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Posts posted by GHOSTUSER

  1. 13 minutes ago, Leamas said:

    It's not the negging, give me a break. Negging stupid posts have been a daily occurrence since Shaggy introduced rep. I take it that's something you're used to, anyway. It's the reality that almost all of the people on your team vocally and strongly supported DJT before he got into office and for the last 3.5 years, you've had a tough time...with that. It's easier to run and hide, and bide your time until things look up and you all can come out of your caves again. Which is what many of the Surly right wingers have done. I get it.

    Again the issue is the auto-ban feature of this website once you hit -100 in rep. That encourages them to chain neg to preserve the pure echo chamber while silencing voices they don’t like.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Leamas said:

    Read the last few pages. Yep. Surly right wingers have become giant gaping vags. Sad. The right used to give it as much as they think they got. These days they just want to tuck it and run. I think they'll wait it out until someone from the D is in the white house and they'll suddenly have something to say again.

    Wrong. The chain negging drove us away. Check out the CR shithole. They’re trying to crowdsource me now for a thread I didn’t even start that was moved there. Pussies. I have had unpopular opinions for two decades plus on these boards. I was one of only handful who was dead set against the Iraq War from the beginning. The same Cabal that is so progressive now hated me then for my opinions. Who ended up being right? I’m willing to go toe to toe with them. What I’m not willing to do is get banned for my opinions by those cunts. I come here for Longhorn sports. That’s the whole point of this place.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    Don't you have some immigrants to wish violence on?

    You're deliberately misrepresenting what happened to say that Trump was visiting a burned out church and just wanted to be safe.

    So the people enforcing crowd control are all hellbent on suppressing dissent. You really believe that? You don't think they were clearing that out for his safety? Why the hell didn't they do that shit the other 3 nights when he didn't leave the White House. 

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  4. The real reason the @Michael Knight and @mdmost have their panties in the wad is that they don't have right wing posters like myself to battle with and they are bored. We left and took our toys with us and they don't like the fact that we are not around anymore in the CR. I signed out of my account to check the CR thread where my Trump Goes to Church post was moved. mdmost seemed like he was sad that I could no longer participate and made 2 different posts about it. What these guys don't get is that we play be the rules and don't engage in the  Orange Man Bad/Biden is the Spawn of Satan POLITICAL talk. Talking about the office of the Presidency and the rights, responsibilities and privileges associated with it is NON-POLITICAL. Discussing the ability of the President to walk to the burned out church without being at risk of harm and the means to accomplish it are NON-POLITICAL. I am a lawyer, I can follow the rules. blacklab had every right to move the thread to CR because guys like these can't color between the lines.

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  5. 1 minute ago, John Lawrence said:

    Immigrant + small business owners... decades of hard work, learning a new culture, trying to make a better life for your family in a foreign country.  Respect the hell out of them.

    Nice to see them exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms to protect themselves and their property. 

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  6. 34 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Update: turns out discussing use of military force against civilians peacefully protesting hurts too many peoples feelings and must be moved to the CR so they can ignore it for being CR.

    Enjoy the safe space while authoritarians take away your rights.

    You’re the guy who got his panties in a wad about the name of the coronvirus thread in DT. And you’re the one complaining about a safe space? blacklab moved my post and created a thread in DT and then moved it to CR. I don’t give a shit. Why do you? You’re a virtuoso when it comes to melodrama.

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  7. 36 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Please keep the Trump goes to church thread in DT. If you move it to CR, Icono cannot take part. He is defending his position and if you move it, he no longer will be able. For as much as there's this drumbeat about a CR bubble and group think, a thread that's only about one particular topic should be allowed to remain so everyone can take part in the discussion. 

    I have said my piece so I don't care that it has been moved to CR now.. I never made my posts political our invoked my team. I have no problem with blacklab moving it to CR. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Yeah. Fuck you, you're a piece of shit. The president is OUR fucking employee. Our freedoms are the whole point of this fucking country, and having a leader in charge who tramples on it at his fucking whim to show strength, is literally the fucking opposite of what a democratic republic is supposed to be about. Him looking powerful is the mentality and acts of authoritarian dictatorships.  It's china running tanks over their citizens, it's putin on a fucking horse bare chested. The point of his office is to protect our freedoms not HIM being able to look powerful. Fuck you, and fuck your backwards ass fascist view of life in the country and the value of human life in general. I wish you'd go back to mainlining meth and dicks becuase at least then the only person you were hurting was yourself and your ex wife. Ever since you adopted Jesus and Fascism your viewpoints have a much greater chance of hurting the other people in this country. 

    My issue is all of it. My issue is his show of force, my issue is the motivation for his show of force, and my issue is what that says about his decision making and his value for US citizens and their constitutional and human rights. Things you wipe your fucking ass with, so I don't expect you to fucking understand. 

    We will make sure to have the Presidents from now on clear their calendar with you going forward. If his motorcade comes under attack by a horde of protesters it is fascist to clear the way for him. We are under mob rule now. Fuck that. It was not a good look. That's my piece.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    He looks weak because he is weak.

    Trump has no respect for the office he holds, so why should you respect the officeholder?

    If he had done something productive, that served any interest other than his own in front of St. John's church, this might be justifiable.  He didn't address the nation, he took a fucking selfie.

    It was not a good look. Still if the President of our country no matter who it is intends to use his office by walking from the White House to make an address, he should be able to do so safely. Are you assuming that the President would have been safe and his protection team would be doing their job to allowed that crowd to remain. You don't think for a second that crowds gathered for 4 nights straight in front of the White House that led to violence would not get amped up even more by those wanting to physically harm him. It is not fascist to want the President of the US to be safe and to carry it his duties. I won't shed a tear for those ordered to disperse and willfully refused. Who said civil disobedience would not come with a cost to those seeking this avenue. Our recent history points that the side of law and order has always carried the day and support of the silent majority.

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  10. I respect the office of the Presidency first and foremost. Our President is the personification of this great country and has to have freedom of movement. Look how he weak he would look if he was holed up there during the duration of these protests.

    Honest question. What is the issue? Questioning the purpose of his visit? He needs permission from the mob now. Or is it the methods used to disburse which were non-lethal. Because YOU might not agree with the purpose of his visit does not in any way deter from the legitimacy and right he has as the President to address the nation and reassert order. Personally, I think this was stupid of him and it backfired.   

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  11. 1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    The facts don’t matter

    Right such as the fact that the crowd was ordered to disperse to comply with the curfew. The order was ignored. Watching CNN last night there was not a mention of this in order to try to frame things as an unprovoked, unannounced violent crowd dispersal.

    "As Mr. Trump delivered a speech in the Rose Garden vowing to send the military to states where governors could not bring rioting under control but calling himself “an ally of all peaceful protesters,” the sound of explosions and the yells of demonstrators could be heard. After receiving repeated warnings to disperse before the city’s curfew, the crowd was tear-gassed."


    I am not surprised but disappointed in the Bishop of DC's comments. It is what I have come to expect from our church leadership. At least our Presiding Bishop was less inflammatory in his denunciation. It would be nice if the Episcopal Church leadership would realize that being partisan has driven away lots of people from our church. I stick around because I love the liturgy and don't want my faith to be comfortable to me. I want to have my beliefs challenged and my heart softened and changed.  I have to battle my biases, upbringing and sick mind. 



    moved to new thread by Blacklab as it's clogging up the main thread

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  12. 4 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    NYC to have an 8 PM curfew tomorrow.

    DeBlasio is a fucking idiot for having a 11pm curfew when the other cities hit hard by riots had theirs between 6-8pm. LA is a lot calmer for it. COVID and these riots are going to be very hard to recover from. Silver lining for you is that condo prices should nosedive even more.

    • Fuck You 1
  13. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    My bad it was Ataturk who you consider a hero. Not really an improvement.

    After Churchill he was the greatest leader of the 20th Century. Saved his country from being divvied up and was a great modernizer and reformer. I will be making a pilgrimage to the Anitkabir in Ankara in my trip to Turkey next year.

    • Fuck You 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    I’ve never understood why this is thrown around as an insult. The Revolution was ethically ambiguous and most people were just caught up in the middle. Something we’d do well to remember.

    I have been personally impacted by charlatans selling a bill of goods to foment revolution. That experience is why I’m right wing and will fight to defend the status quo with my life. 

    • Fuck You 1
  15. 2 hours ago, immamac said:

    Thinking about making a new forum for very active controversial news stories that bleed into the realm of public policy. 

    The Minneapolis and covid threads would be moved there and others that are similar. In this forum there can be no political party discussions similar to the early rules of covid. Policy is allowed and political positions are allowed. If you break the rules you lose access to that board entirely and if you start posting about it anywhere but CLOAKROOM you get put into CLOAKROOM only and can't see the rest of the board. 

    If you mention politics outside of CR or this special "halfway" board you get a real ban, starting at 1 day then going to 3 then a week then 2 weeks...etc


    Great idea. 

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  16. 3 minutes ago, Serak The Preparer said:

    So not trying to put words in your mouth, but is it fair to say then that you support a decision to tear gas a crowd that might get violent but has not actually gotten violent?

    After 3 nights of rioting and with a curfew enacted? Are you serious? Show of force is a deterrent. Seeing troops on American streets will end this quick. Did I say I want people gunned down? No. I want the rioters to see a force they respect and would not dare to confront. That’s not the case anymore with the cops.

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  17. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    Ah, so no more protests any more, even if peaceful. A clear violation of the Constitution. And you're okay with that. 

    The fires and destruction outside the White House gates the past few nights would seem to be a better indicator of what would happen. You don’t think it would have been a bloodbath if those protestors thought they could actually get close enough to harm the President 

    • Fuck You 1
  18. 6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    You guys are killing it right now.  Only what, two generations from being done.  All it is now is suing each other on who owns the real estate.  

    Unfortunately, you’re correct. I love the Episcopal Church but keep losing members like other mainline churches.

    • Fuck You 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, OU Sucks said:

    Just out of curiosity, do you think troops should have come in and displayed overwhelming force against these protestors INSIDE the Michigan capitol?


    Yes if they had went on a rampage. That’s the difference. Those protests didn’t lead to property damage.

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