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Boss Hogg

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Posts posted by Boss Hogg

  1. 2 minutes ago, kevwun said:


    The troll is back.

    What tf are you talking about?

    14 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    "Some of yall take this shit very seriously" is pretty fuckin rich coming from a guy who authors every 4th post in this thread.

    good point. This is my 16th post on this topic. Wake me up when y’all fly a banner or march on the Capitol.  Good day. 

    • Fuck You 12
  2. 46 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    That's because banks and card processors have done the legwork to protect their data and harden against unauthorized data access. Are they bulletproof? Fuck no, nobody is. But I'd bet it's a fair sight better than anything the state of Texas puts out. 

    Shit, for paying off my loans to the Texas Higher Ed Coordinating Board, they would email my fucking password resets IN THE CLEAR IN PLAINTEXT. The state is not in the same solar system as the entities that manage the data associated with AML/KYC laws, at least with respect to sensitive data protection and general security posture. 

    But don't let that get in the way of you and lubehorn going HAW HAW HAW YAWL JUST WANNA WATCH PORN and completely missing the point

    Buy a VPN. If you really care about cybersecurity that much, you should probably do that anyway. 

    • Fuck You 9
  3. 18 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:


    listen asshole, its not the fact that an ID is needed to watch porn that is the main problem, its the fact that a state agency is going to be in charge of SECURING THE INFORMATION. 

    An agency whose cyber security is guarded by the lowest bid contractor. An agency that relies on state government servers to hold the information of who signed up for it, and somehow supposedly compartmentalizing the information in such a way that WHEN the database is hacked, that the hacked information is either correctly encrypted and useless or literally specific to a single query point and not cross-referenced to more detail, like someones actual fucking drivers license complete with their DL #, DOB, Address, phone number, email, and even SSN.

    You know, all the shit that is needed for identity theft and bank fraud.  Which as we know from the Louisiana hack has already happened with another state who set up the same rules that Texas borrowed.


    Yeah lets use this database state-wide so that we can feel good about doing nothing about stopping underage porn useage, but get to thump our chest and somehow think its going to stop a 13 year old from getting porn.


    Btw, the VERY first thing a semi-intelligent kid is going to do when encountering this stuff, is borrow Mom or Dad's DL information some night when you are asleep and left your wallet/purse on the table next to the front door.  sign into the stupid site as you, and save that information, and poof, your info is now in the database as well.

    Then of course, when that info gets out there and you and the rest of your "no-porn, no way" friends all see each others names on the hacked list, what are you going to do then? hmm... blame it on the state for being hacked is your answer. 

    But, thats not going to happen to you right,  you are going to come back to this thread and tell everyone how you are a hyper-vigilant parent and there is no way the kids will do stuff like this without you finding out. hubris.





    Holy shit. Some of y’all take this shit very seriously. I think the next step is to organize and march on the Capitol. It’s a good story. You’d get on the news. May I suggest a slogan? You’ve Gotta Fight for Your Right to Porn


    I actually agree that there’s cybersecurity issues, but I’d don’t see a ton of people out there fighting KYC/AML laws that lead to honeypots that criminal exploit. People that really want to, can disregard those laws too. 


    • Fuck You 17
  4. 4 hours ago, KYHorn said:

    So, just like we restrict access for children in all kinds of ways, we should do the same with porn

    This is really the basis of it all for the average person, despite any CR 3D chess. And I think the vast majority of people would agree with it. Surly is just the peak demographic that will be most mad about it. 

    7 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Imagine if you had to scan your ID every time you had sex with someone. To make sure that one of you wasn't married or had AIDS or God forbid it wasn't two men. 

    That isn't that different of a concept. Stuff like this is how you get crazy religious or police-state laws on the books.


    Actually it is. You need to calm down. 

    This thread is funny right now. 






    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 8
  5. 3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    @Boss Hogg @KYHorn what are you doing right now to protect your kids?  Or what have you done in the last 30+ years that we've had unrestricted access to internet porn?

    Were you waiting for this kind of thing to protect your kids from internet porn?  


    @Brisketexan please don't CR this shit.

    I don’t feel like walking to bedroom to look at their phones, but there’s apps that track what they’re on and limit things. My wife set them up. I haven’t done anything for 30 years because my oldest just turned 14 years old. 

    6 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:


    • Fuck You 3
    • Rage+1 1
  6. On 8/14/2023 at 12:01 PM, Brisketexan said:

    I mean, if there's one thing we know for 100% certain, it's the fact that if you don't have access to internet porn, teenage boys won't jerk off.





    1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Texas: where we tear our hair out if a child sees a pair of tits, but praise it as awesome parenting if you get em a tricked out AR as an 8th grade graduation present.

    Man, you’re strawmanning the fuck out of this thread. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 6
  7. 19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Maybe some of us watch porn WITH our wives, instead of having vanilla missionary sex once a week and calling it “the lord’s blessing.”

    Fair point. 

    Hey honey. Let me see your driver’s license. Huh, oh no reason. 

    There’s your fix. 

    27 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    go check out the CR thread

    No thank you. 

    28 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They can't get it outright banned yet, so this type of legislation is just a start for them,

    Wait, is this the start of some kind of slippery slope????


    29 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    right now they are focused on putting these companies out of business through fees for verification services

    Will someone think of the children! I mean the porn websites!

    Maybe this is all a move by the Big Porn Website lobby to create higher barriers to entry for nascent online smut peddlers. Increase their business moats. 


    • Fuck You 6
  8. 7 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    So do republicans want the government raising their kids for them or not? Bc I’ve been getting mixed signals. 

    Oh and can someone point to how much porn is too much before it irrevocably damages our teens? All porn or only certain types (gay porn)? And what are the consequences that can be directly linked to exposure to porn?

    And who actually believes this law will have any effect on preventing people from accessing porn?

    Just be honest and tell us you think the government should have records of what certain people look at to get off, because it will help them prosecute the bad guys or whatever bullshit

    Good God man. Get a hold of yourself.

    I started to write a response to your full throated defense of unfettered access to porn, but it’s so all over the place I gave up  


    Maybe you should examine why this is so important to you  Maybe give up porn for a month and see if your wife suddenly is more interested in you. 



    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 3
    • Rage+1 1
  9. 19 hours ago, shadow_operative2.0 said:


    Venus gets Greet Minnen now. 


    I'll post the thread tomorrow. 

    Too bad. Back injury this young is not good. 

    Wrist injury might be worse though. Jack Sock retires after dealing with wrist problems for years. Going to pickleball evidently.  


  10. 10 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Since this law is not yet in effect, do your kids currently have unfettered access to porn with zero hoops to jump through? As their parent, if it’s important to you to restrict that (which it should be), then you have plenty of options available.


    Already been asked and answered. 

    10 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Also, I hate to break it to you, but if teenagers want to look at porn, they’re going to look at porn.

    If teenagers want to (fill in the blank), they’re going to (fill in the blank). 

    Anyway, get your Freedom faps in now gentlemen. 7 days and counting.


  11. 50 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    I’ll give them my ID, then once a month I’ll search “respectful, missionary position, mature, using condoms, etc.”

    But I’ll use a VPN when I’m actually watching the good stuff.

    That way I’ll look like a gotdamn saint whenever someone inevitably figures out how to link IDs to what was watched. 

    Or you can just go to the adult video megaplex. I think this law was written by Big Brick and Mortar Porn.  

    • Haha 4
  12. 3 minutes ago, Da Fino said:

    I obviously don’t know how it works where he is being booked, so don’t take this as any sort of evidence. The last time I was locked up, they asked me for my height and weight. It’s not always like a doctor’s visit. 

    What about the other times?

    I think they’ll try to shame him however possible. They’ll put him on the scale. 

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