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Mullet Free

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Everything posted by Mullet Free

  1. This asshole is always talking his book but what could he be referencing here? “another is on the way” ? Maybe he meant first republic before the coins were shuffled Around the system this afternoon?
  2. Lol this is very reminiscent of recent crypto happenings when shady exchange CEOs were shuffling coins around to cover up various balance sheet holes. Rightfully mocked. Now it’s in traditional finance at 10x plus size. Moral of the story, you cant taper a ponzi. At least not without triggering a 13 figure bailout.
  3. Which one? TARP? For that one total “investments” were $426.7B. We’re going almost 5x this time. $2T. For reference the original Cares Act for the entire economy during the height of Covid fear was $2.2T. Meh. It would be hard to find an industry or group of people that benefited more from a decade plus of ZIRP and easy money than Silicon Valley/VCs/Big Tech. As soon as it’s reversed, their specialty Bank blows up and sparks another big bailout package.
  4. If only there were a way to opt out of the kleptocracy. Anyway. $2T seems like a lot. It would make sense that a good bit of this money would make it out into the economy since it’s being used to provide liquidity for withdrawals.
  5. A trillion here, a trillion there. Then you’re starting to talk about real money.
  6. “Crypto” is not decentralized. They haven’t even gone after ETH yet by declaring it a security. Also looks like they’re going to take out Circle/USDC. I actually think Bitcoin’s case is still pretty clear. It looks like we’re heading toward all bank deposits being “backed”. The money printing/debasement will continue indefinitely and likely accelerate, despite Powell’s intentions. Also, bank failures and restricted access to funds pretty clearly illustrate the benefit to controlling your own assets. Also, there’s the continued politicization of money towards individuals, and now banks.
  7. Oil dumping and this is seasonally a good time for oil. Sign of economic slowing?
  8. credit Suisse turn Government getting ready to step in
  9. Thought I’d put here since it’s referencing money supply.
  10. Just thinking about it for a bit, here is where it matters. If customers feel funds are 100% backed and safe, then you have far less (zero?) risk of any type of bank run. If there hadn’t been a run of deposits for SVB, then it wouldn’t have been a catastrophic event. It would come up after they had raised capital and shored things up. Without the same consequences, banks could get even more offsides before something happens or is discovered.
  11. If every bank knows their deposits are fully insured, don’t lending underwriting standards go down? Aren’t banks given green light to do whatever they want with customer deposits?
  12. Banks still getting hit despite Fed measures. Even big ones.
  13. Evidently this is the post that first got ball rolling. Austin analyst. Read pretty widely by VCs. (Like Thiel?)
  14. I think FDIC absolutely should insure all deposits. We need depositors to have faith that their money is safe. All deposits? Everywhere?
  15. Bitcoin loving this bailout that’s totally not a bailout. +18% They will always choose to print, or create new rules to salvage a faulty system.
  16. So on the surface I guess it’s essentially $620B of potential stimulus if you think about it in an over simplified manner. What I’m interested in are the unintended consequences. Basically you eliminate interest rate risk for banks. But any other entity is on the hook if bond prices fall. So why would anyone else buy bonds? Basically the Fed and banking system will make up new rules keep the game afloat.
  17. There are some smart, experienced people on this thread. I’m curious what people think of this. Basically a subsidized way to get around losses on your books? Not sure I can grasp all the unintended consequences of such a drastic action.
  18. Please. I always have access to my btc and can do what I please with it. Or I can do nothing, and it’s not being lent out or otherwise mismanaged.
  19. I for one respect the commitment to an outlandish conspiracy theory. If you’re new to this guy, it goes Thiel->libertarian/gold bugs->debt ceiling->dollar reserve status.
  20. I think there’s a chance Janet is not as upset as you would think. Ackman has some points here about the fallout. 1-Janet is probably fine with more consolidation and centralization of bank deposits. 2-If this creates new demand for treasuries, then that’s a plus for the treasury dept.
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