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Burnt Ends
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About Etexhorn13

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  1. Fuck yeah dude, that’s what I was looking for. Solid.
  2. Appreciate the responses. I’m usually fine to just let HEB cook but the last non cheese stuffed japs I got left a bad taste in my mouth
  3. So yes cheese or no cheese? I don’t doubt they’ll be better than the sausage stuffed ones but my Cajun wife is a little skeptical. The brisket ones kick all kinds of ass though. They didn’t have them at my heb today
  4. Anyone gotten the boudin stuffed jalapeno poppers? I once bought the sausage stuffed ones by mistake and will not be buying those again. I feel like the boudin ones could use a little cheese so I’m thinking about shoving a piece of cheddar in each. If you’ve gotten them before and don’t think it’s needs it let me know.
  5. Without having to go back through, can anyone give me anywhere worth hitting while I’m driving from Laredo to Houston? Will be spending a night in Laredo, Victoria, and Sinton if there’s anything in those towns particularly.
  6. That’s a pretty sweeping generalization that I would challenge. I’m 33 and have been visiting shag/surly since I was in college. Purely anecdotal, but I have several younger cousins/in laws that at least lurk on their respective teams’ message boards if not actively post. Like fresh out of college age. At least for football stuff, football nerds will find other football nerds. That and reddit is a real bitch to navigate.
  7. Probably going to be really low key since 1.5 and 3.5 year old kids aren’t conducive to Super Bowl parties, so I’m thinking Philly cheesesteaks for the wife and me should work. If we have people over I’ll throw some pulled pork sliders in the mix for KC
  8. I was planning to buy a new car for my wife sometime this year. Does anyone have any idea how these tariffs may affect pricing in the next several months?
  9. Met a friend at Brisket & Rice Friday. Brisket was kinda dry this time - I’m a little curious if they’re dealing with any issues upping quantity after all their recent press. Anyway, I like supporting family restaurants, but once they move to their new location they’ll be far enough that i’ll just stick to Truth or Pinkertons anyway.
  10. Hi guys. Former Mavs fan living in Houston. I’m here to party.
  11. About 10 years ago I moved to Houston. Having been a lifelong Dallas sports fan, there was some difficulty. The rangers were the first to go, since the Astros were winning and I actually went to games fairly frequently. This past season, the cowboys were cut off the list, as I’m sure they were for many cowboys fan. I’ll always love Dirk and remember that run, but this is probably the clean break I need to get the Mavs out of my life. So long Dallas, go fuck yourself.
  12. I was too busy trying to remember Cleve Bryant’s old nickname
  13. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/sports/ravens-nfl/justin-tucker-massage-GLV2V5G6UZBZJIGXDUQVL4QG7U/ I don’t see this ending well for him.
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