyone to piss on as they leave at each exit is surprisingly high.

    The rallies are still held in silence and the dark because everyone is so frightened of the righteous and true hearted patriots.

    After we all are primed via eating $oro$ marijuanas

  12. A few years ago, a friend and semi-neighbor of mine became convinced there was a "cat mutilator" in our area -- a sicko leaving bisected and otherwise drawn and quartered kitties "on display" in parks and yards. She even ID'd a suspect -- some fuckup kid in the neighborhood she called something like "the Night Rambler." All of this went out over the neighborhood Internet groups, and she raised such a fuss, Houston's print and TV media bit on it (ISWIDT) and HPD was forced into hosting a town hall meeting. There were at least a hundred people there.

    The cop who hosted it was like, "Y'all. This is a coyote. Not a Night Rambler."  

    That wasn't good enough for my friend, who is also very close friends with my wife, who is a cat fanatic, so we were on high alert around here this whole time. In friend's defense, her dad was an FBI agent, so she's always been a frustrated cop at heart, but still, I was trying to tell her, "Chill on this. It probably really is a coyote." And having to say the same thing to my wife...

    Not two weeks later friend was out late with her husband riding their bikes home from some bar crawl and she personally saw the "Night Rambler" stalking a cat in her 'hood. And yes, the Night Rambler was a fucking coyote. Finally, she ended her campaign about the depredations of the sicko cat mutilator. At least she very publicly owned up to her mistake. 

    And now the Night Rambler is back, but this time he's brought some friends with him. (Shot a block from my house a couple of weeks ago.)  https://video.nest.com/clip/27e9135364cb4998ab61c062535d4e25.mp4

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  13. 11 minutes ago, Theo Huxtable said:

    I want to have aggressive sex with Pirro then sneak out when she’s in the shower washing off her face.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Throw Dana Loesch in there and you've got the Ultimate Hate Fuck Three-Way Extravaganza

  14. I earnestly salute Hugo's dedication, but his posting frequency wears me out sometimes. 

    BUT, like he says, who gives a shit about whether or not Trump boned a porn star and where the money came from. As Hugo points out, that is NOT THE REAL ISSUE with this treasonous asshole. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    The plaintiffs would be wise not to...

    Yeah WTF. I am not a lawyer, but if I was know enough about this one tiny area of law to the point where I could practice it, so long as you didn't also ask me to do anything else including fighting a parking ticket.

    But defamation / libel / slander I know pretty well. And while the Sandy Hook parents don't have a slam-dunk case, they were in with a chance before. And Jones doubling down now is beyond idiotic.

    The Greeks have some expression to describe things that are beyond amazing. They say things like "that moussaka was so awesome it doesn't exist."

    What Jones just did is so stupid it doesn't exist. 

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