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Everything posted by MisterP

  1. Yea I thought people thought it was sketchy or something because I dont post a lot. A friend genuinely sent that to me as his reason for "fuck zionist Israel" and it just seemed to be super anti Israel but wanted more educated thoughts on it.
  2. What exactly does this mean. Thank you.
  3. I guess if you see I haven't logged on in awhile, that will be the reason why.
  4. I know you are joking but it's obviously relevant and I wanted to get someone else's thoughts on it. He is pretty anti Israel (my buddy) and I am not. He sent me me this with a "fuck zionist Israel".
  5. Anybody ever read this? My buddy is getting a masters in international relations right now and his class was assigned reading this. Two political scientists. Seems to be super critical of Israel, why we have a relationship with Israel, etc., but I am not versed enough to really writing out explanations as to why I think it's bullshit. It almost seems like their solution or answer to the ME is for Israel is to not exist. Anyone, feel free to take a quick look and tell me your thoughts. Thanks. The Israel Lobby.pdf
  6. I like the PH comparison more. Maybe they ignored the intel knowing that it would galvanize the Israeli's and the global politics to finally let them go in there and wipe Gaza off the face of the Earth? Unless you are into conspiracy theories, 9/11 doesnt equate to that....In this situation, it is much more like PH.
  7. More like Matt Dumbfuck, am I right?
  8. Hey you fucking nerd, how do you feel about posting now? Are you going to tell your friends in the montly email to wear more jeans that dont fit that fat girls?
  9. I am going to help you out for a second, you and your fat white women can get the fuck out of the endzone and never reappear. There is a reason no one is answering you and everyone is making fun of you.
  10. I just want to post again because literally fuck the hellraisers you are an ugly blemish on what is a beautiful fanbase....you cow
  11. You type like a fucking hellraiser looks...congrats.
  12. Thanks for that waste of time....precaite it
  13. Arkansas has a good pass rush, can they get to Johnson consistently? They should and it will disrupt the flow. Also, just stats, A&M is due to lose this one after very luckily winning the last 2/3 or whatever the number is.
  14. I am assuming youre 50 plus because shes fat and gross. God damnit have some standards jesus christ.
  15. Bro, it was a joke. Nobody cares that he's a lawyer. Take a fucking xanex.
  16. ah youre a lawyer, so that's why you speak in absolutes and like a cunt 🥰
  17. That, and they couldnt get in....
  18. I only follow one recruiting year at a time. I am also supporting SMU's position. Go at the others.
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