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Burnt Ends
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About Etexhorn13

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  1. How difficult would it be to remove the escrow payments from my mortgage and instead put that money in say a Merrill Lynch account that I use to pay off my taxes once a year so I can at least get some interest that money.
  2. At least Mo Bamba will always have a rap song named after him.
  3. I am not above wishing a torn ligament or broken leg on specific opponents. In fact, I’ve been known to actively root for those things. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Uh, you forgetting last year?
  5. Solid choice in the green accent wall… had the same color in the nursery/baby room for both of my guys. I am irrationally proud that my 2.5 year old’s favorite shirt is currently his “go horns” shirt. I taught him how to do the hook em a little while back and he’s finally able to get his fingers to do it right. Multiple times a day he will just throw up a hook em and yell “go hooor-wuns!”. I just missed it in the picture, but he did it while riding his horsie like it was south Austin’s mom.
  6. Pretty sure I bought this at that Heights farmers market a while back and can confirm this shit is delicious.
  7. https://mygoodstream.pw/channels/vip2.html?id=eyJjdCI6Imhvb0U5Vmw1dFNwVlZubHovSThldHV0ckxmdE9YK3NraUhIT2pWZlNnQ0twMDMvd0kvbVQwdVp2ZFVLRjdJMGhYMVczMkNPYUI4Z1U4Q1E0RnEyZDJGOUZYTkRwVktIei8wZkJtcFBiZ0wrZ3FGSEdVVjRoRklMN1Z0aloydHFJQ0ZwYmVGOG5NUWkzQXpTYUZqZHNqTHJ5eC9zamJQOVhzcENwOGFldnM1cVNzdlJlL1JtRlRFWlZOdG1SQWVGS1ppc3c3MWFudmVwbmJFa2RDbnRER3J0ZUNRMEhRZm1JSVlmMVFTTHBRZHI1QTFGSVladGp1SnBjaE0wcURuOG1FUkJHZG5jWkZkT0lTazk1cXZoeWdyTUc0WFpLYk9ldnplK0NrK2hpQUdPUlFpZlZxK2djY0ZWUU9kMTk2ckFCN3B1cWxNNUptZENlbENRVy9jNzYzNHNCdFZMRDBGYVpCRUhxTHJrSDNjWHdvYU9PMEkwZkJyUXhkU1FXUENTcUQ1RHdhNFZMQjNRdlF5Q1lTZFZLZ3hKditOSkZza0d6bW1QRzJERVRBWURmbDc4MDNWR0lCMUtsd3hhclFKdjFHdi9ZZlBFelhNRzc0MkkrVFdaOTdjckIyTEZjWCtmOGpxOW94UFhwcndIQmI3TklzbnkzRSsxK2tuR2prdHl2VHVWSkhmbzVQZjNqSHhYWlh5WW9GZVk5MU1hSnJtUFhPRmRpV01vbC9kRlJmRzdwT1RMeFpBY2RkRy82amdMdmxncTh5SjRhcUZrYkJTeFlyTS93MUE9PSIsIml2IjoiZGZhYzhjZjEwNDFiYzAxY2ZmZWFiM2U3YjMyZDEyOGEiLCJzIjoiZTU3NTgxMjdlNjhkNzQ0MCJ9
  8. The coach from my high school that did this is currently in prison. The girl he went to jail for - totally worth it in the sack.
  9. What is this pollo marinade? What is this pollo marinade?
  10. I am surprised your Lafayette guys don’t hate the shit out of LSU. Obviously not true Ragin Cajuns
  11. Hmm, I guess as good a place to post this as any. I use country style pork ribs for a Puerto Rican pork and beans recipe that I like, and I was curious how these would do if you smoked them. Used a normal pork/rib rub, for about 4 hours at ~250, then put some Craig’s BBQ sauce on. While not something I’ll do on the regular, it was pretty damn tasty, and would be great for a little appetizer or snack type thing. There were a couple pieces that were just a little too fatty, but overall I’m glad I tried it out and could see myself smoking a bunch of them for a game watch party or something, considering how cheap they were.
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