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Everything posted by Seger78

  1. Nashville has a 2-300 cases I think, but they still are having trouble getting tests and convincing people to stay home. It appears that he got it from his wife.
  2. I wonder if it's possible that they're ending up in the ER because the partying and drinking weakened their immune systems.
  3. I'm guessing that after a few weeks of shut down we'll start seeing businesses allowed to reopen but with workers wearing masks, so having masks available will be needed.
  4. From the article https://news.3m.com/blog/3m-stories/ceo-update-3ms-response-covid-19?utm_term=corp-brd-en_us-ba-brand-osm-twt-na-learn-photocard-mar20-na Its N95 Disposable respirator masks, not ventilators but still good
  5. I just googled "Miami". First result for news https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/city-of-miami-to-close-restaurant-dining-rooms-bars-over-coronavirus/2206581/
  6. I've heard from a lot of my coworkers in the field that RNA isolation reagent kits (Qiagen) are becoming hard to get. There are quite a few test and extraction kits/instruments available, but it's a matter of getting them in the lab and the people trained. From what I've seen the majority of labs use a Qiagen platform, so if Qiagen is having trouble keeping up with demand everyone is screwed. Could be time for the lab techs to kick it old school with some manual phenol chloroform extractions.
  7. O'Hare sucks for international arrivals on a good day but now it's one of only 13 airports designated for international arrivals which include extra screening which is a recipe for a monumental shit show
  8. This question comes up every few pages. General consensus is that people are accustomed to buying water for other freakouts, so it's force of habit. Or, that water is so cheap they can't afford not to but it.
  9. Just watched his press conference. Didn't think my opinion of him could get any lower, but I was wrong. Especially liked how our new tests are "perfect, just like the letter, just like the phone call, and just like the transcript, well maybe not as perfect but close". Also not wanting to bring the people off of the cruise ship because it will make our numbers go up.
  10. Can you provide some current data about how many abortions fail these days? Maybe speak to existing laws about how doctors care for babies too. I know that you don't want the government wasting time on passing needless laws.
  11. I'll vote Biden, but was hoping we could find a candidate that wasn't so close to Trump in terms of dementia. At least Biden isn't a criminal and he probably won't surround himself with criminals and white supremacists, so that's a plus.
  12. Is nobody else worried that it appears that Biden's mental decline is just barely outpaced by Trump's? Dementia research material will be the only positive result of those two debating.
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