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Certifiably Surly
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KYHorn last won the day on August 21 2023

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13836 Surly 1%

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  1. Some direct NATO vs Russia action: BREAKING: A NATO state has started shooting down Russian drones over Ukrainian airspace. A new video shows Romanian Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns shooting down Russian suicide drones across the river separating Romania from Ukraine near Izmail. Romania was forced to take action after at least 1 suicide drone hit 11 km deep into its territory and additional drones were flying their way. 🇷🇴🇺🇦
  2. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in China The website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry published a report saying that Kuleba allegedly said during a meeting in Guangzhou with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that Kyiv is ready for negotiations with Moscow, but they should be rational and peace-oriented. The publication on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry also says that Kuleba said that Ukraine allegedly supports China's position on Taiwan and will adhere to the "one China" principle. It should be noted that Taiwan has been providing aid to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion, and Ukrainian officials visited the island in 2022. Kyiv has not yet commented on this message, and the video with excerpts of the ministerial meeting, which is publicly available, does not contain any such statements by the Ukrainian minister. This morning in Moscow, Andrei Torgashov, Deputy Chief of the 89th Satellite Communications Center of the Russian Armed Forces, was blown up in his Toyota Land Cruiser. The explosion occurred in a parking lot on Sinyavinskaya Street. Torgashov's legs were torn off. The cause of the car explosion was the detonation of an explosive device.
  3. Agreed on the above points. It's a silly justification but practically speaking, if it's an argument that helps bring more from that demographic to the good side, then that's fine by me. A rare event was captured on video by the 30th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, showing a sniper duel between a Ukrainian and a Russian sniper in the Bakhmut direction. The Russian sniper nearly hit the Ukrainian soldier from a distance of 1240 meters, but the Ukrainian sniper emerged victorious, sending his opponent to hell on the second attempt.
  4. I've known a few black people named Nevaeh (note: heaven backward). This is how they pronounced it as well
  5. Maybe Elon is helping Ukraine with space flight?
  6. Maybe I should blame Chrome or Crowd strike or something else, but the site seems to be acting differently today. The page is reloading randomly, and when I leave the page and then return, it often reloads. This also deletes anything that was saved when editing a post and sometimes the content written into a draft post. Seems to be mostly happening on the Ukraine thread (haven't been able to replicate it elsewhere).
  7. Wow. This guy is digging his own grave deeper and deeper as he continues to speak. That policy didn't last as long as lettuce WE ARE BACK ON AND ALLOWING STRIKES WITHIN RUSSIA WITH STORM SHADOWS AGAIN 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 UK Defense Secretary John Healey clarified that Ukraine is permitted to use UK-provided weapons to strike military targets in Russia, countering previous reports that UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles could not be used for strikes within Russia
  8. KYHorn

    RIP Chuy's

    Someone on Surly or Shag posted the recipe for the jalapeno ranch dip and I truly haven't been back to Chuy's since then because we can just make the best part at home.
  9. Any recs on hikes and or sights in Pisgah? Going there next week.
  10. This is why it is so important to have at least one FPV strike group for each battalion. Fighters of the 63rd brigade were almost surrounded during an unequal battle with the enemy. Fortunately, drone operators reached the fighters in time. Not every battalion has such a luxury... When you see donations being collected for drones, please remember this video and make a small contribution to save more soldiers.
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