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Everything posted by texashorne

  1. Lol.. but yeah this is where you miss Uncle Mike
  2. I hope we see Dubon every freaking game; as he is our defensive CF when we are trying to preserve a lead in the 9th. And Martinez will pitch when we're up by 6 or more, so I hope we see a lot of him too.
  3. Agree with this.. Astros pitchers have to game plan to keep the ball in the yard..
  4. That why game 1 will be very important.. Maybe we kick off the rust against Tallion and sneak away with the victory.. Or the odds are in our favor because we only scored 1 run in our last 18 innings and water will find its level.
  5. Amazing the confidence we have now in Luis for the rest of the playoffs.. what a performance
  6. Yep. Whatever team that makes it this far will be an epic pain in the ass.
  7. They have the capability to win out. I'll say that much. Something tells me they will fuck it up though
  8. I wish we could leave Dusty off the playoff roster
  9. This is proof Dusty hates us and doesn't want us to have nice things
  10. Oklahoma seems to do pizza well of all things. Hideaway is there I think but the original in Stillwater is much better..
  11. Unless we're up by 5 runs heading into the 8th
  12. This would be awesome, and it indicates there is some depth as well. We didn't have this last season at all.
  13. If you look at the FA outfielders available this offseason then you'll realize how appealing Brantley is.
  14. Go to La Nacional and get the 2 inch rock salt ribeye.
  15. We need to figure out how to get Garcia to pitch 2 innings before the actual game starts.
  16. Self driving cars will give way to self driving RVs. Imagine going to bed and waking up in New Orleans for breakfast.
  17. Do we have a starter announced for Friday? I'm going to assume its Whitley until I hear otherwise.
  18. It was going to stop there every trip. And what were those students going to do in College Station when it did? Hop on the subway to their dorms?
  19. All those guys can get hot for sure, including Pena. Think about the slaps that have been hot in the playoffs and have beat us. Joc Petersen, Adam Eaton, Jorge Soler, Eddie Rosaro.. The list goes on. Its about making the playoffs... how to tell who goes on a heater at that right exact moment is damn near impossible.
  20. I think the random ass stop in College Station killed this project. I was all on board until I heard this dumassery. I'm glad its dead.
  21. Pena still has a higher WAR than Correa and its Aug 23rd. I'm not saying Pena is better, but the difference in performance isn't worth that money.
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