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Posts posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. Fuel to the fire.



    After prosecutors railroaded John Thompson on a murder conviction, he came within weeks of execution before an investigator found the evidence that exonerated him. Still, the Supreme Court declined to punish the district attorney’s office that sent him to death row. Thompson’s case exposes a fundamental question: When prosecutors hold all the cards, can any defendant get a fair trial


    Essentially, the Orleans Parish district attorney's office (under Harry Connick Sr) functioned as if there was not a Brady Law for decades. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Zepol87 said:

    Went for work a month ago. That places smells so damn bad

    Yep, but that park was amazing. The whole place smelled like honeysuckle and saltwater air. It had rained the night before so I guess that had knocked all the fumes down for a day or two, lol. 

  3. Chicago columnist Mike Royko disappointed his young readers when he surprised them by coming out in favor of raising the drinking age to 21. He bought in to the reasoning of one his buddies from the corner tavern: "I don't want anyone in this bar young enough to think they are having a good time."


    On a slightly more serious note, I agree with Fondren Rd 100%. It's about driving and not alcohol per se, and zoning and sprawl created a lot of this problem, and once we enter our glorious Google Car future, there will be no good reason to keep the drinking age at 21. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    That gator is probably the least of your problems if you are in Baytown.

    That place -- Baytown Nature Center -- is unbelievably nice. But drive five minutes in any direction, and fffuuuuckkkk...

  5. 8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    I think the political fallout is the bigger risk to Trump for issuing pardons.  I just don’t think that state prosecutors would put guys away that the president just pardoned.   Too much respect for the office.  

    Respect for the office? Lulz. 

  6. Lots of people think of him as a "thug," but he's more complicated than that. Grew up middle class and was an Eagle Scout and National Honor Society in HS. Like Goodman says, he's got demons, and he self-medicates like a mofo and now he's a shambles of a man.

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