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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. 41 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:


    I didnt even recognize him because I didnt watch much SNL. Thought he was great, down to his Rolling Stones joke.


    Knowing Fallon, he was probably laughing at his own joke before he even delivered the punchline.

  2. I expect the regular season will bring mediocrity muddled with a glimmer of hope ultimately quenched with a dash of disappointment, but at least there will be something concrete to bitch about instead of nitpicking some catchphrase a coach uses.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I'll be around to eat plenty of crow if UT goes out and wins big and gets ranked in the top 15.  It just isn't realistic to expect that.

    Does anyone outside of Cameltoe expect that?

  4. 16 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:
    22 hours ago, Blotto said:
    The thing about good 3 pt shooting teams is that they usually structure the offense to make sure they get/take good 3 pt shots. That has not been my observation with Texas. 

    I disagree. We've missed more wide open threes than any team in the conference. Dudes just can't knock it down.


    16 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    yeah we missed a bunch of open shots but we also took more stupid threes than any team i've ever seen, zero hyperbole. our shot selection was *terrible*.

    You're both right--we take terrible shots and we can't shoot for shit when we have a wide-open look.

    It can only get better, right?

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/23/2018 at 12:12 PM, Masshole Horn said:

    For bass, I use:

    • Clouser minnows in grey, or chartreuse
    • Dahlberg Divers in Olive
    • Wooly buggers in Olive, Black or White
    • Experimenting with articulated streamers, similar to the Shultz Swingin' D

    I don't really use crawfish flies.

    Haven't seen anyone mention poppers. They work well for me and are my favorite--along with clousers--for catching bass on the fly. Regular or foam bodies, with or without rubber legs, etc.--they all seem to get results and are fun to fish.

    Largemouth don't get very big here, though.

  6. Spent most of spring and June floating reservoirs and wading small creeks for cutts on the fly. Flows were finally low enough to wade some big water on Friday and had a wonderful time. Caught several middling smallies, a few yellow perch, and various rainbows, including this 21-inch hen. Hopefully, more to come.




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  7. 22 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    So, with the new bike, I am experiencing some low speed steering twitchiness such that I feel somewhat out of control.  Sort of surprised, as I figured a slackish 29er would be super stable, which it is at speed.  I guess I didn't account for low speed riding.  I assume that I will get used to it.

    Much ❤️, Twice, but sometimes, me thinks you overthink this shit.

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