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Posts posted by gatormarc

  1. 19 minutes ago, Lidig8r said:


    So now your new neighbor is wondering ... "Sooooooo, are gatormarc and gatormarcette swingers? And if so, are they interested?"

    Oh my!

    I guess however, if they ARE wondering this doesn't than necessarily imply that they too are swingers?!

    Oh, the SEC is gonna be so much fun!

    I wonder if I should warn gatormarcette.

    • Haha 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, LTbear said:

    I like how they tweeted this out before they could even think up a name for that god awful final pod. 


    It's funny and sad after this many years, you still have casual fans who are like "this is ridiculous, I could realign better than this" and then they get about 60% done with their own "perfect" realignment concept and then just start throwing shit against the wall. But rather than just going "oh" they fucking post it to the Internet.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Zhorn96 said:

    a lot of folks think Stanford is fine because they have $$$ everywhere.  They have $36B in endowments...but all of that is tied up in specific things, they cant just move the money around.  There was a reason they tried cutting 13 sports during Covid (or whatever it was).  Furd athletics are broke too... that said, both Furd and Cal have the alums to fix all of this if they get their heads out of their asses.  Thats the challenging part

    Makes sense. I was really surprised how quickly they started cutting.

  4. 10 minutes ago, bullet said:

    Stadium is too.  Hard to believe it was worth saving.

    More likely, they just didn't want to relocate any other departments to find a new site.

    It's on the list of National Historic Places.

    I wonder if it would have been near impossible to tear down. Also, is there a legit place it could have moved to?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, Hurtlocker said:

    The pandemic crushed all budgets, even those who figured out how to play.   The B1G had to sell a majority stake in their rights to Fox to make up some quick cash and then Fox went goblin mode.

    One year of COVID really showed how much of a no-win situation we were in.

    Our former AD, Jeremy Foley, was extremely tight when it came to finances. He seemed to think (or at least I got the impression) that a bubble was happening and that all these schools taking $100+M loans were going to get it bad once it popped. Our facilities across the board were improved but at a more modest pace. 

    But eventually he retired. We're at the end of a $300M facilities upgrade and now with another $400M for the football stadium announced.

    You basically have to spend big now if you want to win. But that means those at the bottom are uber fucked when shit hits the fan.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jasper_Jester said:

    Cal and Stanford being football only members in the ACC could help them. They should have the luxury of being able to build a structure that allows them to join a more local conference for the Olympic sports.

    Stanford already competes in a lot of sports outside of the Pac12. I guess those would stay Independent or in the MPSF or other oddball conference.

    Taking a quick glance at sports that would need to change.

    Men's Fencing, Women's Fencing, Women's Field Hockey - those were not PAC sports but are ACC sports so Stanford would move those sports to their new conference

    Men's Rowing, Women's Beach Volleyball - those were PAC sports but not ACC; Probably EARC for Rowing, CCSA for Beach Volleyball

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    That's the trick; everyone is ditching the conference to get out of paying their share.  WSU and OSU will have to foot the bill.








    Do they get to keep all of the NCAA basketball credits?

  8. 18 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    They don’t gaf.  That’s the part we need to understand. Footballs just not a big deal out here.  I’d say sports isn’t really except for certain mlb and nba teams.  

    I think my point is that it doesn't have to be a big deal for the University to try to sell it as a reason to mingle with other smart young people with money.

  9. 2 minutes ago, 0xdeadbeef said:

    I spent the first 5 year of my career in Silicon Valley, and that was 100% my experience.  Outsiders (non-students or alumni) are not  welcome at the Stanford or Cal pregame tailgates. 

    Seems really fucking stupid for such smart people. You're in an area that pulls in a lot of smart outsiders who are now outsiders with money.

    Seems like the first thing you would do is take advantage of that casual angle to sell some swanky tailgates with the football game as just the dessert.

  10. 9 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:
    9 minutes ago, Zhorn96 said:

    hoe many votes do they need?  I thought I saw it was 3/4s of the league... they dont need to add Cal/Furd to block that with those numbers.  Maybe its if 50%.  Maybe

    I think FSU vote + 8 more if I recall. 

    That's only to dissolve the league (and it's debatable if 50%+1 is sufficient as no specific % is listed but other matters of membership require 75%) and presumably get them out of the Exit Fee, it doesn't touch the GoR.

  11. 7 hours ago, nunna yo bizness said:
    8 hours ago, hawkfan said:



    Tough shit for them.  Nobody forced them to schedule MOO and N.Ill. noncon games.  For that matter nobody forced them into the shitty ACC either.  They had their choice of any conference.  Don't expect too many tears shed for those fuckers.

    To be fair, 24 hours ago they had a home game vs Miami on there as well.

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