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Posts posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. 12 hours ago, Dolemite said:

    Found this and thought it was interesting.


    Yeah, like I said, my Korean-American buddy told me there were people like this there, but they were the minority and regarded as lightly treasonous by the majority of South Koreans. 

    Dolemite, I know you are from Bama. And I admire your trolling skills. But imagine if we were occupied by some other country, or if Bama were occupied by Georgia, Tennessee or (gasp) Miss'ippi. Would you be "so much grateful" for the actions they made? Only if you were a tool. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    School gets relegated. Players transfer. Recruits stay away. Coaches stay away. Team either stays in lower classification forever or stays in the relegation/promotion group and is constantly shuffling back and forth. 

    Teams at the top of the highest classification stay there, business as usual. 

    Sounds grand. You can’t moneywhip your way up the ladder like you can professional soccer. 

    You are ignoring the fact that for every team that gets relegated, another gets promoted. 

  3. 4 hours ago, miguelito said:

    Whoever wrote that is a bigger fan of soccer than he is of college football.  I'm trying to be nice.

    Yeah, that describes Bill Connelly to a tee. That's like saying Bill James is a bigger fan of bullfighting than he is baseball because he likes to eat steak. 

    • Like 3
  4. When was the last time China attacked anybody? I know the recent past doesn't necessarily predict the future, but they've been content to throw their weight around by diplomatic and economic means for a long-ass time. Like going back to some Dynasty we can't even name now. And that will happen whether we like it or not. 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Royalfan5 said:

    If you do this you damn well better being paying players and allowing transfers.

    Yeah, that's all part of Connelly's master plan. Players are paid under the Olympic model and have the right to transfer under a NCAA athlete Bill of Rights. 

    My pie in the sky dream is that we do both of those things and temporarily sever athletics from academics. For every year you play, you get a year of scholarship on down the line. While you are playing, if you want to bang out some electives or blow-off courses, you can do so, or you can take life skills classes. Of course there would have to be limits on how much time the coaches could demand of you in the off-season, so you'd need to fill those hours with something...So they could work and take a few classes at a leisurely pace and also learn about investing and how to avoid debt traps and crap like that. 

    • Like 1
  6. I took one of those years ago and it revealed that my first American ancestor on my dad's line came to America under an alias in about 1745, and then named his son after himself (using his real last name as his son's middle name). So every American paternal ancestor of mine has been using the wrong last name since the year Benjamin Franklin's dad died.

    It might be funny if 23 and Me did commercials like this. "I found out my great-great-grandfather was some kind of fugitive!"

    "My DNA cracked a serial murderer case! Because the killer was my brother!" 

    And the obvious: "He only thought he was my daddy!"

  7. Quote

    * Your conference affiliation is impacted by which programs you buddied up to 100 years ago. It has little to do with what you’ve accomplished, or proved you could accomplish, on the field in modern times.

    * The conference you happen to be in thus determines so much about your standing in the sport, from your revenue to your competition to your chance at a title.

    * European soccer long ago introduced promotion and relegation, or breaking one enormous league — England’s Football League or Germany’s Deutscher Fußball-Bund, for instance — into tiers. The top teams in a league’s tier get to move up, and the bottom teams have to move down. (See below for how this would work in CFB.)

    * Aside from maybe college basketball, no American sport — not even soccer — would benefit from or more seamlessly fit this than college football. We have so many teams, in every part of the country, with such clearly defined levels of prestige to strive for.

    I love the idea because Baylor would have been relegated in 2004 and not promoted again until 2011, and that came about only because they hired Briles. He never would have gone to Waco if they were in a lower division, so Baylor would have been gone forever, maybe duking it out with Mary Hardin-Baylor by this time. Or Incarnate Word. Shit, they did that anyway... 

    UH, whose fans I have come to see as the worst in-state only behind only Baylor and aggy, would have been promoted in 2010 only to be relegated the very next year. But then they made it back up, so...

    It would also have had us in an 8-team playoff in 2003 (vs Michigan), 2004 (vs Cal), 2005 (vs UGA), 2008 (vs Utah), and 2009 (vs tOSU). 

    Going in to last season, the Big 12 would have been  Baylor, UH, K-St, Louisville, Memphis, the Okie schools, TCU, UT, Tceh, Tulsa, and WVA. (Sorry Kansas, Iowa State. Y'all are in Tier II CUSA with Sam Houston and SMU now.) 

    Downside of this is it would make NCAA football even more cut-throat than it already is. So maybe my previous idea is wrong, and lowly D-III Baylor moneywhips Briles to the Brazos and tells him to not just recruit rapists out of HS, but actual prisons. 

    (Forgive me if this shit is in the realignment thread -- I don't go in there, ever.)



  8. From talking to a Korean-American friend, who has worked over there for Samsung in recent years, most of the SK people under 70 want us out of there. They believe they can go it alone. He characterized the South Koreans who wave American flags and love our presence there as the equivalent of redneck Trumpkins here, made worse by the fact that they are supporting what kind of amounts to a foreign occupation.

    Which it kind of is. My son is stationed over there, and said that part of our mission there -- in addition to the obvious one: staving off a Nork / Chinese invasion -- is to quell a sudden rebellion of the South Koreans, in the very unlikely event they demand immediate reunification with the north. We don't want them making that decision for us. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I never got too deep into the JFK conspiracy theories but from a macro level, the Russian angle is impossible to ignore.

     It’s not like Oswald defected to the Soviet Union... oh wait, he did.

    It’s not like Oswald had any experience in assassination attempts...oh wait, he did.

    It’s not like Oswald had connections to people in the KGB...oh wait, he did.

    The big questions for me are:  did the U.S. government try to cover something up and if so, what would possibly justify a cover up of this magnitude?  It must have been something pretty substantial that went beyond the mob or Cubans.

    I don’t know if Oswald was under any orders but if you study the history of Soviet active measures, Oswald is the poster child for how that form of warfare is supposed to work.

    “You take an already unstable extremist individual and you push that individual to the more extreme direction they were already going.  Sit back and watch the fireworks.”

    I know there is never going to be a widely accepted version of exactly how things went down but my recent investigations into Russia’s tactics and methods made me look at the JFK assassination from an entirely different perspective.  

    There are at least as many coincidences to the mob angle as there are to the Russian theory. And the mob had an obvious motive for wanting him gone, while the Russian motive requires a duller version of Occam's Razor to believe. 

  10. I really think it would be bad for Holton Hill and the Texans if he wound up in Houston. If there was ever a rookie who did not need his homeys having easy access to him, it's Hill. For his sake I hope he ends up somewhere like Buffalo or New England, at least until he matures a little. 

    • Like 1
  11. Jefferson did a lot for the program, even if he didn't quite pan out the way we all wanted on the field. He stuck a needle in that aggy balloon...And if you hated Charlie's tenure here as it was, imagine what you would have thought of it if he hadn't been able to recruit more actual talent than we had for the previous five or so years, much of which followed in Malik's wake. 

  12. Some of our fans' relationship with Malik has been aggy like. He comes in as a hero around Malikmas. He plays okay for a freshman and the hype is still there even though he missed a shit-ton of tackles. Thinking was, once he learned to wrap up, he'd be worthy of #60. Soph year sucks -- injuries and playing out of position by necessity. Then his coach gets fired. Jefferson plays a little better and we are all high on him again, at least until he declares. Now of all a sudden we are rooting for him to fall in the draft so we can say "I told you so."

    • Like 1
  13. Quote

    Then there is the couple whose huge RV resembles the fuselage of a Boeing 737. What sacrifices have they made for their devotion to Alabama football? "Let's see," muses the husband. "We missed our daughter's wedding. We told her, just don't get married on a game day and we'll be there, hundred percent, and she went off and picked the third Saturday in October, which everybody knows is when Alabama plays Tennessee, so we told her, hey, we got a ballgame to go to. We made the reception -- went there as soon as the game was over."

    From Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer.

    More than half of Bama sided with the parents on that one. 

  14. 18 hours ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Fuck that. My wife and I (also a Texas grad) specifically said no to a fall wedding because of football. Its also the same reason we didnt have sex December - March when having kids. No fuss, no muss

    Fucked this one up big time 14 years ago -- daughter's b'day always falls on or around OU weekend. She was born the day before 12-0. 


     And then my ex and I got divorced and I remarried someone born in mid October. 

  15. 3 hours ago, HtownHorn said:


    Exposing the uselessness of the 4th state.


    Georgia was the 4th state in the union.

    They gave us MLK, Outkast, Kim Basinger, Julia Roberts, the Allman Brothers, Keith Jackson, Otis Redding, Holly Hunter, Ty Cobb, Ray Charles, Jimmy Carter, Jerry Reed, Little Richard, Waffle House, Flannery O'Connor, Jackie Robinson, REM, Harry Crews, James Dickey, and Burt Reynolds.  

    And for the likes of you, Paula Deen, Clarence Thomas, Hulk Hogan, John Rocker and also Ty Cobb -- he was a complicated man. 

    Georgia is not useless.

    And you are a fucking moron. 

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