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Posts posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. Said it before on the old board and I'll say it again -- who gives a fuck about the Norks? I highly doubt they are are gonna first-strike nuke anybody. Just leave that little broke dick country and its freakazoid dictator be. 

    I feel bad for the average North Korean citizen, but pretty much everybody wants the status quo to hold. Japan doesn't want a unified, powerful Korea, which it would be a few decades down the road. The Russkies and the Chinese don't want a Western power on their border. The South Koreans don't want to have to spend all the time and money it would take to bring North Korea up to speed, and Lil' Kim just wants to have parades, fuck sex slaves, and kick it with washed up basketball players.

    Which sucks for the sex slaves, but not worth starting WWIII over. We have less than zero strategic interest in kicking over that applecart. 

  2. The execrable Alex Jones...that sink of iniquity...may he be covered in new and unpredictable kinds of excrement, slimier than the bottom of a shithouse! ...a mass of unconscionable purulence! Making a cake of him, the most fetid that could ever be imagined...cutting him up into balls, flattening him out into sheets, plastering the whole bottom of the crapper with him, all the way from the bowl to the sump...and wedging him in there once and for all...to be shat on for all eternity....(Apologies to Louis-Ferdinand Celine.)

  3. My dad's house backed up to 1000 acres of Tennessee woods and hills when I was a kid. It must have been a Wednesday afternoon because I was way up in those woods with "Bear," my next door neighbor buddy Greg's idiot white German shepherd. Greg wasn't with us -- he was always at church on Wednesdays. And twice on Sundays. Church of Christ is a bitch.

    Anyway, Bear and I were ridge-running up there and all of a sudden I had an overwhelming urge to shit. Squatted down, shat, wiped myself with leaves, and moved on. But that idiot dog walked over to my giant pile of turds, sniffed it, and then wiped his cheek in it. Over and over again. Lots of dogs roll around in shit, but this was ever worse and I have no idea what was in his pea brain. White German shepherd, wiping his face in one of the gnarliest shits I'd ever taken even to this day.

    We kept on rambling through the woods for a while, and then returned to our respective houses. The next day I was shooting hoops with Greg and he was wondering why Bear had shit stains all over his face and stank like a sewer and for some reason I felt too guilty about the whole thing to tell him that his moron dog decided to use his face as Charmin on a dump I took in the woods.  

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    Before it gets washed away in the Hannity revelation: it's shitty that they published the name of the girl who that fat fucker knocked up.

    Shitty it may be, but that does not change the fact that The Rules have gone into effect and you have not obeyed them. 

  5. If he has enriched himself as much as some think, I don't think him merely being a one-term president will deter other crooks from following his example. If he is voted out, the investigations him need to proceed as if he were still in office and he and his family and his flunkies need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    Ruling class, privileged class... more Bannon-esque deep state shenanigans.  The lamentations that we're not equal under the law is a nice touch.  I'm getting all misty-eyed here.



    Wait, I thought Trump was a billionaire...Wouldn't the "ruling class" cut him some slack since he was in the club?

  7. I remember him Tweeting out his stampless passport as if that was proof that he hadn't been to Prague. I don't think they've stamped passports there (unless you ask them to) since the early 1990s. And it was on record that he had flown to Rome at the time, so it wasn't like he was not in the general vicinity at the time.

    Lord knows what he was up to in Rome. Probably having a sitdown with some capos from the n'Drangheta 

  8. Shadow people in the treeline and silent black helicopters hovering above rural shacks -- so many of Art's callers were bedeviled by both of them. Both of those hallucinations are quite common among meth addicts, and I imagine the tweaker / Art Bell fan combo was and is quite a large and motley crew.  

    They sure as hell were entertaining, mostly because they really believed what they were saying. 

    And he can forget when the Russians drilled down into hell? 



  9. If you really a decent grasp on the situation there, drop what you are doing and read this

    Intro to this very long read:


    William R. Polk first wrote for The Atlantic during the Eisenhower administration, with a report in 1958 about tensions in Iraq. Soon after that, he was recruited from a teaching position at Harvard to work on the State Department’s Policy Planning staff in the Kennedy administration. In the years since, he has written and taught extensively about international affairs, especially in the Middle East.

    Earlier this year, Polk wrote a series of very widely read dispatches for our site about U.S. policy toward Afghanistan and Syria. He also has two new books available on Amazon. The first, Humpty Dumpty: The Fate of Regime Change, deals with the history and current affairs of Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, and Mali. The second is an espionage novel called Blind Man's Buff and carries the tale of the Great Game for control of Central Asia into the present. (I have just bought it on Amazon and will report back after reading it.)


    Now he offers an updated report on the grim prospects in Syria. Like his previous offerings, it is long and detailed—but as with the others, it offers both a coherent perspective and a myriad of facts and insights you will not find elsewhere.  —James Fallows


  10. The latest Shutdown Fullcast attempts to match every major program to its equivalent rapper. Two of the three hosts said UT was Jay-Z because we have lots of money and our success was a long time ago. And lots of their matches were lame stretches.

    But they saved aggy for last. They said it was their easiest match and the only one that all three of them, acting independently, agreed on. aggy is Insane Clown Possee.

    They say whoop. They have uniforms. They have strange folklore. Overalls are a big thing. There's that whole us against the world, from the outside you can't understand shit...It really is perfect.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. Aggy is a whole other deal. They are the little brother you stiffarm on the head while he flails away at you...And in the end, they are Texans, even if they are really annoying Texans. That's a family feud, in short. Arky and BlowU are actual vermin. 

  12. If we started playing Arky again on a yearly basis the hate would be cranked to 11 in about five minutes. Texas vs Arkansas is gasoline drenched gunpowder infused with nitroglycerine tucked inside a hydrogen bomb. In some ways I think the hatred was even more pure than Sooner hate. 


    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, El Diablo said:

    Yeah, I don't know the circumstances that led to your going to live with the grandparents but there was no way anyone was taking my son once he came to live with me which was shortly after her parents got him. They wanted no part of raising another kid.

    He was divorcing his second wife and we both saw it as a good time to bail on her ass, lol. Seriously, though, my grandparents were the family I'd always wanted and needed and he had to work through some issues of his own -- his parents died bang-bang of natural causes not long after I was born and his wife, my mother, as mentioned before, was a lunatic. (Charming, intelligent, funny, entertaining, but crazy as shit.) 

    So when he got divorced a second time, he wanted to sort himself out and knew he was leaving me in good hands, and I really, really wanted to move back to Texas, so it was done. It's worked out in the long run for all of us.

    He is my hero. I tell him I love him every time we talk. But I am sick of hearing about the stats and the Tennessean, and I woke up on the wrong side of the bed in a motel in Brenham today.

  14. 1 hour ago, JimmyGlass said:

    Conversations with my father start with the weather and then devolve into a long list of chores he has accomplished since we last talked.  "I baled the hay, and trimmed the trees, and put some more rock in the spot on the driveway that is low and set out some deer corn and on and on."  It isnt conversation, its him dictating a mental list.  He's stubborn, frustrating and annoying in ways that only family members can be.  However, my chief complaint regarding my relationship with my father is my inability to tolerate the frustration and annoyance better.  He's old - old people behave in particular ways - mostly because society is incredibly age - segregated and they spend almost no time with people below the age of 60.   Me being so frustrated and annoyed because my 66 year old father acts like a 66 year old man is a character flaw in me, not him.  Its something I try very hard to be better at, but every time I make some progress he finds new ways to act even weirder.

    Yeah, I guess I need to grasp that better and count my blessings. Sincerely, man. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    It's fun when your dad gets to the age that he simply does not give a fuck about anything he says out loud or who the audience is.

    I was visiting them at Christmas and talking to my parents and my sisters about my upcoming trip to Vietnam. I was talking about what I cities I was going to be visiting, my flights, etc.

    My dad is just sitting there listening, and then just says "That's a damn long way to fly just for some poontang." 

    That is awesome. 

  16. 15 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    Might have been mentioned, how far away do you live from your dad? My son lives nearly an 11 hour drive away and has 3 kids, two of them small, so the phone is our lifeline.

    Oh, and you pretty much described my sons mother. She dropped him off at her parents house when he was 9 and pretty much checked out for the next 10 years. She's not dead yet but it's not from lack of trying.

    Did your dad raise you?

    My dad raised me in part -- he took me on from fourth to eighth grade in Tennessee, and then I moved in with my grandparents (mom's side) for HS in Houston. And I still live in Houston and he is in Nashville. I haven't lived with him since eighth grade, but we've always talked at least several times a month. 

  17. 1 hour ago, El Diablo said:

    Hell, I can't hardly keep my mom on the phone these days. Her mind is pretty gone and she just doesn't have much to say and she gets uncomfortable and wants to get off the phone pretty quickly. She knows that she's in the twilight. Makes me sad. I try to keep her engaged for as long as I can and think of things to share with her or to get her to laugh but it gets a bit lopsided. Fuck you OP. Naw, maybe you'll find out on your own. I hope not but you never know.

    Like I said, I lost my mom 20 years ago. Like I didn't say in the OP, that was after she abandoned me for ten years when I was eight years old, came back in my life, and then went off the rails again and then died ten years after that, homeless, trying to run across an interstate to get some more beer in the middle of the night. I do know what it's like to lose a parent. 

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